""" This code is based on the gradio-i18n==0.0.10 project by hoveychen. Original source: https://github.com/hoveychen/gradio-i18n Modifications: When loading the app, force language switching and reload translations. """ import functools import inspect import json import os from contextlib import contextmanager import gradio as gr import yaml from gradio.blocks import Block, BlockContext, Context, LocalContext # Monkey patch to escape I18nString type being stripped in gradio.Markdown def escape_caller(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if args and isinstance(args[0], I18nString): return I18nString(func(*args, **kwargs)) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper inspect.cleandoc = escape_caller(inspect.cleandoc) class TranslateContext: dictionary: dict = {} def add_translation(translation: dict): for k, v in translation.items(): if k not in TranslateContext.dictionary: TranslateContext.dictionary[k] = {} TranslateContext.dictionary[k].update(v) lang_per_session = {} def get_lang_from_request(request: gr.Request): lang = request.headers["Accept-Language"].split(",")[0].split("-")[0].lower() if not lang: return "en" return lang class I18nString(str): def __new__(cls, value): request: gr.Request = LocalContext.request.get() if request is None: return super().__new__(cls, value) lang = TranslateContext.lang_per_session.get(request.session_hash, "en") result = TranslateContext.dictionary.get(lang, {}).get(value, value) return result def __str__(self): request: gr.Request = LocalContext.request.get() if request is None: return self lang = TranslateContext.lang_per_session.get(request.session_hash, "en") result = TranslateContext.dictionary.get(lang, {}).get(self, super().__str__()) return result def __add__(self, other): v = str(self) if isinstance(v, I18nString): return super().__add__(other) return v.__add__(other) def __radd__(self, other): v = str(self) if isinstance(v, I18nString): return other.__add__(other) return other.__add__(v) def __hash__(self) -> int: return super().__hash__() def format(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str: v = str(self) if isinstance(v, I18nString): return super().format(*args, **kwargs) return v.format(*args, **kwargs) def unwrap(self): return super().__str__() @staticmethod def unwrap_string(obj): if isinstance(obj, I18nString): return obj.unwrap() return obj def gettext(key: str): """Wrapper text string to return I18nString :param key: The key of the I18nString """ return I18nString(key) def iter_i18n_choices(choices): """Iterate all I18nStrings in the choice, returns the indices of the I18nStrings""" if not isinstance(choices, list) or len(choices) == 0: return if isinstance(choices[0], tuple): for i, (k, v) in enumerate(choices): if isinstance(k, I18nString): yield i else: for i, v in enumerate(choices): if isinstance(v, I18nString): yield i def iter_i18n_fields(component: gr.components.Component): """Iterate all I18nStrings in the component""" for name, value in inspect.getmembers(component): if name == "value" and hasattr(component, "choices"): # for those components with choices, the value will be kept as is continue if isinstance(value, I18nString): yield name elif name == "choices" and any(iter_i18n_choices(value)): yield name def iter_i18n_components(block: Block): """Iterate all I18nStrings in the block""" if isinstance(block, BlockContext): for component in block.children: for c in iter_i18n_components(component): yield c if any(iter_i18n_fields(block)): yield block def has_new_i18n_fields(block: Block, langs=["en"], existing_translation={}): """Check if there are new I18nStrings in the block :param block: The block to check :param langs: The languages to check :param existing_translation: The existing translation dictionary :return: True if there are new I18nStrings, False otherwise """ components = list(iter_i18n_components(block)) for lang in langs: for component in components: for field in iter_i18n_fields(component): if field == "choices": for idx in iter_i18n_choices(component.choices): if isinstance(component.choices[idx], tuple): value = component.choices[idx][0] else: value = component.choices[idx] if value not in existing_translation.get(lang, {}): return True else: value = getattr(component, field) if value not in existing_translation.get(lang, {}): return True return False def dump_blocks(block: Block, langs=["en"], include_translations={}): """Dump all I18nStrings in the block to a dictionary :param block: The block to dump :param langs: The languages to dump :param include_translations: The existing translation dictionary :return: The dumped dictionary """ components = list(iter_i18n_components(block)) def translate(lang, key): return include_translations.get(lang, {}).get(key, key) ret = {} for lang in langs: ret[lang] = {} for component in components: for field in iter_i18n_fields(component): if field == "choices": for idx in iter_i18n_choices(component.choices): if isinstance(component.choices[idx], tuple): value = component.choices[idx][0] else: value = component.choices[idx] value = I18nString.unwrap_string(value) ret[lang][value] = translate(lang, value) else: value = getattr(component, field) value = I18nString.unwrap_string(value) ret[lang][value] = translate(lang, value) return ret def translate_blocks( block: gr.Blocks = None, translation={}, lang: gr.components.Component = None ): """Translate all I18nStrings in the block :param block: The block to translate, default is the root block :param translation: The translation dictionary :param lang: The language component to change the language """ if block is None: block = Context.root_block """Translate all I18nStrings in the block""" if not isinstance(block, gr.Blocks): raise ValueError("block must be an instance of gradio.Blocks") components = list(iter_i18n_components(block)) TranslateContext.add_translation(translation) def on_load(request: gr.Request): lang = get_lang_from_request(request) if lang not in translation.keys(): lang = "en" return lang def on_lang_change(request: gr.Request, lang: str): TranslateContext.lang_per_session[request.session_hash] = lang outputs = [] for component in components: fields = list(iter_i18n_fields(component)) if component == lang and "value" in fields: raise ValueError("'lang' component can't has I18nStrings as value") modified = {} for field in fields: if field == "choices": choices = component.choices.copy() for idx in iter_i18n_choices(choices): if isinstance(choices[idx], tuple): k, v = choices[idx] choices[idx] = (str(k), I18nString.unwrap_string(v)) else: v = choices[idx] choices[idx] = (str(v), I18nString.unwrap_string(v)) modified[field] = choices else: modified[field] = str(getattr(component, field)) new_comp = gr.update(**modified) outputs.append(new_comp) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] return outputs if lang is None: lang = gr.State() block.load(on_load, outputs=[lang]).then(on_lang_change, inputs=[lang], outputs=components) lang.change(on_lang_change, inputs=[lang], outputs=components) @contextmanager def Translate(translation, lang: gr.components.Component = None, placeholder_langs=[]): """Translate all I18nStrings in the block :param translation: The translation dictionary or file path :param lang: The language component to change the language :param placeholder_langs: The placeholder languages to create a new translation file if translation is a file path :return: The language component """ if lang is None: lang = gr.State() yield lang if isinstance(translation, dict): # Static translation translation_dict = translation pass elif isinstance(translation, str): if os.path.exists(translation): # Regard as a file path with open(translation, "r") as f: if translation.endswith(".json"): translation_dict = json.load(f) elif translation.endswith(".yaml"): translation_dict = yaml.safe_load(f) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported file format") else: translation_dict = {} else: raise ValueError("Unsupported translation type") block = Context.block translate_blocks(block=block, translation=translation_dict, lang=lang) if ( placeholder_langs and isinstance(translation, str) and has_new_i18n_fields( block, langs=placeholder_langs, existing_translation=translation_dict ) ): merged = dump_blocks( block, langs=placeholder_langs, include_translations=translation_dict ) with open(translation, "w") as f: if translation.endswith(".json"): json.dump(merged, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) elif translation.endswith(".yaml"): yaml.dump(merged, f, allow_unicode=True, sort_keys=False)