from import url2audio from import audio2midi from import midi2processed from import processed2encoded from import encoded2rep from import RANDOM_CROP, NB_AUG, FROM_URL_PATH # from import AudioRecorder # from import processed2handcodedrep import time import hashlib VERBOSE = True AUGMENTATION, NOISE_INJECTED = False, False CROP = 10# crop 30s before transcription # AUDIO_RECORDER = AudioRecorder(place='home') def encode_music(url=None, audio_path=None, midi_path=None, processed_path=None, record=False, crop=CROP, random_crop=RANDOM_CROP, augmentation=AUGMENTATION, noise_injection=NOISE_INJECTED, apply_filtering=True, nb_aug=NB_AUG, level=0, verbose=VERBOSE): if not record: assert url is not None or audio_path is not None or midi_path is not None or processed_path is not None init_time = time.time() error = '' try: if record: assert audio_path is None and midi_path is None if verbose: print(' ' * level + 'Processing music, recorded from mic.') audio_path = AUDIO_RECORDER.record_one() error = '' if processed_path is None: if midi_path is None: if audio_path is None: if verbose and not record: print(' ' * level + 'Processing music, from audio source.') init_t = time.time() audio_path, _, error = url2audio(playlist_path=FROM_URL_PATH, video_url=url, verbose=verbose, level=level+2) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 4) + f'Audio downloaded in {int(time.time() - init_t)} seconds.') else: if verbose and not record: print(' ' * level + 'Processing music, from midi source.') init_t = time.time() midi_path, error = audio2midi(audio_path, crop=crop, random_crop=random_crop, verbose=verbose, level=level+2) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 4) + f'Audio transcribed to midi in {int(time.time() - init_t)} seconds.') init_t = time.time() processed_path, error = midi2processed(midi_path, apply_filtering=apply_filtering, verbose=verbose, level=level+2) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 4) + f'Midi preprocessed in {int(time.time() - init_t)} seconds.') init_t = time.time() encoded_path, error = processed2encoded(processed_path, augmentation=augmentation, nb_aug=nb_aug, noise_injection=noise_injection, verbose=verbose, level=level+2) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 4) + f'Midi encoded in {int(time.time() - init_t)} seconds.') init_t = time.time() representation_path, representation, error = encoded2rep(encoded_path, return_rep=True, level=level+2, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 4) + f'Music representation computed in {int(time.time() - init_t)} seconds.') init_t = time.time() handcoded_rep_path, handcoded_rep, error = None, None, '' # handcoded_rep_path, handcoded_rep, error = processed2handcodedrep(processed_path, return_rep=True, level=level+2, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 4) + f'Music handcoded representation computed in {int(time.time() - init_t)} seconds.') # assert handcoded_rep_path is not None and representation_path is not None all_paths = dict(url=url, audio_path=audio_path, midi_path=midi_path, processed_path=processed_path, encoded_path=encoded_path, representation_path=representation_path, handcoded_rep_path=handcoded_rep_path) print('audio hash: ', hashlib.md5(open(audio_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()) print('midi hash: ', hashlib.md5(open(midi_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()) print('processed hash: ', hashlib.md5(open(processed_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()) print('encoded hash: ', hashlib.md5(open(encoded_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()) print('rep hash: ', hashlib.md5(open(representation_path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()) print("rep:", representation[:10]) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 2) + f'Music processed in {int(time.time() - init_time)} seconds.') except Exception as err: print(err, error) if verbose: print(' ' * (level + 2) + f'Music FAILED to process in {int(time.time() - init_time)} seconds.') representation = None handcoded_rep = None all_paths = dict() return representation, handcoded_rep, all_paths, error if __name__ == '__main__': representation = encode_music(url="")[0] # representation = encode_music(record=True)[0]