import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np from PIL import Image from utils import run_sentiment_analysis, preprocess from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoConfig,AutoModelForSequenceClassification import os import time # the two model trained dstbt_model_path = "bright1/fine-tuned-distilbert-base-uncased" # distilbert model rbta_model_path = "bright1/fine-tuned-twitter-Roberta-base-sentiment" # roberta model # function to load model def load_model_components(model_path): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_path) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path) return model, tokenizer, config # configure page st.set_page_config( page_title="Tweet Analyzer", page_icon="🤖", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", menu_items={ 'About': "# This is a Sentiment Analysis App. Call it the Covid Vaccine tweet Analyzer!" } ) # Define custom CSS style # Apply custom CSS # st.markdown("""""", unsafe_allow_html=True) # create a sidebar and contents st.sidebar.markdown(""" ## Demo App This app analyzes your tweets on covid vaccines and classifies them us Neutral, Negative or Positive """) # create a three column layout model_type = st.sidebar.selectbox(label=':red[Select your model]', options=('distilbert', 'roberta')) st.markdown("""""", unsafe_allow_html=True) # set a default model path model_path = dstbt_model_path if model_type == 'roberta': model_path = rbta_model_path # create app interface my_expander = st.container() # st.sidebar.selectbox('Menu', ['About', 'Model']) with my_expander: # center text in the container st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) #set title for the app st.title(':green[Covid-19 Vaccines Tweets Analyzer]') # load model components model, tokenizer, config = load_model_components(model_path) # size columns col1, col2, col3 = st.columns((1.6, 1,0.3)) # col2.markdown(""" #

# Results from Analyzer #

# """,unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # set textarea to receive tweet tweet = col1.text_area('Tweets to analyze',height=200, max_chars=520, placeholder='Write your Tweets here') # divide container into columns colA, colb, colc, cold = st.columns(4) clear_button = colA.button(label='Clear', type='secondary', use_container_width=True) # create a submit button submit_button = colb.button(label='Submit', type='primary', use_container_width=True) # set an empty container for the results empty_container = col2.container() # for progress bars empty_container.text("Results from Analyzer") empty_container2 = col3.container() # for scores empty_container2.text('Scores') text = preprocess(tweet) # run the analysis on the tweet results = run_sentiment_analysis(text=text, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) # when the tweet is submitted if submit_button: # print a success message success_message = st.success('Success', icon="✅") time.sleep(3) success_message.empty() # create am expander to contain the results with empty_container: neutral = st.progress(value=results['Neutral'], text='Neutral',) negative = st.progress(value=results['Negative'], text='Negative') positive = st.progress(value=results['Positive'], text='Positive') with empty_container2: st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # class="" # dispay the scores with metric widget neutral_score = st.metric(label='Score', value=round(results['Neutral'], 4), label_visibility='collapsed') negative_score = st.metric(label='Score', value=round(results['Negative'], 4), label_visibility='collapsed') positive_score = st.metric(label='Score', value=round(results['Positive'], 4), label_visibility='collapsed') # interpret_button = col2.button(label='Interpret',type='secondary', use_container_width=True) if clear_button: tweet = ""