import gradio as gr from faster_whisper import WhisperModel from time import time import logging import json import requests import os import translators as ts api_key = os.getenv("speech_recognition_summarizer") if api_key is None: print("API key not found. Make sure you have set the environment variable.") # Initialize logging logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger("faster_whisper").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) CHOICES = [ "tiny", "tiny.en", "base", "base.en", "small", "small.en", "medium", "medium.en" ] # Function to load model def load_model(model): download_path_int8 = "int8" # Adjust path as needed for Hugging Face Spaces return WhisperModel(model, device="auto", compute_type="int8", download_root=download_path_int8) # Current model (default to small) current_model = load_model("small") def transcribe(audio_file, model): global current_model # Load the model if different size is selected if current_model.model != model: current_model = load_model(model) start = time() segments, info = current_model.transcribe( audio_file, vad_filter=True, vad_parameters=dict(min_silence_duration_ms=500), ) # Prepare JSON output transcript = [segment.text for segment in segments] print(f"Time Taken to transcribe: {time() - start}") print(transcript) output = transcript #y = json.dumps(output) #x= [d["text"] for d in y["transcript"]] global p p = " ".join(transcript) return json.dumps(output) def summarize_text(max_length): headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"} API_URL = "" min_length = max_length // 4 payload = { "inputs": p, "parameters": {"min_length": min_length, "max_length": max_length} } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) summary = response.json() return summary # Create first interface for transcribed text # Create second interface for summarization length interface1 = gr.Interface(fn=transcribe, inputs=[gr.Audio(type="filepath", label="Upload MP3 Audio File"), gr.Dropdown(choices=CHOICES, value="small", label="Model")], outputs=gr.JSON(label="Transcription with Timestamps"), title="Whisper Transcription Service", description="Upload an MP3 audio file to transcribe. Select the model. The output includes the transcription with timestamps.", concurrency_limit=2) interface2 = gr.Interface(fn=summarize_text, inputs=[gr.Slider(value=60, label="Max Length for Text Summarization", minimum=10, maximum=500)], outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Summarized Text", type="text", value="Summary will appear here")) lst = [x for x in dir(interface1) if '__' not in x] # Combine them using Blocks with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): interface1.render() with gr.Column(): # interface2.render() interface2.render() demo.launch()