import os from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu from nltk.translate.bleu_score import SmoothingFunction import pickle import torch import numpy as np import itertools import inspect import copy from hparams import hparams as hp from eval_metrics import evaluate_metrics from eval_metrics import evaluate_metrics_from_lists from eval_metrics import combine_single_and_per_file_metrics import pandas as pd import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import heapq from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec def get_file_list(filepath, file_extension, recursive=True): ''' @:param filepath: a string of directory @:param file_extension: a string of list of strings of the file extension wanted, format in, for example, '.xml', with the ".". @:return A list of all directories of files in given extension in given filepath. If recursive is True,search the directory recursively. ''' pathlist = [] if recursive: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filepath): for file in files: if type(file_extension) is list: for exten in file_extension: if file.endswith(exten): pathlist.append(os.path.join(root, file)) elif type(file_extension) is str: if file.endswith(file_extension): pathlist.append(os.path.join(root, file)) else: files = os.listdir(filepath) for file in files: if type(file_extension) is list: for exten in file_extension: if file.endswith(exten): pathlist.append(os.path.join(filepath, file)) elif type(file_extension) is str: if file.endswith(file_extension): pathlist.append(os.path.join(filepath, file)) if len(pathlist) == 0: print('Wrong or empty directory') raise FileNotFoundError return pathlist def get_word_dict(word_dict_pickle_path, offset=0, reverse=False): word_dict_pickle = pickle.load(open(word_dict_pickle_path, 'rb')) word_dict = {} for i in range(0 + offset, len(word_dict_pickle) + offset): if reverse: word_dict[word_dict_pickle[i]] = i else: word_dict[i] = word_dict_pickle[i] return word_dict def ind_to_str(sentence_ind, special_token, word_dict): sentence_str = [] for s in sentence_ind: if word_dict[s] not in special_token: sentence_str.append(word_dict[s]) return sentence_str def gen_str(output_batch,word_dict_pickle_path): word_dict = get_word_dict(word_dict_pickle_path) word_dict[len(word_dict)] = '' special_token = ['', '', ''] output_str = [ind_to_str(o, special_token, word_dict) for o in output_batch] output_str = [' '.join(o) for o in output_str] return output_str def get_eval(output_batch, ref_batch, word_dict_pickle_path): word_dict = get_word_dict(word_dict_pickle_path) word_dict[len(word_dict)] = '' special_token = ['', '', ''] output_str = [ind_to_str(o, special_token, word_dict) for o in output_batch] ref_str = [[ind_to_str(r, special_token, word_dict) for r in ref] for ref in ref_batch] output_str = [' '.join(o) for o in output_str] ref_str = [[' '.join(r) for r in ref] for ref in ref_str] return output_str, ref_str def calculate_bleu(output, ref, word_dict_pickle_path, multi_ref=False): word_dict = get_word_dict(word_dict_pickle_path) word_dict[len(word_dict)] = '' special_token = ['', '', ''] output_str = ind_to_str(output, special_token, word_dict) if multi_ref: ref_str = [ind_to_str(r, special_token, word_dict) for r in ref] else: ref_str = [ind_to_str(ref, special_token, word_dict)] gram_weights = [] max_gram = 4 for gram in range(1, max_gram + 1): weights = [0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(gram): weights[i] = 1 / gram weights = tuple(weights) gram_weights.append(weights) score_list = [] for weights in gram_weights: score = sentence_bleu(ref_str, output_str, weights=weights) score_list.append(score) return score_list, output_str, ref_str def calculate_spider(output_batch, ref_batch, word_dict_pickle_path): word_dict = get_word_dict(word_dict_pickle_path) word_dict[len(word_dict)] = '' special_token = ['', '', ''] output_str = [ind_to_str(o, special_token, word_dict) for o in output_batch] ref_str = [[ind_to_str(r, special_token, word_dict) for r in ref] for ref in ref_batch] output_str = [' '.join(o) for o in output_str] ref_str = [[' '.join(r) for r in ref] for ref in