from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, send_from_directory
from flask_cors import CORS
from utils import is_valid_url, bytes_to_human_readable, encode_episodeid
import os
import json
from threading import Thread
import urllib.parse
from LoadBalancer import LoadBalancer
import logging
app = Flask(__name__)
# Constants and Configuration
CACHE_DIR = os.getenv("CACHE_DIR")
INDEX_FILE = os.getenv("INDEX_FILE")
TOKEN = os.getenv("TOKEN")
REPO = os.getenv("REPO")
load_balancer = LoadBalancer(cache_dir=CACHE_DIR, index_file=INDEX_FILE, token=TOKEN, repo=REPO)
# Start polling in a separate thread
polling_thread = Thread(target=load_balancer.start_polling)
# API Endpoints
', methods=['GET'])
def get_movie_api(title):
"""Endpoint to get the movie by title."""
if not title:
return jsonify({"error": "Title parameter is required"}), 400
# Check if the film is already cached
if title in load_balancer.FILM_STORE:
url = load_balancer.FILM_STORE[title]
return jsonify({"url":url})
movie_path = load_balancer.find_movie_path(title)
if not movie_path:
return jsonify({"error": "Movie not found"}), 404
# Start the download in a instance
response = load_balancer.download_film_to_best_instance(title=title)
if response:
return jsonify(response)
@app.route('/api/tv///', methods=['GET'])
def get_tv_show_api(title, season, episode):
"""Endpoint to get the TV show by title, season, and episode."""
if not title or not season or not episode:
return jsonify({"error": "Title, season, and episode parameters are required"}), 400
# Check if the episode is already cached
if title in load_balancer.TV_STORE and season in load_balancer.TV_STORE[title]:
for ep in load_balancer.TV_STORE[title][season]:
if episode in ep:
url = load_balancer.TV_STORE[title][season][ep]
return jsonify({"url":url})
tv_path = load_balancer.find_tv_path(title)
if not tv_path:
return jsonify({"error": "TV show not found"}), 404
episode_path = None
for directory in load_balancer.file_structure:
if directory['type'] == 'directory' and directory['path'] == 'tv':
for sub_directory in directory['contents']:
if sub_directory['type'] == 'directory' and title.lower() in sub_directory['path'].lower():
for season_dir in sub_directory['contents']:
if season_dir['type'] == 'directory' and season in season_dir['path']:
for episode_file in season_dir['contents']:
if episode_file['type'] == 'file' and episode in episode_file['path']:
episode_path = episode_file['path']
if not episode_path:
return jsonify({"error": "Episode not found"}), 404
# Start the download in a instance
response = load_balancer.download_episode_to_best_instance(title=title, season=season, episode=episode)
if response:
return jsonify(response)
@app.route('/api/filmid/', methods=['GET'])
def get_film_id_by_title_api(title):
"""Endpoint to get the film ID by providing the movie title."""
if not title:
return jsonify({"error": "Title parameter is required"}), 400
film_id = load_balancer.get_film_id(title)
return jsonify({"film_id": film_id})
@app.route('/api/episodeid///', methods=['GET'])
def get_episode_id_api(title,season,episode):
"""Endpoint to get the episode ID by providing the TV show title, season, and episode."""
if not title or not season or not episode:
return jsonify({"error": "Title, season, and episode parameters are required"}), 400
episode_id = encode_episodeid(title,season,episode)
return jsonify({"episode_id": episode_id})
@app.route('/api/cache/size', methods=['GET'])
def get_cache_size_api():
total_size = 0
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(CACHE_DIR):
for f in filenames:
fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
total_size += os.path.getsize(fp)
readable_size = bytes_to_human_readable(total_size)
return jsonify({"cache_size": readable_size})
@app.route('/api/cache/clear', methods=['POST'])
def clear_cache_api():
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(CACHE_DIR):
for f in filenames:
fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
return jsonify({"status": "Cache cleared"})
@app.route('/api/tv/store', methods=['GET'])
def get_tv_store_api():
"""Endpoint to get the TV store JSON."""
return jsonify(load_balancer.TV_STORE)
@app.route('/api/film/store', methods=['GET'])
def get_film_store_api():
"""Endpoint to get the film store JSON."""
return jsonify(load_balancer.FILM_STORE)
@app.route('/api/film/metadata/', methods=['GET'])
def get_film_metadata_api(title):
"""Endpoint to get the film metadata by title."""
if not title:
return jsonify({'error': 'No title provided'}), 400
json_cache_path = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, f"{urllib.parse.quote(title)}.json")
if os.path.exists(json_cache_path):
with open(json_cache_path, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
return jsonify(data)
return jsonify({'error': 'Metadata not found'}), 404
@app.route('/api/tv/metadata/', methods=['GET'])
def get_tv_metadata_api(title):
"""Endpoint to get the TV show metadata by title."""
if not title:
return jsonify({'error': 'No title provided'}), 400
json_cache_path = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, f"{urllib.parse.quote(title)}.json")
if os.path.exists(json_cache_path):
with open(json_cache_path, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Add the file structure to the metadata
tv_structure_data = load_balancer.get_tv_structure(title)
if tv_structure_data:
data['file_structure'] = tv_structure_data
return jsonify(data)
return jsonify({'error': 'Metadata not found'}), 404
def get_all_films_api():
return load_balancer.get_all_films()
def get_all_tvshows_api():
return load_balancer.get_all_tv_shows()
def get_instances():
return load_balancer.instances
def get_instances_health():
return load_balancer.instances_health
# This API is only for instances
@app.route('/api/register', methods=['POST'])
def register_instance():
data = request.json
if not data or "url" not in data:
return jsonify({"error": "No URL provided"}), 400
url = data["url"]
if not is_valid_url(url):
return jsonify({"error": "Invalid URL"}), 400
# Register the instance
load_balancer.register_instance(url)"Instance registered: {url}")
return jsonify({"message": f"Instance {url} registered successfully"}), 200
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error registering instance: {e}")
return jsonify({"error": "Failed to register instance"}), 500
# Routes
def index():
return f"Load Balancer is Running {load_balancer.version}"
# Main entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=7860)