# The Gradio Discord BotBETA The Gradio Discord Bot is a way to use any [Hugging Face Space](https://hf.space) as a Bot from within your Discord server -- *all without writing any code*. Below, we show examples how to use the Bot in your server to: - 🌎 Translate between languages - 🗣️ Convert text to speech - 🔢 Do math calculations - 🖼️ Generate images All for free and without having to code anything! Installation instructions are below, or you can try it out right now in the [#gradio-bot-playground channel](https://discord.gg/Q7ZSBrZHjx) in the Hugging Face Discord. ## Installing in your own Discord Server Installing the Gradio Discord Bot is very simple: 1. Copy and paste the following link in your browser: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1040198143695933501&permissions=294406716480&scope=bot 2. Choose which Discord server you'd like to add it to (you must have permissions to add Bots to that server of course)


3. Accept the permissions for the Gradio Bot


* You can confirm that the Gradio Discord Bot has been successfully installed in your server by going to the server and seeing if there is an account with the name `@GradioBot` in your server:


4. (Optional) If you would like to use `@GradioBot` in a private channel, then you must add `@GradioBot` to that channel. In Discord, you can do this by right-clicking on the channel name, and then selecting ‘Edit Channel’. Then, go to ‘Permissions’ and select ‘Add a Role’ and find `@GradioBot` ## Usage Now that the Gradio Discord bot is installed, here's how to use it in any any channel in your Discord server: 1. From the channel, tag `@GradioBot` followed by the name of a Space you'd like to try, such as `abidlabs/en2fr` ([a Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/abidlabs/en2fr) that translates from English to French) or `abidlabs/speak` ([a Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/abidlabs/speak) that converts text to spoken speech), or any of the more than 5,000 Gradio demos on [Hugging Face Spaces](https://hf.space).


2. Once you press enter, you'll notice that the name of `@GradioBot` will change to reflect the name of the Space that it has loaded:


3. Now type in the input you'd like to pass into the Space. In this example, we'll pass in an English phrase: "Hello, friends." The input **must be enclosed in double-quotes**. Otherwise, it will be interpreted as the name of a new Space that you are trying to load. Once you


4. If you'd like to load a new Space, just type in the name of a new Space (without any quotation marks) and `@GradioBot` will load the new Space instead. If you'd like to reset to the initial state of the `@GradioBot`, you can type in `@GradioBot exit`. We'll show how to use `@GradioBot` with a few more complex Spaces below: ## More examples ### 🗣️ Convert text to speech (`abidlabs/speak`) The `@GradioBot` can handle media as well as text. For example, [this Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/abidlabs/speak) converts text to speech recordings. Here's how to use it: 1. In a channel, type `@GradioBot abidlabs/speak` 2. Then, type in some text *in quotation marks* that you'd like to convert to speech, such as `@GradioBot "Look at this cool demo!"`. You should see an audio file returned by `@GradioBot`:


*Note*: generation can take a minute or even longer, depending on the length of the input and how many other people are using this Space ### 🔢 Do math calculations (`abidlabs/calc`) The `@GradioBot` can handle Spaces that take multiple inputs. Each input **must be in quotes and separated by a space**. For example, [this Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/abidlabs/calc) takes in two numbers and a mathematical operation. Here's how to use it: 1. In a channel, type `@GradioBot abidlabs/calc` 2. Then, type in `@GradioBot `, followed by the inputs, separated by Spaces. For example: `@GradioBot "4" "divide" "3"` Here's how it looks:


### 🖼️ Generate images (`abidlabs/images`) Here's another example that shows that `@GradioBot` can handle media. Using [this Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/abidlabs/speak) converts text to images. Here's how to use it: 1. In a channel, type `@GradioBot abidlabs/images` 2. Then, type in some text *in quotation marks* that you'd like to convert into an image, such as `@GradioBot "a cartoon astronaut riding a horse"`. You should see an image file returned by `@GradioBot`:


*Note*: generation can take a minute or even longer, depending on how many other people are using this Space ## About The first version of the Gradio Discord Bot was built by the [Gradio team](https://www.gradio.dev) at a hackathon in Paris in Nov. 2022. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful! ## Contributing The Gradio Discord Bot is completely open-source. Feel free to open issues or pull requests in this repo to make it better!