from math import ceil, floor import streamlit.components.v1 as components from transformers import ( AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer, ) import streamlit as st import sys import os import json from urllib.parse import quote # Allow direct execution sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'src')) # noqa from predict import SegmentationArguments, ClassifierArguments, predict as pred, seconds_to_time # noqa from evaluate import EvaluationArguments from shared import device st.set_page_config( page_title="SponsorBlock ML", page_icon="🤖", # layout='wide', # initial_sidebar_state="expanded", menu_items={ 'Get Help': '', 'Report a bug': '', # 'About': "# This is a header. This is an *extremely* cool app!" } ) MODEL_PATH = 'Xenova/sponsorblock-small_v2022.01.19' @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def persistdata(): return {} # Faster caching system for predictions (No need to hash) predictions_cache = persistdata() @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_predict(): # Use default segmentation and classification arguments evaluation_args = EvaluationArguments(model_path=MODEL_PATH) segmentation_args = SegmentationArguments() classifier_args = ClassifierArguments() model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(evaluation_args.model_path) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(evaluation_args.model_path) def predict_function(video_id): if video_id not in predictions_cache: predictions_cache[video_id] = pred( video_id, model, tokenizer, segmentation_args=segmentation_args, classifier_args=classifier_args ) return predictions_cache[video_id] return predict_function CATGEGORY_OPTIONS = { 'SPONSOR': 'Sponsor', 'SELFPROMO': 'Self/unpaid promo', 'INTERACTION': 'Interaction reminder', } # Load prediction function predict = load_predict() def main(): # Display heading and subheading st.write('# SponsorBlock ML') st.write('##### Automatically detect in-video YouTube sponsorships, self/unpaid promotions, and interaction reminders.') # Load widgets video_id = st.text_input('Video ID:', placeholder='e.g., axtQvkSpoto') categories = st.multiselect('Categories:', CATGEGORY_OPTIONS.keys(), CATGEGORY_OPTIONS.keys(), format_func=CATGEGORY_OPTIONS.get ) # Hide segments with a confidence lower than confidence_threshold = st.slider( 'Confidence Threshold (%):', min_value=0, max_value=100) video_id_length = len(video_id) if video_id_length == 0: return elif video_id_length != 11: st.exception(ValueError('Invalid YouTube ID')) return with st.spinner('Running model...'): predictions = predict(video_id) if len(predictions) == 0: st.success('No segments found!') return submit_segments = [] for index, prediction in enumerate(predictions, start=1): if prediction['category'] not in categories: continue # Skip confidence = prediction['probability'] * 100 if confidence < confidence_threshold: continue submit_segments.append({ 'segment': [prediction['start'], prediction['end']], 'category': prediction['category'].lower(), 'actionType': 'skip' }) start_time = seconds_to_time(prediction['start']) end_time = seconds_to_time(prediction['end']) with st.expander( f"[{prediction['category']}] Prediction #{index} ({start_time} \u2192 {end_time})" ): url = f"{video_id}?&start={floor(prediction['start'])}&end={ceil(prediction['end'])}" # autoplay=1controls=0&&modestbranding=1&fs=0 # , width=None, height=None, scrolling=False components.iframe(url, width=670, height=376) text = ' '.join(w['text'] for w in prediction['words']) st.write(f"**Times:** {start_time} \u2192 {end_time}") st.write( f"**Category:** {CATGEGORY_OPTIONS[prediction['category']]}") st.write(f"**Confidence:** {confidence:.2f}%") st.write(f'**Text:** "{text}"') json_data = quote(json.dumps(submit_segments)) link = f'[Submit Segments]({video_id}#segments={json_data})' st.markdown(link, unsafe_allow_html=True) if __name__ == '__main__': main()