import os, time, copy os.environ["HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER"] = "False" from PIL import Image import gradio as gr import numpy as np import torch from transformers import logging logging.set_verbosity_error() from fromage import models from fromage import utils BASE_WIDTH = 512 MODEL_DIR = './fromage_model/fromage_vis4' class ChatBotCheese: def __init__(self): from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download model_ckpt_path = hf_hub_download("alvanlii/fromage", "pretrained_ckpt.pth.tar") self.model = models.load_fromage(MODEL_DIR, model_ckpt_path) self.curr_image = None def add_image(self, state, image_in): state = state + [(f"![](/file={})", "Ok, now type your message")] self.curr_image ='RGB') return state, state def save_im(self, image_pil): file_name = f"{int(time.time())}_{np.random.randint(100)}.png" return file_name def chat(self, input_text, state, ret_scale_factor, num_ims, num_words, temp, chat_state): chat_state.append(f'Q: {input_text} \nA:') chat_history = " ".join(chat_state) model_input = [] print(chat_history) if self.curr_image is not None: model_input = [self.curr_image, chat_history] else: model_input = [chat_history] model_outputs = self.model.generate_for_images_and_texts(model_input, max_num_rets=num_ims, num_words=num_words, ret_scale_factor=ret_scale_factor, temperature=temp) chat_state.append(' '.join([s for s in model_outputs if type(s) == str]) + '\n') im_names = [] if len(model_outputs) > 1: im_names = [self.save_im(im) for im in model_outputs[1]] response = model_outputs[0] for im_name in im_names: response += f'' state.append((input_text, response.replace("[RET]", ""))) # self.curr_image = None return state, state, chat_state def reset(self): self.curr_image = None return [], [], [] def main(self): with gr.Blocks(css="#chatbot {height:600px; overflow-y:auto;}") as demo: gr.Markdown( """ ### FROMAGe: Grounding Language Models to Images for Multimodal Generation Jing Yu Koh, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Daniel Fried
[Paper]( [Github]( [Official Demo](
This is an unofficial Gradio demo for the paper FROMAGe
- Instructions (in order): - [Optional] Upload an image (the button with a photo emoji) - [Optional] Change the parameters - Send a message by typing into the box and pressing Enter on your keyboard - Ask about the image! Tell it to find similar images, or ones with different styles. - Check out the examples at the bottom! ##### Notes - Please be kind to it! - It retrieves images from a database, and does not edit images - If it returns nothing, try resetting and refreshing the page """ ) chatbot = gr.Chatbot(elem_id="chatbot") gr_state = gr.State([]) gr_chat_state = gr.State([]) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=0.85): txt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="Upload an image first [Optional]. Then enter text and press enter,").style(container=False) with gr.Column(scale=0.15, min_width=0): btn = gr.UploadButton("🖼️", file_types=["image"]) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=0.20, min_width=0): reset_btn = gr.Button("Reset Messages") gr_ret_scale_factor = gr.Number(value=1.0, label="Increased prob of returning images", interactive=True) gr_num_ims = gr.Number(value=3, precision=1, label="Max # of Images returned", interactive=True) gr_num_words = gr.Number(value=32, precision=1, label="Max # of words returned", interactive=True) gr_temp = gr.Number(value=0.0, label="Temperature", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): gr.Image("example_1.png", label="Example 1") gr.Image("example_2.png", label="Example 2") gr.Image("example_3.png", label="Example 3") txt.submit(, [txt, gr_state, gr_ret_scale_factor, gr_num_ims, gr_num_words, gr_temp, gr_chat_state], [gr_state, chatbot, gr_chat_state]) txt.submit(lambda :"", None, txt) btn.upload(self.add_image, [gr_state, btn], [gr_state, chatbot]), [], [gr_state, chatbot, gr_chat_state]) # chatbot.change(fn = upload_button_config, outputs=btn_upload) # text_in.submit(None, [], [], _js = "() => document.getElementById('#chatbot-component').scrollTop = document.getElementById('#chatbot-component').scrollHeight") demo.launch(share=False, server_name="") def main(): cheddar = ChatBotCheese() cheddar.main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()