from math import prod import torch from einops import einsum, rearrange, reduce, repeat from torch import Tensor def homogenize_points( points, ): """Convert batched points (xyz) to (xyz1).""" return[points, torch.ones_like(points[..., :1])], dim=-1) def homogenize_vectors( vectors, ): """Convert batched vectors (xyz) to (xyz0).""" return[vectors, torch.zeros_like(vectors[..., :1])], dim=-1) def transform_rigid( homogeneous_coordinates, transformation, ): """Apply a rigid-body transformation to points or vectors.""" return einsum(transformation, homogeneous_coordinates, "... i j, ... j -> ... i") def transform_cam2world( homogeneous_coordinates, extrinsics, ): """Transform points from 3D camera coordinates to 3D world coordinates.""" return transform_rigid(homogeneous_coordinates, extrinsics) def transform_world2cam( homogeneous_coordinates, extrinsics, ): """Transform points from 3D world coordinates to 3D camera coordinates.""" return transform_rigid(homogeneous_coordinates, extrinsics.inverse()) def project_camera_space( points, intrinsics, epsilon, infinity, ): points = points / (points[..., -1:] + epsilon) points = points.nan_to_num(posinf=infinity, neginf=-infinity) points = einsum(intrinsics, points, "... i j, ... j -> ... i") return points[..., :-1] def project( points, extrinsics, intrinsics, epsilon, ): points = homogenize_points(points) points = transform_world2cam(points, extrinsics)[..., :-1] in_front_of_camera = points[..., -1] >= 0 return project_camera_space(points, intrinsics, epsilon=epsilon), in_front_of_camera def unproject( coordinates, z, intrinsics, ): """Unproject 2D camera coordinates with the given Z values.""" # Apply the inverse intrinsics to the coordinates. coordinates = homogenize_points(coordinates) ray_directions = einsum( intrinsics.inverse(), coordinates, "... i j, ... j -> ... i" ) # Apply the supplied depth values. return ray_directions * z[..., None] def get_world_rays( coordinates, extrinsics, intrinsics, ): # Get camera-space ray directions. directions = unproject( coordinates, torch.ones_like(coordinates[..., 0]), intrinsics, ) directions = directions / directions.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) # Transform ray directions to world coordinates. directions = homogenize_vectors(directions) directions = transform_cam2world(directions, extrinsics)[..., :-1] # Tile the ray origins to have the same shape as the ray directions. origins = extrinsics[..., :-1, -1].broadcast_to(directions.shape) return origins, directions def sample_image_grid( shape: tuple[int, ...], device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), ): """Get normalized (range 0 to 1) coordinates and integer indices for an image.""" # Each entry is a pixel-wise integer coordinate. In the 2D case, each entry is a # (row, col) coordinate. indices = [torch.arange(length, device=device) for length in shape] stacked_indices = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(*indices, indexing="ij"), dim=-1) # Each entry is a floating-point coordinate in the range (0, 1). In the 2D case, # each entry is an (x, y) coordinate. coordinates = [(idx + 0.5) / length for idx, length in zip(indices, shape)] coordinates = reversed(coordinates) coordinates = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(*coordinates, indexing="xy"), dim=-1) return coordinates, stacked_indices def sample_training_rays( image, intrinsics, extrinsics, num_rays: int, ): device = extrinsics.device b, v, _, *grid_shape = image.shape # Generate all possible target rays. xy, _ = sample_image_grid(tuple(grid_shape), device) origins, directions = get_world_rays( rearrange(xy, "... d -> ... () () d"), extrinsics, intrinsics, ) origins = rearrange(origins, "... b v xy -> b (v ...) xy", b=b, v=v) directions = rearrange(directions, "... b v xy -> b (v ...) xy", b=b, v=v) pixels = rearrange(image, "b v c ... -> b (v ...) c") # Sample random rays. num_possible_rays = v * prod(grid_shape) ray_indices = torch.randint(num_possible_rays, (b, num_rays), device=device) batch_indices = repeat(torch.arange(b, device=device), "b -> b n", n=num_rays) return ( origins[batch_indices, ray_indices], directions[batch_indices, ray_indices], pixels[batch_indices, ray_indices], ) def intersect_rays( origins_x, directions_x, origins_y, directions_y, eps, inf, ): """Compute the least-squares intersection of rays. Uses the math from here: """ # Broadcast the rays so their shapes match. shape = torch.broadcast_shapes( origins_x.shape, directions_x.shape, origins_y.shape, directions_y.shape, ) origins_x = origins_x.broadcast_to(shape) directions_x = directions_x.broadcast_to(shape) origins_y = origins_y.broadcast_to(shape) directions_y = directions_y.broadcast_to(shape) # Detect and remove batch elements where the directions are parallel. parallel = einsum(directions_x, directions_y, "... xyz, ... xyz -> ...") > 1 - eps origins_x = origins_x[~parallel] directions_x = directions_x[~parallel] origins_y = origins_y[~parallel] directions_y = directions_y[~parallel] # Stack the rays into (2, *shape). origins = torch.stack([origins_x, origins_y], dim=0) directions = torch.stack([directions_x, directions_y], dim=0) dtype = origins.dtype device = origins.device # Compute n_i * n_i^T - eye(3) from the equation. n = einsum(directions, directions, "r b i, r b j -> r b i j") n = n - torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype, device=device).broadcast_to((2, 1, 3, 3)) # Compute the left-hand side of the equation. lhs = reduce(n, "r b i j -> b i j", "sum") # Compute the right-hand side of the equation. rhs = einsum(n, origins, "r b i j, r b j -> r b i") rhs = reduce(rhs, "r b i -> b i", "sum") # Left-matrix-multiply both sides by the pseudo-inverse of lhs to find p. result = torch.linalg.lstsq(lhs, rhs).solution # Handle the case of parallel lines by setting depth to infinity. result_all = torch.ones(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) * inf result_all[~parallel] = result return result_all def get_fov(intrinsics): intrinsics_inv = intrinsics.inverse() def process_vector(vector): vector = torch.tensor(vector, dtype=torch.float32, device=intrinsics.device) vector = einsum(intrinsics_inv, vector, "b i j, j -> b i") return vector / vector.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) left = process_vector([0, 0.5, 1]) right = process_vector([1, 0.5, 1]) top = process_vector([0.5, 0, 1]) bottom = process_vector([0.5, 1, 1]) fov_x = (left * right).sum(dim=-1).acos() fov_y = (top * bottom).sum(dim=-1).acos() return torch.stack((fov_x, fov_y), dim=-1)