import re from playwright.sync_api import expect, Page, Browser def test_has_title(page: Page): page.goto("http://localhost:8501") # Expect a title "to contain" a substring. expect(page).to_have_title(re.compile("app")) def test_get_started_link(browser: Browser): for _ in range(1): # create a new incognito browser context context = browser.new_context() # create a new page inside context. page = context.new_page() page.goto("http://localhost:8501") # expect Sentiment Analysis Demo with AI Model Flags locator = page.locator('.main') expect(locator).to_contain_text("Sentiment Analysis Demo with AI Model Flags") # screenshot page.screenshot(path=f"test_get_started_link{_}.png") # dispose context once it is no longer needed. context.close() def test_sentiment_tesst(page: Page): page.goto("http://localhost:8501") #Set Array of names to test names = ["Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Excited", "Fearful", "Confused", "Surprised", "Disgusted", "Calm", "Bored"] for name in names: page.get_by_label("Enter text for sentiment analysis:").fill("This is a test sentiment phrase.") page.get_by_label("Enter your name").fill(name)'button:has-text("Analyze")') # Screeshot locator = page.locator('.main') expect(locator).to_contain_text("Using model:") expect(locator).to_contain_text("Sentiment:") page.screenshot(path=f"test_sentiment_tesst_{name}.png") # refresh page page.reload()