Arunachalam S
import streamlit as st
import joblib
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import json
from big_query import BigQuery
st.title("Welcome to ABC Bank")
#using cache resource to save the model so that it will not be loading for each sessions
def load_model():
model = joblib.load('model_final.joblib')
return model
model = load_model()
#Even though we are not going to use gender to predict the loan status,
#we will be getting the gender data for future plans/schemes.
with st.form('Loan Form',clear_on_submit=True):
col1,col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
Gender = st.selectbox('Gender',('Male','Female'))
Applicant_Income = st.number_input('Applicant Income',min_value=15000)
Coapplicant_Income = st.number_input('Co-applicant Income',min_value=0)
Loan_amount = st.number_input('Loan Amount (In Lakhs)',min_value=2)
Loan_Amount_Term = st.number_input('Loan Amount Term (Months)',min_value=12)
with col2:
Property_Area = st.selectbox('Property Area',('Urban','Rural','Semiurban'))
Credit_History = st.number_input('Credit History',min_value=0,max_value=1)
Self_Employed = st.selectbox('Self Employed',('Yes','No'))
Dependents = st.selectbox('Dependents',('0','1','2','3+'))
Education = st.selectbox('Education',('Graduate','Not Graduate'))
Married = st.selectbox('Married',('Yes','No'))
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Married': [Married],
'Dependents': [Dependents],
'Education': [Education],
'Self_Employed': [Self_Employed],
'Applicant_Income': [Applicant_Income/100],
'Coapplicant_Income': [Coapplicant_Income/100],
'Loan_Amount': [Loan_amount],
'Loan_Amount_Term': [Loan_Amount_Term],
'Credit_History': [Credit_History],
'Property_Area': [Property_Area]}
def emi_calculator(principle,term):
#interest = PNR/100
interest = (principle * 1000 * 8.5 * term )/float(12*100)
emi = ((principle*1000) + interest)/term
return emi
df['EMI'] = df.apply(lambda row: emi_calculator(row['Loan_Amount'],row['Loan_Amount_Term']),axis =1)
df['EMI'] = round(df['EMI'],2)
df['Balance_Income'] = (df['Applicant_Income'] + df['Coapplicant_Income']) - df['EMI']
df['Balance_Income'] = round(df['Balance_Income'],2)
submit = st.form_submit_button('Predict')
if submit:
prediction = model.predict(df.drop(columns = ['Applicant_Income','Coapplicant_Income','Loan_Amount','Loan_Amount_Term']))
df['Gender'] = Gender
df['_created_at'] =
df['_created_by'] = 'user'
df['Approval_Id'] = df['_created_by']+'-'+df['_created_at'].astype('str')
df['Prediction'] = prediction
if prediction:
st.success(f'Congratulations, Your Home Loan is Approved!!')
st.error('We are extremely sorry to inform you that you Home Loan is not approved. Please reach out to nearest branch for further clarification')