ref_str] metrics, per_file_metrics = evaluate_metrics_from_lists(output_str, ref_str) score = metrics['SPIDEr'] return score, output_str, ref_str def greedy_decode(model, src, max_len, start_symbol_ind=0): device = src.device # src:(batch_size,T_in,feature_dim) batch_size = src.size()[0] # memory = model.cnn(src) memory = model.encode(src) ys = torch.ones(batch_size, 1).fill_(start_symbol_ind).long().to(device) # ys_0: (batch_size,T_pred=1) for i in range(max_len - 1): # ys_i:(batch_size, T_pred=i+1) target_mask = model.generate_square_subsequent_mask(ys.size()[1]).to(device) out = model.decode(memory, ys, target_mask=target_mask) # (T_out, batch_size, nhid) prob = model.generator(out[-1, :]) # (T_-1, batch_size, nhid) next_word = torch.argmax(prob, dim=1) # (batch_size) next_word = next_word.unsqueeze(1) ys =[ys, next_word], dim=1) # ys_i+1: (batch_size,T_pred=i+2) return ys class Beam: """ The beam class for handling beam search. partly adapted from There are some place which needs improvement: 1. The prev_beam should be separated as prev_beam and beam_score. The prev_beam should be a tensor and beam_score should be a numpy array, such that the beam advance() method could speeds up. 2. Do not support advance function like length penalty. 3. If the beam is done searching, it could quit from further computation. In here, an eos is simply appended and still go through the model in next iteration. """ def __init__(self, beam_size, device, start_symbol_ind, end_symbol_ind): self.device = device self.beam_size = beam_size self.prev_beam = [[torch.ones(1).fill_(start_symbol_ind).long().to(device), 0]] self.start_symbol_ind = start_symbol_ind self.end_symbol_ind = end_symbol_ind self.eos_top = False self.finished = [] self.first_time = True def advance(self, word_probs, first_time): # word_probs: (beam_size, ntoken) or (1, ntoken) for the first time. if self.done(): # if current beam is done, just add eos to the beam. for b in self.prev_beam: b[0] =[b[0], torch.tensor(self.end_symbol_ind).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)]) return # in first time, the beam need not to align with each index. if first_time: # word_probs:(1, ntoken) score, index = word_probs.squeeze(0).topk(self.beam_size, 0, True, True) # get the initial topk self.prev_beam = [] for s, ind in zip(score, index): # initialize each beam self.prev_beam.append([torch.tensor([self.start_symbol_ind, ind]).long().to(self.device), s.item()]) self.prev_beam = self.sort_beam(self.prev_beam) else: # word_probs:(beam_size, ntoken) score, index = word_probs.topk(self.beam_size, 1, True, True) # get topk current_beam = [[b[0].clone().detach(), b[1]] for b in self.prev_beam for i in range(self.beam_size)] # repeat each beam beam_size times for global score comparison, need to detach each tensor copied. i = 0 for score_beam, index_beam in zip(score, index): # get topk scores and corresponding index for each beam for s, ind in zip(score_beam, index_beam): current_beam[i][0] =[current_beam[i][0], ind.unsqueeze(0)]) # append current index to beam current_beam[i][1] += s.item() # add the score i += 1 current_beam = self.sort_beam(current_beam) # sort current beam if current_beam[0][0][-1] == self.end_symbol_ind: # check if the top beam ends with eos self.eos_top = True # check for eos node and added them to finished beam list. # In the end, delete those nodes and do not let them have child note. delete_beam_index = [] for i in range(len(current_beam)): if current_beam[i][0][-1] == self.end_symbol_ind: delete_beam_index.append(i) for i in sorted(delete_beam_index, reverse=True): self.finished.append(current_beam[i]) del current_beam[i] self.prev_beam = current_beam[:self.beam_size] # get top beam_size beam # print(self.prev_beam) def done(self): # check if current beam is done searching return self.eos_top and len(self.finished) >= 1 def get_current_state(self): # get current beams # print(self.prev_beam) return torch.stack([b[0] for b in self.prev_beam]) def get_output(self): if len(self.finished) > 0: # sort the finished beam and return the sentence with the highest score. self.finished = self.sort_beam(self.finished) return self.finished[0][0] else: