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from fastapi import Body
from configs import logger, log_verbose, LLM_MODELS, HTTPX_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
from server.utils import (BaseResponse, fschat_controller_address, list_config_llm_models,
get_httpx_client, get_model_worker_config)
from typing import List
def list_running_models(
controller_address: str = Body(None, description="Fastchat controller服务器地址", examples=[fschat_controller_address()]),
placeholder: str = Body(None, description="该参数未使用,占位用"),
) -> BaseResponse:
从fastchat controller获取已加载模型列表及其配置项
controller_address = controller_address or fschat_controller_address()
with get_httpx_client() as client:
r = + "/list_models")
models = r.json()["models"]
data = {m: get_model_config(m).data for m in models}
return BaseResponse(data=data)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}',
exc_info=e if log_verbose else None)
return BaseResponse(
msg=f"failed to get available models from controller: {controller_address}。错误信息是: {e}")
def list_config_models(
types: List[str] = Body(["local", "online"], description="模型配置项类别,如local, online, worker"),
placeholder: str = Body(None, description="占位用,无实际效果")
) -> BaseResponse:
data = {}
for type, models in list_config_llm_models().items():
if type in types:
data[type] = {m: get_model_config(m).data for m in models}
return BaseResponse(data=data)
def get_model_config(
model_name: str = Body(description="配置中LLM模型的名称"),
placeholder: str = Body(None, description="占位用,无实际效果")
) -> BaseResponse:
config = {}
# 删除ONLINE_MODEL配置中的敏感信息
for k, v in get_model_worker_config(model_name=model_name).items():
if not (k == "worker_class"
or "key" in k.lower()
or "secret" in k.lower()
or k.lower().endswith("id")):
config[k] = v
return BaseResponse(data=config)
def stop_llm_model(
model_name: str = Body(..., description="要停止的LLM模型名称", examples=[LLM_MODELS[0]]),
controller_address: str = Body(None, description="Fastchat controller服务器地址", examples=[fschat_controller_address()])
) -> BaseResponse:
向fastchat controller请求停止某个LLM模型。
controller_address = controller_address or fschat_controller_address()
with get_httpx_client() as client:
r =
controller_address + "/release_worker",
json={"model_name": model_name},
return r.json()
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}',
exc_info=e if log_verbose else None)
return BaseResponse(
msg=f"failed to stop LLM model {model_name} from controller: {controller_address}。错误信息是: {e}")
def change_llm_model(
model_name: str = Body(..., description="当前运行模型", examples=[LLM_MODELS[0]]),
new_model_name: str = Body(..., description="要切换的新模型", examples=[LLM_MODELS[0]]),
controller_address: str = Body(None, description="Fastchat controller服务器地址", examples=[fschat_controller_address()])
向fastchat controller请求切换LLM模型。
controller_address = controller_address or fschat_controller_address()
with get_httpx_client() as client:
r =
controller_address + "/release_worker",
json={"model_name": model_name, "new_model_name": new_model_name},
timeout=HTTPX_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, # wait for new worker_model
return r.json()
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}',
exc_info=e if log_verbose else None)
return BaseResponse(
msg=f"failed to switch LLM model from controller: {controller_address}。错误信息是: {e}")
def list_search_engines() -> BaseResponse:
from import SEARCH_ENGINES
return BaseResponse(data=list(SEARCH_ENGINES))