import gradio as gr import torch import torchvision.transforms as T from model import DocuGAN chk_path = "best_model.ckpt" model = DocuGAN.load_from_checkpoint(chk_path, strict=False) model.eval() transform = T.ToPILImage() def fn(seed: int = 42): torch.manual_seed(seed) noise = torch.randn(1, 128, 1, 1) with torch.no_grad(): pred = model(noise) pred = pred.mul(0.5).add(0.5) img = transform(pred.squeeze(1)) return img gr.Interface( fn, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=999999999, step=1, default=298422436, label='Random Seed') ], outputs='image', examples=[], enable_queue=True, title="📄 DocuGAN - This document doesn't exist", description="Select your seed and click on `Submit` to generate a new document", article=""" The SN-GAN model has been trained on the `invoice` part of RVL-CDIP dataset, available [here]( You can see the full implementation on the dedicated [Colab notebook]( Made with ❤️ by [@ChainYo](- """, css=".panel { padding: 5px } .moflo-link { color: #999 }" ).launch()