import gradio as gr from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from transformers import pipeline import as wavfile import numpy as np object_detector = pipeline("object-detection", model="facebook/detr-resnet-50") Narrator = pipeline("text-to-speech", model="kakao-enterprise/vits-ljs") # model_path = "C:/Users/ankitdwivedi/OneDrive - Adobe/Desktop/NLP Projects/Video to Text Summarization/Model/models--facebook--detr-resnet-50/snapshots/1d5f47bd3bdd2c4bbfa585418ffe6da5028b4c0b" # tts_model_path = "C:/Users/ankitdwivedi/OneDrive - Adobe/Desktop/NLP Projects/Video to Text Summarization/Model/models--kakao-enterprise--vits-ljs/snapshots/3bcb8321394f671bd948ebf0d086d694dda95464" # object_detector = pipeline("object-detection", model=model_path) # Narrator = pipeline("text-to-speech", model=tts_model_path) ##read the image file # raw_image"C:/Users/ankitdwivedi/OneDrive - Adobe/Desktop/NLP Projects/Video to Text Summarization/Image_Processing/918oQOaXZTL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg") # output = object_detector(raw_image) #print(output) # def generate_audio(text): # Narrated_Text = Narrator(text) # wavfile.write("fine_tuned_audio.wav", rate = Narrated_Text["sampling_rate"], data = Narrated_Text["audio"][0]) # return "output.wav" def generate_audio(text): Narrated_Text = Narrator(text) audio_data = np.array(Narrated_Text["audio"][0]) sampling_rate = Narrated_Text["sampling_rate"] wavfile.write("generated_audio.wav", rate=sampling_rate, data=audio_data) return "generated_audio.wav" def read_objects(detection_objects): # Initialize counters for each object label object_counts = {} # Count the occurrences of each label for detection in detection_objects: label = detection['label'] if label in object_counts: object_counts[label] += 1 else: object_counts[label] = 1 # Generate the response string response = "This picture contains" labels = list(object_counts.keys()) for i, label in enumerate(labels): response += f" {object_counts[label]} {label}" if object_counts[label] > 1: response += "s" if i < len(labels) - 2: response += "," elif i == len(labels) - 2: response += " and" response += "." return response def draw_bounding_boxes(image, detections, font_path=None, font_size=20): # """ # Draws bounding boxes on the given image based on the detections. # :param image: PIL.Image object # :param detections: List of detection results, where each result is a dictionary containing # 'score', 'label', and 'box' keys. 'box' itself is a dictionary with 'xmin', # 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax'. # :param font_path: Path to the TrueType font file to use for text. # :param font_size: Size of the font to use for text. # :return: PIL.Image object with bounding boxes drawn. # """ # Make a copy of the image to draw on draw_image = image.copy() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(draw_image) # Load custom font or default font if path not provided if font_path: font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size) else: # When font_path is not provided, load default font but it's size is fixed font = ImageFont.load_default() # Increase font size workaround by using a TTF font file, if needed, can download and specify the path for detection in detections: box = detection['box'] xmin = box['xmin'] ymin = box['ymin'] xmax = box['xmax'] ymax = box['ymax'] # Draw the bounding box draw.rectangle([(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)], outline="red", width=3) # Optionally, you can also draw the label and score label = detection['label'] score = detection['score'] text = f"{label} {score:.2f}" # Draw text with background rectangle for visibility if font_path: # Use the custom font with increased size text_size = draw.textbbox((xmin, ymin), text, font=font) else: # Calculate text size using the default font text_size = draw.textbbox((xmin, ymin), text) draw.rectangle([(text_size[0], text_size[1]), (text_size[2], text_size[3])], fill="red") draw.text((xmin, ymin), text, fill="white", font=font) return draw_image def detect_object(image): raw_image = image output = object_detector(raw_image) processed_image = draw_bounding_boxes(raw_image, output) natural_text = read_objects(output) processed_audio = generate_audio(natural_text) return processed_image, processed_audio demo = gr.Interface(fn=detect_object, inputs=[gr.Image(label="Select Image",type="pil")], outputs=[gr.Image(label="Processed Image", type="pil"), gr.Audio(label="Generated_Audio")], title="Project 7: Object Detector with Audio", description="THIS APPLICATION WILL BE USED TO DETECT OBJECTS and Audio for objects mentioned INSIDE THE PROVIDED INPUT IMAGE.") demo.launch()