import os from PIL import Image from cv2 import imread, cvtColor, COLOR_BGR2GRAY, COLOR_BGR2BGRA, COLOR_BGRA2RGB, threshold, THRESH_BINARY_INV, findContours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, contourArea, minEnclosingCircle import numpy as np import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def convert_images_to_grayscale(folder_path): # Check if the folder exists if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): print(f"The folder path {folder_path} does not exist.") return # Iterate over all files in the folder for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): if filename.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.gif')): image_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) # Open an image file with as img: # Convert image to grayscale grayscale_img = img.convert('L').convert('RGB'), filename)) def crop_center_largest_contour(folder_path): for each_image in os.listdir(folder_path): image_path = os.path.join(folder_path, each_image) image = imread(image_path) gray_image = cvtColor(image, COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Threshold the image to get the non-white pixels _, binary_mask = threshold(gray_image, 254, 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV) # Find the largest contour contours, _ = findContours(binary_mask, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) largest_contour = max(contours, key=contourArea) # Get the minimum enclosing circle (x, y), radius = minEnclosingCircle(largest_contour) center = (int(x), int(y)) radius = int(radius/3) # Divide by three (arbitrary) to make shape better # Crop the image to the bounding box of the circle x_min = max(0, center[0] - radius) x_max = min(image.shape[1], center[0] + radius) y_min = max(0, center[1] - radius) y_max = min(image.shape[0], center[1] + radius) cropped_image = image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] cropped_image_rgba = cvtColor(cropped_image, COLOR_BGR2BGRA) cropped_pil_image = Image.fromarray(cvtColor(cropped_image_rgba, COLOR_BGRA2RGB)) def extract_embeddings(transformation_chain, model: torch.nn.Module): """Utility to compute embeddings.""" device = model.device def pp(batch): images = batch["image"] image_batch_transformed = torch.stack( [transformation_chain(image) for image in images] ) new_batch = {"pixel_values":} with torch.no_grad(): embeddings = model(**new_batch).last_hidden_state[:, 0].cpu() return {"embeddings": embeddings} return pp def compute_scores(emb_one, emb_two): """Computes cosine similarity between two vectors.""" scores = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(emb_one, emb_two) return scores.numpy().tolist() def fetch_similar(image, transformation_chain, device, model, all_candidate_embeddings, candidate_ids, top_k=3): """Fetches the `top_k` similar images with `image` as the query.""" # Prepare the input query image for embedding computation. image_transformed = transformation_chain(image).unsqueeze(0) new_batch = {"pixel_values":} # Compute the embedding. with torch.no_grad(): query_embeddings = model(**new_batch).last_hidden_state[:, 0].cpu() # Compute similarity scores with all the candidate images at one go. # We also create a mapping between the candidate image identifiers # and their similarity scores with the query image. sim_scores = compute_scores(all_candidate_embeddings, query_embeddings) similarity_mapping = dict(zip(candidate_ids, sim_scores)) # Sort the mapping dictionary and return `top_k` candidates. similarity_mapping_sorted = dict( sorted(similarity_mapping.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ) id_entries = list(similarity_mapping_sorted.keys())[:top_k] ids = list(map(lambda x: int(x.split("_")[0]), id_entries)) return ids def plot_images(images): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) columns = 6 for (i, image) in enumerate(images): ax = plt.subplot(int(len(images) / columns + 1), columns, i + 1) if i == 0: ax.set_title("Query Image\n") else: ax.set_title( "Similar Image # " + str(i) ) plt.imshow(np.array(image).astype("int")) plt.axis("off")