import pandas as pd import polars as pl import numpy as np import json import gc import folium import html from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import xgboost as xgb from xgboost import plot_importance from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import plotly.figure_factory as ff from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import as pio from import plot_pacf, plot_acf from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import kpss, adfuller from bertopic import BERTopic from collections import defaultdict color_pal = sns.color_palette("tab10") impute_cols = [ 'MeanTemp', 'MinTemp', 'MaxTemp', 'DewPoint', 'Percipitation', 'WindSpeed', 'MaxSustainedWind', 'Gust', 'Rain', 'SnowDepth', 'SnowIce', ] def convert_schema_to_polars(schema): pl_schema = {} for k, v in schema.items(): if v == "String": pl_schema[k] = pl.String elif v == "Float64": pl_schema[k] = pl.Float64 elif v == "Int64": pl_schema[k] = pl.Int64 return pl_schema def create_datetime(data, dt_col, format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"): # df type is either pandas or polars df_type = "pandas" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else "polars" if "datetime" in str(data[dt_col].dtype).lower(): return data if df_type == "pandas": data[dt_col] = pd.to_datetime(data[dt_col], format=format) elif df_type == "polars": data = data.with_columns( pl.col(dt_col).str.strptime(pl.Date, format=format).cast(pl.Datetime) ) return data def create_seasons(data, dt_col="Datetime", out_col="Season", prefix=""): df_type = "pandas" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else "polars" out_col = prefix + out_col spring_start = pd.to_datetime("2018-3-20", format = "%Y-%m-%d").dayofyear summer_start = pd.to_datetime("2018-6-21", format = "%Y-%m-%d").dayofyear autumn_start = pd.to_datetime("2018-9-22", format = "%Y-%m-%d").dayofyear winter_start = pd.to_datetime("2018-12-21", format = "%Y-%m-%d").dayofyear if df_type == "pandas": def map_season(date): if date.dayofyear < spring_start or date.dayofyear >= winter_start: return "Winter" elif date.dayofyear >= spring_start and date.dayofyear < summer_start: return "Spring" elif date.dayofyear >= summer_start and date.dayofyear < autumn_start: return "Summer" elif date.dayofyear >= autumn_start and date.dayofyear < winter_start: return "Autumn" data[out_col] = data[dt_col].apply(map_season) return data elif df_type == "polars": def map_season(date): # for date in dates: if date.timetuple().tm_yday < spring_start or date.timetuple().tm_yday >= winter_start: return "Winter" elif date.timetuple().tm_yday >= spring_start and date.timetuple().tm_yday < summer_start: return "Spring" elif date.timetuple().tm_yday >= summer_start and date.timetuple().tm_yday < autumn_start: return "Summer" elif date.timetuple().tm_yday >= autumn_start and date.timetuple().tm_yday < winter_start: return "Autumn" data = data.with_columns( pl.col(dt_col).map_elements(map_season, return_dtype=pl.String).alias(out_col) ) return data def create_weekend(data, dt_col="Datetime", out_col="is_weekend", prefix=""): df_type = "pandas" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else "polars" out_col = prefix + out_col if df_type == "pandas": data[out_col] = (data[dt_col].dt.weekday.isin([5,6])).astype(np.int8) elif df_type == "polars": data = data.with_columns( pl.col(dt_col).dt.weekday().is_in([6,7]).cast(pl.Int8).alias(out_col) ) return data def create_holidays(data, dt_col="Datetime", out_col="is_holiday", prefix=""): df_type = "pandas" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else "polars" out_col = prefix + out_col # The only holiday not included will be new years as I expect a potential affect HOLIDAYS = [ pd.to_datetime("2016-01-18"), pd.to_datetime("2016-02-15"), pd.to_datetime("2016-05-30"), pd.to_datetime("2016-07-04"), pd.to_datetime("2016-09-05"), pd.to_datetime("2016-10-10"), pd.to_datetime("2016-11-11"), pd.to_datetime("2016-11-24"), # Christmas is variable (depends on what day is actually holiday vs. what day is XMAS) pd.to_datetime("2016-12-24"), pd.to_datetime("2016-12-25"), pd.to_datetime("2016-12-26"), pd.to_datetime("2017-01-16"), pd.to_datetime("2017-02-20"), pd.to_datetime("2017-05-29"), pd.to_datetime("2017-07-04"), pd.to_datetime("2017-09-04"), pd.to_datetime("2017-10-09"), pd.to_datetime("2017-11-10"), pd.to_datetime("2017-11-23"), pd.to_datetime("2017-12-24"), pd.to_datetime("2017-12-25"), pd.to_datetime("2018-01-15"), pd.to_datetime("2018-02-19"), pd.to_datetime("2018-05-28"), pd.to_datetime("2018-07-04"), pd.to_datetime("2018-09-03"), pd.to_datetime("2018-10-08"), pd.to_datetime("2018-11-12"), pd.to_datetime("2018-11-22"), pd.to_datetime("2018-12-24"), pd.to_datetime("2018-12-25"), ] if df_type == "pandas": data[out_col] = (data[dt_col].isin(HOLIDAYS)).astype(np.int8) elif df_type == "polars": data = data.with_columns( pl.col(dt_col).dt.datetime().is_in(HOLIDAYS).cast(pl.Int8).alias(out_col) ) return data def build_temporal_features(data, dt_col, prefix=""): df_type = "pandas" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else "polars" if df_type == "pandas" and == dt_col: data = data.reset_index() if df_type == "pandas": data[prefix+"Year"] = data[dt_col].dt.year.astype(np.int16) data[prefix+"Month"] = data[dt_col].dt.month.astype(np.int8) data[prefix+"Day"] = data[dt_col] data[prefix+"DayOfYear"] = data[dt_col].dt.dayofyear.astype(np.int16) data[prefix+"DayOfWeek"] = data[dt_col].dt.dayofweek.astype(np.int8) else: data = data.with_columns (**{ prefix+"Year": pl.col(dt_col).dt.year().cast(pl.Int16), prefix+"Month": pl.col(dt_col).dt.month().cast(pl.Int8), prefix+"Day": pl.col(dt_col), prefix+"DayOfYear": pl.col(dt_col).dt.ordinal_day().cast(pl.Int16), prefix+"DayOfWeek": pl.col(dt_col).dt.weekday().cast(pl.Int8) }) data = create_seasons(data, dt_col, prefix=prefix) data = create_weekend(data, dt_col, prefix=prefix) data = create_holidays(data, dt_col, prefix=prefix) return data def agg_and_merge_historical(curr_df, hist_df, col, agg_cols=[], ops=["mean", "max", "min"]): merge_dict = {} for agg_col in agg_cols: describe_tb = hist_df.groupby(col)[agg_col].describe().reset_index() if col not in merge_dict: merge_dict[col] = describe_tb[col].values for op in ops: merge_col_name = "historical_" + col + "_" + op + "_" + agg_col if op == "mean": merge_dict[merge_col_name] = describe_tb["mean"].values elif op == "max": merge_dict[merge_col_name] = describe_tb["max"].values elif op == "min": merge_dict[merge_col_name] = describe_tb["min"].values elif op == "median": merge_dict[merge_col_name] = describe_tb["50%"].values elif op == "std": merge_dict[merge_col_name] = describe_tb["std"].values merge_df = pd.merge(curr_df, pd.DataFrame(merge_dict), on=col, how="left") return merge_df def map_vals(data, cols=["Latitude", "Longitude"], label_cols=[], color="red", submap=None, weight=3, radius=1, sample_size=10000, start_loc=[42.1657, -74.9481], zoom_start=6): cols = cols df_type = "pandas" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(data, pd.Series) else "polars" fig = folium.Figure(height=500, width=750) if submap is None: map_nyc = folium.Map( location=start_loc, zoom_start=zoom_start, tiles='cartodbpositron', zoom_control=False, scrollWheelZoom=False, dragging=False ) else: map_nyc = submap cols.extend(label_cols) if df_type == "pandas": for idx, row in data.loc[:, cols].dropna().sample(sample_size).iterrows(): label = "" lat, long = row.iloc[0,], row.iloc[1,] for i, label_col in enumerate(label_cols): label += label_col + ": " + str(row.iloc[2+i,]) + "\n" label_params = {"popup": label, "tooltip": label} if len(label_cols) > 0 else {} folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat, long], radius=radius, weight=weight, color=color, fill_color=color, fill_opacity=0.7, **label_params).add_to(map_nyc) else: for row in data[:, cols].drop_nulls().sample(sample_size).rows(): label = "" lat, long = row[0], row[1] for i, label_col in enumerate(label_cols): label += label_col + ": " + str(row[2+i]) + "\n" label_params = {"popup": label, "tooltip": label} if len(label_cols) > 0 else {} folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat, long], radius=radius, weight=weight, color=color, fill_color=color, fill_opacity=0.7, **label_params).add_to(map_nyc) fig.add_child(map_nyc) return fig, map_nyc def find_variable_data(soup, curr_var = "Created Date"): src = "" # HTML and head start src += "" src += str(soup.find("head")) # Body -> content -> container -> row -> variable src += "" src += "
" # src += "
" src += "
" # src += "
" variables_html = soup.find_all("div", class_="variable") for var_html in variables_html: if var_html.text[:len(curr_var)] == curr_var: parent = var_html.parent parent['style'] = "border: 0px" src += str(parent) break src += "
" # Scripts for script in soup.find_all("script"): src += str(script) # End src += "" src += "" # src = BeautifulSoup(src, 'html.parser').prettify() src_doc = html.escape(src) iframe = f'' return iframe, src_doc def plot_autocorr(data, col, apply=None): time_series = data.loc[:, col].to_frame().copy() if apply: time_series[col] = time_series[col].apply(apply) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12, 8)) _ = plot_acf(time_series[col], lags=30, ax=ax[0]) _ = plot_pacf(time_series[col], lags=30, method="ols-adjusted", ax=ax[1]) _ = plt.suptitle(f"{col}", y=0.95) return fig def adf_test(timeseries): dftest = adfuller(timeseries, autolag='AIC') dfoutput = pd.Series(dftest[0:4], index=['Test Statistic','p-value','Lags Used','Number of Observations Used']) dfoutput['Number of Observations Used'] = dfoutput['Number of Observations Used'].astype(np.int64) for key,value in dftest[4].items(): dfoutput['Critical Value (%s)'%key] = value return dfoutput def kpss_test(timeseries): kpsstest = kpss(timeseries, regression='ct') kpss_output = pd.Series(kpsstest[0:3], index=['Test Statistic','p-value','Lags Used']) for key,value in kpsstest[3].items(): kpss_output['Critical Value (%s)'%key] = value return kpss_output def test_stationary(data, var): adf_df = adf_test(data[var].dropna()) kpss_df = kpss_test(data[var].dropna()) result_df = adf_df.to_frame(name="Augmented-Dickey-Fuller") result_df["KPSS Test"] = kpss_df def pass_hypothesis(col): test_stat, p_val = col.iloc[0], col.iloc[1] one_p, five_p, ten_p = col.iloc[4], col.iloc[5], col.iloc[6] if == "KPSS Test": if test_stat < one_p and p_val < 0.01: color_fmt = ["background-color: #fc5749; font-weight: bold; color: black"] elif test_stat < five_p and p_val < 0.05: color_fmt = ["background-color: #F88379; font-weight: bold; color: black"] elif test_stat < ten_p and p_val < 0.1: color_fmt = ["background-color: #ff9f96; font-weight: bold; color: black"] else: color_fmt = ["background-color: green; font-weight: bold; color: black"] else: if test_stat < one_p and p_val < 0.01: color_fmt = ["background-color: green; font-weight: