import torch import sys sys.path.append(".") sys.path.append("..") from editings import ganspace, sefa from utils.common import tensor2im class LatentEditor(object): def __init__(self, stylegan_generator, is_cars=False): self.generator = stylegan_generator self.is_cars = is_cars # Since the cars StyleGAN output is 384x512, there is a need to crop the 512x512 output. def apply_ganspace(self, latent, ganspace_pca, edit_directions): edit_latents = ganspace.edit(latent, ganspace_pca, edit_directions) return self._latents_to_image(edit_latents) def apply_interfacegan(self, latent, direction, factor=1, factor_range=None): edit_latents = [] if factor_range is not None: # Apply a range of editing factors. for example, (-5, 5) for f in range(*factor_range): edit_latent = latent + f * direction edit_latents.append(edit_latent) edit_latents = else: edit_latents = latent + factor * direction return self._latents_to_image(edit_latents) def apply_sefa(self, latent, indices=[2, 3, 4, 5], **kwargs): edit_latents = sefa.edit(self.generator, latent, indices, **kwargs) return self._latents_to_image(edit_latents) # Currently, in order to apply StyleFlow editings, one should run inference, # save the latent codes and load them form the official StyleFlow repository. # def apply_styleflow(self): # pass def _latents_to_image(self, latents): with torch.no_grad(): images, _ = self.generator([latents], randomize_noise=False, input_is_latent=True) if self.is_cars: images = images[:, :, 64:448, :] # 512x512 -> 384x512 horizontal_concat_image =, 2) final_image = tensor2im(horizontal_concat_image) return final_image