texttovideo / app.py
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Update app.py
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import torch
import gradio as gr
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
# Load the pipeline from Hugging Face's model hub
pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("THUDM/CogVideoX-2b")
# Optional: Move the model to GPU for faster processing if available
if torch.cuda.is_available():
# Define the function that generates the video from the user prompt
def generate_video(prompt):
# Generate the video
video = pipe(prompt).videos[0]
# Save the video to a file (Gradio needs a file path to display video)
video_path = "generated_video.mp4"
return video_path
# Create a Gradio interface with text input for the prompt and video output
interface = gr.Interface(
fn=generate_video, # The function to generate the video
inputs="text", # Text input for the prompt
outputs="video", # Video output
title="Video Generator", # Title of the Gradio app
description="Enter a prompt to generate a video using the diffusion model"
# Launch the Gradio app