Gradio demo for ALIGN, as introduced in "Scaling Up Visual and Vision-Language Representation Learning With Noisy Text Supervision". ALIGN features a dual-encoder architecture with EfficientNet and BERT as its text and vision encoders, and learns to align visual and text representations with contrastive learning. Unlike previous work, ALIGN leverages a massive noisy dataset and shows that the scale of the corpus can be used to achieve SOTA representations with a simple recipe. \n\nALIGN is not open-sourced and the `kakaobrain/align-base` model used for this demo is based on the Kakao Brain implementation that follows the original paper. The model is trained on the open source [COYO]( dataset by the Kakao Brain team. To perform zero-shot image classification with ALIGN, upload an image and enter your candidate labels as free-form text separated by a comma followed by a space.