import os import time from pathlib import Path import streamlit as st from src import bible_loader from src.embeddings import EmbeddingsManager from src.reranker import ( CombinedScoreAndNumberReranker, MaxVerseReranker, Reranker, SemanticSimScoreReranker, ) from src.retriever import Retriever, SemanticRetriever def display_chapter(chapter): st.header(f"[{str(chapter)}]({chapter.get_biblegateway_url()})") chapter_text = chapter.get_formatted_text() st.markdown(chapter_text, unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.write(chapter.highlight_verses_df) def config(): n_results = st.sidebar.slider("Maximum Results?", 5, 30, 10) # bible_version = st.sidebar.selectbox("Bible Version", ["NIV", "ESV"]) # TODO bible_version = "NIV" new_testament = st.sidebar.checkbox("Search New Testament?", True) old_testament = st.sidebar.checkbox("Search Old Testament?", False) return n_results, new_testament, old_testament, bible_version def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Bible Search", layout="wide") n_results, new_testament, old_testament, bible_version = config() # Config ROOT_DIR = Path(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) DATA_DIR = ROOT_DIR / "data" n_candidates = n_results * 2 metadata_csv = DATA_DIR / "key_english.csv" verses_csv = DATA_DIR / f"{bible_version}.csv" semantic_sim_model = "msmarco-distilbert-base-v4" # Initialize / Index bible_df = bible_loader.load_bible(metadata_csv, verses_csv) embeddings_manager = EmbeddingsManager( model_name=semantic_sim_model, bible_version=bible_version, embeddings_cache_dir=DATA_DIR, texts=bible_df["text"].tolist(), ) # Trim down search space if needed if not new_testament: bible_df = bible_df[bible_df["testament"] != "NT"] if not old_testament: bible_df = bible_df[bible_df["testament"] != "OT"] # Initialize retriever and reranker based on filtered texts retriever = SemanticRetriever(bible_df, embeddings_manager) reranker = CombinedScoreAndNumberReranker() # reranker = SemanticSimScoreReranker() # reranker = MaxVerseReranker() _, main_col, _ = st.columns([1, 2, 1]) with main_col: # Get user input st.title("Verse Similarity Search") st.markdown( "- Have you ever been stumped by a verse and wondered what related things the Bible says about it?\n" "- Or you have a verse of interest and you simply want to find related ones?\n" "- Or you vaguely recall a verse's idea, but can't recall the exact text?\n" "This tool was made just for that!" ) st.markdown("---") demo_query = st.selectbox( "Try some demo queries...", [ "", "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.", "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.", "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.", "the Lord is patient with us, not wanting us to perish", "is it ok for believers to continue in sin?", "it is possible to resist every temptation", "heavenly rewards", "the old is gone, the new has come", "suffering for Christ", "rejoicing in trials", "Be careful of false prophets, wolves in sheep skin", "will there be marriage in heaven?", ], index=1, ) query = st.text_area( "Or type a verse's text here to find similar verses", demo_query if demo_query.strip() else "", ) clicked_search = st.button("Search", type="primary") if query or clicked_search: if len(bible_df) == 0: st.markdown( "---\n:red[Please select at least one testament to search through (left hand side of the screen). :)]" ) else: with st.spinner("Searching..."): start = time.time() # Retrieve and re-rank candidate_chapters = retriever.retrieve(query, n=n_candidates) candidate_chapters = reranker.rerank(candidate_chapters) # Trim because candidates can be more than the desired results final_chapter_results = candidate_chapters[:n_results] # Display quick stats st.markdown( f"_{len(final_chapter_results)} results found in {time.time()-start:.2f}s_" ) st.markdown("---") # Display results for chapter in final_chapter_results: display_chapter(chapter) st.markdown("---") if __name__ == "__main__": main()