from typing import Optional, Callable import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(encoding='utf-8', level=logging.DEBUG) from src.vectordb.helpers import read_docs, read_listings, preprocess_df from src.vectordb.schema import WikivoyageDocuments, WikivoyageListings from src.vectordb.helpers import set_uri import lancedb def _create_table_and_ingest_data(table_name: str, schema: object, data_fetcher: Callable, preprocessor: Optional[Callable] = None): """ Generalized function to create a table and ingest data into the database. Args: - table_name: str, name of the table to create. - schema: object, schema of the table. - data_fetcher: Callable, function to fetch the data. - preprocessor: Optional[Callable], function to preprocess the data (default is None). """ uri = set_uri() db = lancedb.connect(uri)"Connected to DB. Reading data for table {table_name} now...") df = data_fetcher() if preprocessor: df = preprocessor(df)"Finished reading data for {table_name}, attempting to create table and ingest the data...") db.drop_table(table_name, ignore_missing=True) table = db.create_table(table_name, schema=schema) table.add(df.to_dict('records'))"Completed ingestion for {table_name}.") def create_wikivoyage_docs_db_and_add_data(): """ Creates the Wikivoyage documents table and ingests data. """ _create_table_and_ingest_data( table_name="wikivoyage_documents", schema=WikivoyageDocuments, data_fetcher=read_docs, preprocessor=preprocess_df ) def create_wikivoyage_listings_db_and_add_data(): """ Creates the Wikivoyage listings table and ingests data. """ _create_table_and_ingest_data( table_name="wikivoyage_listings", schema=WikivoyageListings, data_fetcher=read_listings )