import streamlit as st from streamlit_folium import st_folium import folium from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim # Define the bounding box ZUERICH_BBOX = [8.364, 47.240, 9.0405, 47.69894] def within_bbox(lat, lon, bbox): """Check if a point is within the given bounding box.""" return bbox[1] <= lat <= bbox[3] and bbox[0] <= lon <= bbox[2] def select_coordinates(): st.title("Step 1: Select Location") instructions = """ 1. Choose a crop classification location. Search for a location or click on the map. 2. Proceed to the "Perform Crop Classification" step. _Note:_ The location must be within the green ZüriCrop area. """ st.sidebar.header("Instructions") st.sidebar.markdown(instructions) # Initialize a map centered around the midpoint of the bounding box midpoint_lat = (ZUERICH_BBOX[1] + ZUERICH_BBOX[3]) / 2 midpoint_lon = (ZUERICH_BBOX[0] + ZUERICH_BBOX[2]) / 2 m = folium.Map(location=[midpoint_lat, midpoint_lon], zoom_start=9) # Add the bounding box to the map as a rectangle folium.Rectangle( bounds=[[ZUERICH_BBOX[1], ZUERICH_BBOX[0]], [ZUERICH_BBOX[3], ZUERICH_BBOX[2]]], color="green", fill=True, fill_opacity=0.1 ).add_to(m) # Search for a location geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="streamlit-app") location_query = st.text_input("Search for a location:") if location_query: location = geolocator.geocode(location_query) if location: lat, lon = location.latitude, location.longitude folium.Marker([lat, lon], tooltip=location.address).add_to(m) m.location = [lat, lon] m.zoom_start = 12 if within_bbox(lat, lon, ZUERICH_BBOX): st.success(f"Location found: {location.address}. It is within the bounding box.") st.session_state["selected_location"] = (lat, lon) else: st.error(f"Location found: {location.address}. It is outside the bounding box.") else: st.error("Location not found. Please try again.") # Add a click event listener to capture coordinates m.add_child(folium.LatLngPopup()) # Display the map using streamlit-folium st_data = st_folium(m, height=500, width=800) # Check if the user clicked within the bounding box if st_data["last_clicked"]: lat, lon = st_data["last_clicked"]["lat"], st_data["last_clicked"]["lng"] if within_bbox(lat, lon, ZUERICH_BBOX): st.success(f"Selected Location: Latitude {lat}, Longitude {lon}") st.session_state["selected_location"] = (lat, lon) else: st.error(f"Selected Location is outside the allowed area. Please select a location within the bounding box.") # Proceed to the next step link_disabled = "selected_location" not in st.session_state st.sidebar.page_link("pages/", label="Proceed to Crop Classification", icon="🌾", disabled=link_disabled) if __name__ == "__main__": select_coordinates()