self.prev_beam = self.sort_beam(self.prev_beam) return self.prev_beam[0][0] def sort_beam(self, beam): # sort the beam according to the score return sorted(beam, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) def beam_search(model, src, max_len=30, start_symbol_ind=0, end_symbol_ind=9, beam_size=1): device = src.device # src:(batch_size,T_in,feature_dim) batch_size = src.size()[0] # print('---------------') # print(src.size()) memory = model.encode(src) # memory:(T_mem,batch_size,nhid) # ys = torch.ones(batch_size, 1).fill_(start_symbol_ind).long().to(device) # ys_0: (batch_size,T_pred=1) first_time = True beam = [Beam(beam_size, device, start_symbol_ind, end_symbol_ind) for _ in range(batch_size)] # a batch of beams for i in range(max_len): # end if all beams are done, or exceeds max length if all((b.done() for b in beam)): break # get current input ys =[b.get_current_state() for b in beam], dim=0).to(device).requires_grad_(False) # get input mask target_mask = model.generate_square_subsequent_mask(ys.size()[1]).to(device) out = model.decode(memory, ys, target_mask=target_mask) # (T_out, batch_size, ntoken) for first time, # (T_out, batch_size*beam_size, ntoken) in other times out = F.log_softmax(out[-1, :], dim=-1) # (batch_size, ntoken) for first time, # (batch_size*beam_size, ntoken) in other times beam_batch = 1 if first_time else beam_size # in the first run, a slice of 1 should be taken for each beam, # later, a slice of [beam_size] need to be taken for each beam. for j, b in enumerate(beam): b.advance(out[j * beam_batch:(j + 1) * beam_batch, :], first_time) # update each beam if first_time: first_time = False # reset the flag # after the first run, the beam expands, so the memory needs to expands too. memory = memory.repeat_interleave(beam_size, dim=1) output = [b.get_output() for b in beam] return output def get_padding(tgt, tgt_len): # tgt: (batch_size, max_len) device = tgt.device batch_size = tgt.size()[0] max_len = tgt.size()[1] mask = torch.zeros(tgt.size()).type_as(tgt).to(device) for i in range(batch_size): d = tgt[i] num_pad = max_len-int(tgt_len[i].item()) mask[i][max_len - num_pad:] = 1 # tgt[i][max_len - num_pad:] = pad_idx # mask:(batch_size,max_len) mask = mask.float().masked_fill(mask == 1, True).masked_fill(mask == 0, False).bool() return mask def print_hparams(hp): attributes = inspect.getmembers(hp, lambda a: not (inspect.isroutine(a))) return dict([a for a in attributes if not (a[0].startswith('__') and a[0].endswith('__'))]) def flatten_list(l): return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] def find_item(data, key, query, item): """ Search the query in key and take out the corresponding item. :param data: :param key: :param query: :param item: :return: """ return data[data[key] == query][item].iloc[0] # # When smoothing=0.0, the output is almost the same as nn.CrossEntropyLoss class LabelSmoothingLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, classes, smoothing=0.0, dim=-1, ignore_index=None): super(LabelSmoothingLoss, self).__init__() self.confidence = 1.0 - smoothing self.smoothing = smoothing self.cls = classes self.dim = dim self.ignore_index = ignore_index def forward(self, pred, target): pred = pred.log_softmax(dim=self.dim) with torch.no_grad(): # true_dist = true_dist = torch.zeros_like(pred) true_dist.fill_(self.smoothing / (self.cls - 1)) true_dist.scatter_(1,, self.confidence) if self.ignore_index: true_dist[:, self.ignore_index] = 0 mask = torch.nonzero( == self.ignore_index) if mask.dim() > 0: true_dist.index_fill_(0, mask.squeeze(), 0.0) return torch.mean(torch.sum(-true_dist * pred, dim=self.dim)) def align_word_embedding(word_dict_pickle_path, w2v_model_path, ntoken, nhid): word_dict = get_word_dict(word_dict_pickle_path) model = Word2Vec.load(w2v_model_path) word_emb = torch.zeros((ntoken, nhid)).float() word_emb.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1) w2v_vocab = [k for k in model.wv.vocab.keys()] for i in range(len(word_dict)): word = word_dict[i] if word in w2v_vocab: w2v_vector = model.wv[word] word_emb[i] = torch.tensor(w2v_vector).float() return word_emb if __name__ == '__main__': print('util')