data_path = "./data/" import pandas as pd import datasets # load the csv into motion_capture_data import streamlit as st dataset_names = ['Fold_towels', 'Pipette', 'Take_the_item', 'Twist_the_tube'] def load_data(): print("Loading data") # load the motion capture data all_datasets = {} for name in dataset_names: print("Loading dataset: ", name) all_datasets[name] = pd.DataFrame(datasets.load_dataset("cyberorigin/"+name)['train']) total_period = 0 for dataset in all_datasets.values(): # dataset["timestamp"] = dataset["timestamp"].astype(float) traj_period = dataset["timestamp"].iloc[-1] - dataset["timestamp"].iloc[0] total_period += traj_period return all_datasets, total_period @st.fragment def visualize(data): dataset_option = st.selectbox( 'Select a dataset:', dataset_names ) # create a streamlit app that displays the motion capture data # and the video data""+dataset_option+"/resolve/main/Video/video.mp4") motion_capture_data = data[dataset_option] body_part_names = ['Left Shoulder', 'Right Upper Arm', 'Left Lower Leg', 'Spine1', 'Right Upper Leg', 'Spine3', 'Right Lower Arm', 'Left Foot', 'Right Lower Leg', 'Right Shoulder', 'Left Hand', 'Left Upper Leg', 'Right Foot', 'Spine', 'Spine2', 'Left Lower Arm', 'Left Toe', 'Neck', 'Right Hand', 'Right Toe', 'Head', 'Left Upper Arm', 'Hips',] motion_capture_x = motion_capture_data[[body_part_name+"_x" for body_part_name in body_part_names]] motion_capture_y = motion_capture_data[[body_part_name+"_y" for body_part_name in body_part_names]] motion_capture_z = motion_capture_data[[body_part_name+"_z" for body_part_name in body_part_names]] import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np # Sample Data Preparation data = [] times = motion_capture_data["timestamp"] frames = [go.Frame( data=[ go.Scatter3d( x=motion_capture_x.iloc[k], y=motion_capture_y.iloc[k], z=motion_capture_z.iloc[k], mode='markers', marker=dict(size=5, color='blue') ) ], name=str(k) ) for k in range(len(times))] # Create the initial scatter plot initial_scatter = go.Scatter3d( x=motion_capture_x.iloc[0], y=motion_capture_y.iloc[0], z=motion_capture_z.iloc[0], mode='markers', marker=dict(size=5, color='blue') ) # Create the layout with slider layout = go.Layout( title='Motion Capture Visualization', updatemenus=[{ 'buttons': [ { 'args': [None, {'frame': {'duration': 1, 'redraw': True}, 'fromcurrent': True}], 'label': 'Play', 'method': 'animate' }, { 'args': [[None], {'frame': {'duration': 0, 'redraw': True}, 'mode': 'immediate', 'transition': {'duration': 0}}], 'label': 'Pause', 'method': 'animate' } ], 'direction': 'left', 'pad': {'r': 10, 't': 87}, 'showactive': True, 'type': 'buttons', 'x': 0.1, 'xanchor': 'right', 'y': 0, 'yanchor': 'top' }], sliders=[{ 'active': 0, 'steps': [{ 'label': str(k), 'method': 'animate', 'args': [ [str(k)], {'mode': 'immediate', 'frame': {'duration': 300, 'redraw': True}, 'transition': {'duration': len(times)/30}} ] } for k in range(len(times))], 'currentvalue': { 'prefix': 'Time: ', 'visible': True, 'xanchor': 'right' }, 'pad': {'b': 10}, 'len': 0.9, 'x': 0.1, 'y': 0, }] ) # Create the figure fig = go.Figure(data=[initial_scatter], frames=frames, layout=layout) # Display the figure in the streamlit app st.plotly_chart(fig) st.title("CyberOrigin Data Visualization") data, period = load_data() # display the total period of the data up to 2 decimal places st.write("Total period of data: ", round(period, 2), " seconds") visualize(data)