import streamlit as st from dotenv import load_dotenv from utils import * import uuid #Creating session variables if 'unique_id' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['unique_id'] ='' # if 'index' not in st.session_state: # st.session_state['index'] = 0 # def next_index(): # st.session_state['index'] += 1 # def prev_index(): # if st.session_state['index'] > 1 : # st.session_state['index'] -= 1 # else: # pass def main(): load_dotenv() custom_css = """ """ st.set_page_config(page_title="Resume Matcher - Dashboard") st.title("Resume Matcher") st.markdown(custom_css, unsafe_allow_html=True) job_description = st.text_area("Specify the job description to match against :",key="1") document_count = st.text_input("Number of resumes to return: ",key="2") # option2 = st.selectbox("Choose an option:", ["Upload", "Continue Without Uploading"]) option ="Do you want to upload new resumes with this request ? :", ["Yes", "No" ]) # Display content based on the selected option if option == "Yes": st.header("Upload Section") resume = st.file_uploader("Upload resumes here, (docx pdf md files allowed) ", type=["pdf", "docx", "md"],accept_multiple_files=True) if resume : st.success("File uploaded successfully!") # Process the uploaded file if needed # st.subheader("I can help you in resume screening process") submit=st.button("Get Resumes") if submit: with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): #Creating a unique ID, so that we can use to query and get only the user uploaded documents from PINECONE vector store st.session_state['unique_id']= "aaa365fe031e4b5ab90aba54eaf6012e" #Create a documents list out of all the user uploaded pdf files #Displaying the count of resumes that have been uploaded # st.write("*Resumes uploaded* :"+str(len(final_docs_list))) #Create embeddings instance embeddings=create_embeddings_load_data() if option == "Yes": #Push data to PINECONE final_docs_list=create_docs(resume ,st.session_state['unique_id']) push_to_pinecone("ad12a7c3-b36f-4b48-986e-5157cca233ef","gcp-starter","resume-db",embeddings,final_docs_list) #Fecth relavant documents from PINECONE relevant_docs = similar_docs(job_description,document_count,"ad12a7c3-b36f-4b48-986e-5157cca233ef","gcp-starter","resume-db",embeddings,st.session_state['unique_id']) # score, relavant_docs = similar_docs_hf(query= job_description , final_docs_list=final_docs_list, k = document_count ) #t.write(relavant_docs) #Introducing a line separator st.write(":heavy_minus_sign:" * 30) #For each item in relavant docs - we are displaying some info of it on the UI # for item in range(len(relevant_docs)): # st.button('Next ', on_click=next_index ) # st.button('Previous' , on_click= prev_index ) # st.write(st.session_state['index']) #Displaying Filepath # for item in range(len(relavant_docs)): st.subheader("πŸ” "+str("Following are best matching resumes of job description")) #Displaying File Name names = metadata_filename(relevant_docs ) scores = get_score(relevant_docs) content = docs_content(relevant_docs) for i, name in enumerate(names): st.subheader("πŸ‘‰ "+str(i+1)) st.write("**File** : "+str(name[0]) ) with st.expander('Show me πŸ‘€'):"**Match Score** : "+str(scores[i])) # st.write("***", content[i] ) st.write("**Summary**", get_summary(relevant_docs[i][0])) # st.write("**File** : "+relavant_docs[item][0].metadata['name']) #Introducing Expander feature # with st.expander('Show me πŸ‘€'): # scores = get_score(relevant_docs) #"**Match Score** : "+str(scores)) # content = docs_content(relevant_docs) # st.write("***",content) #Gets the summary of the current item using 'get_summary' function that we have created which uses LLM & Langchain chain # st.write("**Summary** : ",summary) # st.success("Hope I was able to save your time❀️") # #Invoking main function if __name__ == '__main__': main()