import numpy as np import streamlit as st from constants import WHISPER_MODELS, language_dict import streamlit as st from utils import ( translate_to_english, detect_language, write, read, get_key, ) import whisperx as whisper import json import pandas as pd from pydub import AudioSegment import os import uuid if "btn1" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["btn1"] = False if "btn2" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["btn2"] = False class ByteEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, bytes): return obj.hex() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def disable_btn2(): st.session_state["btn2"] = True def disable_btn1(): st.session_state["btn1"] = True st.set_page_config(page_title="Whisper-X", layout="wide") import torch if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "gpu" else: device = "cpu" input, output = st.columns(2, gap="medium") with input: st.header("Input") audio_file = open("audio.wav", "rb") audio_bytes = # st.markdown("""**sample audio**""", unsafe_allow_html=True), format="audio/wav") # st.markdown("""**your audio file**""", unsafe_allow_html=True) audio_uploaded = st.file_uploader( label="Upload your file", type=["mp3", "wav"], help="Your input file", # on_change=disable_btn2, # disabled=st.session_state["btn1"], ) text_json = st.file_uploader( label="Aligned JSON", type=["json"], help="Your aligned json file (Only if you need to skip transcribe)", # disabled=st.session_state["btn2"], # on_change=disable_btn1, ) # text_json = None # st.markdown("""**model**""", unsafe_allow_html=True) model_name = st.selectbox( label="Choose your model", options=WHISPER_MODELS, help="Choose a Whisper model.", ) model_name = "base" if model_name == "" else model_name # st.markdown("**transcription**", unsafe_allow_html=True) transcription = st.selectbox( "transcription", options=["plain text", "srt", "vtt", "ass", "tsv"], help="Choose the format for the transcription", ) translate = st.checkbox( "translate", help="Translate the text to English when set to True" ) language = st.selectbox( label="language", options=list(language_dict.keys()) + list(language_dict.values()), help="Translate the text to English when set to True", ) patience = st.number_input( label="patience", step=0.01, value=1.0, help="optional patience value to use in beam decoding, as in, the default (1.0) is equivalent to conventional beam search", ) temperature = st.number_input( label="temperature", step=0.01, value=1.0, help="temperature to use for sampling", ) suppress_tokens = st.text_input( "suppress_tokens", value="-1", help="comma-separated list of token ids to suppress during sampling; '-1' will suppress most special characters except common punctuations", ) initial_prompt = st.text_area( label="initial_prompt", help="optional text to provide as a prompt for the first window.", ) condition_on_previous_text = st.checkbox( "condition_on_previous_text", help="if True, provide the previous output of the model as a prompt for the next window; disabling may make the text inconsistent across windows, but the model becomes less prone to getting stuck in a failure loop", ) temperature_increment_on_fallback = st.number_input( label="temperature_increment_on_fallback", step=0.01, value=0.2, help="temperature to increase when falling back when the decoding fails to meet either of the thresholds below", ) compression_ratio_threshold = st.number_input( label="compression_ratio_threshold", value=2.4, step=0.01, help="if the gzip compression ratio is higher than this value, treat the decoding as failed", ) logprob_threshold = st.number_input( label="logprob_threshold", value=-1.0, step=0.01, help="if the average log probability is lower than this value, treat the decoding as failed", ) no_speech_threshold = st.number_input( label="no_speech_threshold", value=0.6, step=0.01, help="if the probability of the <|nospeech|> token is higher than this value AND the decoding has failed due to `logprob_threshold`, consider the segment as silence", ) if temperature_increment_on_fallback is not None: temperature = tuple( np.arange(temperature, 1.0 + 1e-6, temperature_increment_on_fallback) ) else: temperature = [temperature] submit = st.button("Submit", type="primary") with output: st.header("Output") segments_pre = st.empty() segments_post = st.empty() segments_post_json = st.empty() segments_post2 = st.empty() trans = st.empty() lang = st.empty() name = str(uuid.uuid1()) if submit: if audio_uploaded is None: #, format="audio/wav") audio_uploaded = audio_file if audio_uploaded is not None: if".wav"): temp = AudioSegment.from_wav(audio_uploaded) temp.export(f"{name}.wav") if".mp3"): temp = AudioSegment.from_wav(audio_uploaded) temp.export(f"{name}.wav") if language == "": model = whisper.load_model(model_name) with st.spinner("Detecting language..."): detection = detect_language(f"{name}.wav", model) language = detection.get("detected_language") del model if len(language) > 2: language = get_key(language) if text_json is None: with st.spinner("Running ... "): decode = {"suppress_tokens": suppress_tokens, "beam_size": 5} model = whisper.load_model(model_name) with st.container(): with st.spinner(f"Running with {model_name} model"): result = model.transcribe( f"{name}.wav", language=language, patience=patience, initial_prompt=initial_prompt, condition_on_previous_text=condition_on_previous_text, temperature=temperature, compression_ratio_threshold=compression_ratio_threshold, logprob_threshold=logprob_threshold, no_speech_threshold=no_speech_threshold, **decode, ) if translate: result = translate_to_english(result, json=False) with open("transcription.json", "w") as f: json.dump(result["segments"], f, indent=4, cls=ByteEncoder) with st.spinner("Running alignment model ..."): model_a, metadata = whisper.load_align_model( language_code=result["language"], device=device ) result_aligned = whisper.align( result["segments"], model_a, metadata, f"{name}.wav", device=device, ) write( f"{name}.wav", dtype=transcription, result_aligned=result_aligned, ) trans_text = read(f"{name}.wav", transcription) trans.text_area( "transcription", trans_text, height=None, max_chars=None, key=None ) char_segments = [] word_segments = [] for x in range(len(result_aligned["segments"])): word_segments.append( { "word-segments": result_aligned["segments"][x][ "word-segments" ] .fillna("") .to_dict(orient="records") } ) char_segments.append( { "char-segments": result_aligned["segments"][x][ "char-segments" ] .fillna("") .to_dict(orient="records") } ) for x in range(len(result_aligned["segments"])): result_aligned["segments"][x]["word-segments"] = word_segments[x] result_aligned["segments"][x]["char-segments"] = char_segments[x] segments_pre.text_area( "Segments before alignment", result["segments"], height=None, max_chars=None, key=None, ) segments_post.text_area( "Word Segments after alignment", result_aligned["word_segments"], height=None, max_chars=None, key=None, ) segments_post2.text_area( "Segments after alignment", result_aligned["segments"], height=None, max_chars=None, key=None, ) lang.text_input( "detected language", language_dict.get(language), disabled=True ) os.remove(f"{name}.wav") if text_json is not None: with st.spinner("Running ... "): model = whisper.load_model(model_name) json_filname = str(uuid.uuid1()) data = json.load(text_json) # Close the uploaded file text_json.close() # Write the JSON data to a new file with open(f"{json_filname}.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) # with open("fold.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: # json.dump(text_json, f) with open(f"{json_filname}.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: cont = json.load(f) with st.spinner("Running alignment model ..."): model_a, metadata = whisper.load_align_model( language_code=language, device=device ) result_aligned = whisper.align( cont, model_a, metadata, f"{name}.wav", device=device, ) words_segments = result_aligned["word_segments"] write( f"{name}.wav", dtype=transcription, result_aligned=result_aligned, ) trans_text = read(f"{name}.wav", transcription) char_segments = [] word_segments = [] for x in range(len(result_aligned["segments"])): word_segments.append( { "word-segments": result_aligned["segments"][x][ "word-segments" ] .fillna("") .to_dict(orient="records") } ) char_segments.append( { "char-segments": result_aligned["segments"][x][ "char-segments" ] .fillna("") .to_dict(orient="records") } ) for x in range(len(result_aligned["segments"])): result_aligned["segments"][x]["word-segments"] = word_segments[x] result_aligned["segments"][x]["char-segments"] = char_segments[x] trans.text_area( "transcription", trans_text, height=None, max_chars=None, key=None ) segments_pre.text_area( "Segments before alignment", cont, height=None, max_chars=None, key=None, ) segments_post.text_area( "Word Segments after alignment", result_aligned["word_segments"], height=None, max_chars=None, key=None, ) segments_post2.text_area( "Segments after alignment", result_aligned["segments"], expanded=False height=None, max_chars=None, key=None, ) lang.text_input( "detected language", language_dict.get(language), disabled=True ) os.remove(f"{name}.wav") os.remove(f"{json_filname}.json")