import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle from io import StringIO from functools import lru_cache def return_features(): features_ = ['store_id', 'category_id', 'onpromotion', 'type', 'cluster', 'year', 'month', 'dayofmonth', 'dayofweek', 'dayofyear', 'weekofyear', 'quarter', 'is_month_start', 'is_month_end', 'is_quarter_start', 'is_quarter_end', 'is_year_start', 'is_year_end', 'year_weekofyear', 'x0_Accra', 'x0_Aflao', 'x0_Akim Oda', 'x0_Akwatia', 'x0_Bekwai', 'x0_Cape coast', 'x0_Elmina,', 'x0_Gbawe', 'x0_Ho', 'x0_Hohoe', 'x0_Kintampo', 'x0_Koforidua', 'x0_Kumasi', 'x0_Mampong', 'x0_Obuasi', 'x0_Prestea', 'x0_Suhum', 'x0_Tamale', 'x0_Techiman', 'x0_Tema', 'x0_Teshie', 'x0_Winneba'] return features_ @lru_cache(maxsize=100, ) def load_file(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as file: # read file contents = pickle.load(file) # load contents of file return contents def date_extracts(df): # Extract date features df['date_'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_'], errors='coerce') df['year'] = df['date_'].dt.year df['month'] = df['date_'].dt.month df['dayofmonth'] = df['date_'] df['dayofweek'] = df['date_'].dt.dayofweek df['dayofyear'] = df['date_'].dt.dayofyear df['weekofyear'] = df['date_'].dt.weekofyear df['quarter'] = df['date_'].dt.quarter df['is_month_start'] = df['date_'].dt.is_month_start.astype(int) df['is_month_end'] = df['date_'].dt.is_month_end.astype(int) df['is_quarter_start'] = df['date_'].dt.is_quarter_start.astype(int) df['is_quarter_end'] = df['date_'].dt.is_quarter_end.astype(int) df['is_year_start'] = df['date_'].dt.is_year_start.astype(int) df['is_year_end'] = df['date_'].dt.is_year_end.astype(int) df['year_weekofyear'] = ((df['year'] -2017) *100 )+ df['weekofyear'] df.drop(columns=['date_'], inplace=True) # defining categories and numeric columns def make_predcition(Encoder, model, input_df): if isinstance(input_df, dict): # Put the input dictionary in a dataset input_data = pd.DataFrame(input_df) if isinstance(input_df, pd.DataFrame): input_data = input_df col = ['city'] columns = list(input_data.columns) encoded_cat = Encoder.transform(input_data[col]) encoded_cols = Encoder.get_feature_names() encoded_cat_ = pd.DataFrame(encoded_cat, columns=encoded_cols) # we dropped the categorical encoder column before we concat train_enc = input_data.drop(['city'],axis = 1) input_d = pd.concat([train_enc, encoded_cat_], axis=1) input_d = input_d.reindex(columns=return_features()) # print(input_d) # # convert input_data to a numpy array before flattening to convert it back to a 2D array # input_df= input_d.to_numpy() print(model.get_booster().feature_names) prediction = model.predict(input_d) return prediction