bold; color: black"] elif test_stat < five_p and p_val < 0.05: color_fmt = ["background-color: greenyellow; font-weight: bold; color: black"] elif test_stat < ten_p and p_val < 0.1: color_fmt = ["background-color: lightgreen; font-weight: bold; color: black"] else: color_fmt = ["background-color: #fc5749; font-weight: bold; color: black"] color_fmt.extend(['' for _ in col[1:]]) return color_fmt result_df.loc["Lags Used",:] = result_df.loc["Lags Used",:].astype(np.int32) return def plot_timeseries(data, var, data_name="My", all_vars=[], height=800, width=600, start_date="2017-12-31", end_date="2018-12-31"): if var == "": return gr.update() fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=data.index, y=data[var], name=var, customdata=np.dstack((data["Season"].to_numpy(), data.reset_index()["Datetime"].dt.day_name().to_numpy(), data["is_holiday"].astype(bool).to_numpy()))[0], hovertemplate='
Season: %{customdata[0]}
Weekday: %{customdata[1]}
Is Holiday: %{customdata[2]}', ) ) fig.update_layout( autosize=True, title=f"{data_name} Time Series by {var}", xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title=var, hovermode='x unified', ) fig.update_layout( autosize=True, xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list([ dict(count=7, label="1w", step="day", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=21, label="3w", step="day", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=6, label="6m", step="month", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=1, label="1y", step="year", stepmode="backward"), dict(step="all") ]) ), rangeslider=dict( visible=True, # ), type="date", range=(start_date, end_date), ), ) return fig def plot_bivariate(data, x, y, subset=None, trendline=True): title = f"Scatterplot of {x} vs. {y}" if subset == "None" or subset is None: subset = None height = 450 else: subset_title = subset.replace(" String","") title += f" By {subset_title}" if subset_title in ["Season", "Year"]: height = 450 else: height = 800 if trendline: trendline = "ols" else: trendline = None # Special case to view categorical features if x in ["Agency", "Borough", "Descriptor"]: if x == "Agency": prefix = 'AG' elif x == "Borough": prefix = "Borough" else: prefix="DG" categories = [col for col in data.columns if prefix in col] melt_df = pd.melt(data, id_vars=["Target"], value_vars=categories) fig = px.scatter( melt_df, x="value", y="Target", trendline=trendline, facet_col="variable", facet_col_wrap=4, facet_col_spacing=0.05, title=title ) height = 800 else: fig = px.scatter( data, x=x, y=y, trendline=trendline, facet_col=subset, facet_col_wrap=4, facet_col_spacing=0.05, title=title ) fig.update_layout( autosize=True, height=height, ) return fig def plot_seasonality(data, x, y, show_box=True, show_outliers=False): title = f"{y} by {x}" if show_box: if show_outliers: points = "outliers" else: points = "all" fig =, x=x, y=y, points=points, title=title, facet_col_wrap=4, facet_col_spacing=0.05,) else: fig = px.strip(data, x=x, y=y, title=title, facet_col_wrap=4, facet_col_spacing=0.05,) fig.update_layout( autosize=True, height=600, ) return fig def build_service_data(filename): # Loading data directly with polars leads to errors # Some rows end up missing for an unknown reason # FIX: Load in pandas then convert to polars service_data_pd = pd.read_csv(filename) # Quick test to assure the unique key is in fact unique assert service_data_pd["Unique Key"].nunique() == len(service_data_pd) # Load from pandas Dataframe service_data_pd["Incident Zip"] = service_data_pd["Incident Zip"].astype("string") service_data_pd["BBL"] = service_data_pd["BBL"].astype("string") service_data = pl.DataFrame(service_data_pd) # Clear some ram del service_data_pd gc.collect() drop_cols = [ "Unique Key", "Agency Name", "Location Type", "Incident Zip", "Incident Address", "Street Name", "Cross Street 1", "Cross Street 2", "Intersection Street 1", "Intersection Street 2", "Address Type", "City", "Landmark", "Facility Type", "Status", "Due Date", "Resolution Description", "Resolution Action Updated Date", "Community Board", "BBL", "X Coordinate (State Plane)", "Y Coordinate (State Plane)", "Open Data Channel Type", "Park Facility Name", "Park Borough", "Vehicle Type", "Taxi Company Borough", "Taxi Pick Up Location", "Bridge Highway Name", "Bridge Highway Direction", "Road Ramp", "Bridge Highway Segment", "Location", "Created Year" ] # Drop columns and create the date variable service_data = service_data.drop(drop_cols) service_data = create_datetime(service_data, "Created Date") service_data = create_datetime(service_data, "Closed Date") # Group by date to get the number of Created tickets (as target) sd_grouped = service_data.rename({"Created Date": "Datetime"}).group_by("Datetime").agg( pl.len().alias("Target"), ).sort(by="Datetime") # Calculate the number of closed tickets # Mean diff used to filter service data # mean_diff = service_data.with_columns( # diff_created_closed = pl.col("Closed Date") - pl.col("Created Date") # ).filter((pl.col("Closed Date").dt.year() >= 2016) & (pl.col("Closed Date").dt.year() < 2020))["diff_created_closed"].mean().days # Mean diff precalculated as mean_diff = 13 # Create new Closed date with errors filled using the mean diff above service_data = service_data.with_columns( Closed_Date_New = pl.when(pl.col("Created Date") - pl.col("Closed Date") > pl.duration(days=1)) .then(pl.col("Created Date") + pl.duration(days=mean_diff)) .otherwise(pl.col("Closed Date")).fill_null(pl.col("Created Date") + pl.duration(days=mean_diff)) ) # Filter tickets such that the closed date < the created date to prevent future data leakage in our dataset # We want to make sure future data is not accidentally leaked across other points in our data closed_tickets = service_data.group_by(["Closed_Date_New", "Created Date"]) \ .agg((pl.when(pl.col("Created Date") <= pl.col("Closed_Date_New")).then(1).otherwise(0)).sum().alias("count")) \ .sort("Closed_Date_New") \ .filter((pl.col("Closed_Date_New").dt.year() >= 2016) & (pl.col("Closed_Date_New").dt.year() < 2019)) \ .group_by("Closed_Date_New").agg(pl.col("count").sum().alias("num_closed_tickets")) # Rename this column to num closed tickets ct_df = closed_tickets.with_columns( pl.col("num_closed_tickets") ) # Concat the new columns into our data sd_df = pl.concat([sd_grouped, ct_df.drop("Closed_Date_New")], how="horizontal") assert len(sd_grouped) == len(ct_df) # CATEGORICAL FEATURE MAPPING # MAPPING FOR BOROUGH Borough_Map = { "Unspecified": "OTHER", "2017": "OTHER", None: "OTHER", "2016": "OTHER" } service_data = service_data.with_columns( pl.col("Borough").replace(Borough_Map) ) # MAPPING FOR AGENCY # This mapping was done Manually Agency_Map = { "NYPD": "Security", "HPD": "Buildings", "DOT": "Transportation", "DSNY": "Environment & Sanitation", "DEP": "Environment & Sanitation", "DOB": "Buildings", "DOE": "Buildings", "DPR": "Parks", "DOHMH": "Health", "DOF": "Other", "DHS": "Security", "TLC": "Transportation", "HRA": "Other", "DCA": "Other", "DFTA": "Other", "EDC": "Other", "DOITT": "Other", "OMB": "Other", "DCAS": "Other", "NYCEM": "Other", "ACS": "Other", "3-1-1": "Other", "TAX": "Other", "DCP": "Other", "DORIS": "Other", "FDNY": "Other", "TAT": "Other", "COIB": "Other", "CEO": "Other", "MOC": "Other", } service_data = service_data.with_columns( pl.col("Agency").replace(Agency_Map).alias("AG") # AG Shorthand for Agency Groups ) # Mapping for Descriptor using BERTopic # Store descriptors as pandas dataframe (polars not supported) # Drop any nan values, and we only care about the unique values descriptor_docs = service_data["Descriptor"].unique().to_numpy() # Build our topic mapping using the pretrained BERTopic model # Load model and get predictions topic_model = BERTopic.load("models/BERTopic") topics, probs = topic_model.transform(descriptor_docs) # Visualize if wanted # topic_model.visualize_barchart(list(range(-1,6,1))) # Create a topic to ID map topic_df = topic_model.get_topic_info() topic_id_map = {row["Topic"]: row["Name"][2:] for _, row in topic_df.iterrows()} topic_id_map[-1] = topic_id_map[-1][1:] # Fix for the -1 topic case # For each document (descriptor string) get a mapping of topics doc_to_topic_map = defaultdict(str) for topic_id, doc in zip(topics, descriptor_docs): topic = topic_id_map[topic_id] doc_to_topic_map[doc] = topic service_data = service_data.with_columns( pl.col("Descriptor").replace(doc_to_topic_map).alias("DG") # DG Shorthand for descriptor Groups ) # One Hot Encode Features cat_features = ["AG", "Borough", "DG"] service_data = service_data.to_dummies(columns=cat_features) # Group by Date and create our Category Feature Vector cat_df = service_data.rename({"Created Date": "Datetime"}).group_by("Datetime").agg( # Categorical Features Sum pl.col('^AG_.*$').sum(), pl.col('^Borough_.*$').sum(), pl.col('^DG_.*$').sum(), ).sort(by="Datetime") # Concat our category features to our current dataframe sd_df = pl.concat([sd_df, cat_df.drop("Datetime")], how="horizontal") # Now that our dataframe is significantly reduced in size # We can finally convert back to a pandas dataframe # as pandas is usable across more python packages sd_df = sd_df.to_pandas() # Set index to datetime sd_df = sd_df.set_index("Datetime") # NOTE we added 7 new rows to our weather df # These 7 new rows will essentially be our final pred set # The Target for these rows will be null -> indicating it needs to be predicted # Add these rows to the service dataframe preds_df = pd.DataFrame({'Datetime': pd.date_range(start=sd_df.index[-1], periods=8, freq='D')})[1:] sd_df = pd.concat([sd_df, preds_df.set_index("Datetime")], axis=0) return sd_df # Build all weather data from file def build_weather_data(filename): # Use pandas to read file weather_data = pd.read_csv(filename) # Quickly aggregate Year, Month, Day into a datetime object # This is because the 311 data uses datetime weather_data["Datetime"] = weather_data["Year"].astype("str") + "-" + weather_data["Month"].astype("str") + "-" + weather_data["Day"].astype("str") weather_data = create_datetime(weather_data, "Datetime", format="%Y-%m-%d") # LOCALIZE # Pre-recorded min/max values from the service data (so we don't need again) lat_min = 40.49804421521046 lat_max = 40.91294056699566 long_min = -74.25521082506387 long_max = -73.70038354802529 # Create the conditions for location matching mincon_lat = weather_data["Latitude"] >= lat_min maxcon_lat = weather_data["Latitude"] <= lat_max mincon_long = weather_data["Longitude"] >= long_min maxcon_long = weather_data["Longitude"] <= long_max # Localize our data to match the service data wd_localized = weather_data.loc[mincon_lat & maxcon_lat & mincon_long & maxcon_long] drop_cols = [ "USAF", "WBAN", "StationName", "State", "Latitude", "Longitude" ] wd_localized = wd_localized.drop(columns=drop_cols) # AGGREGATE # Map columns with aggregation method mean_cols = [ 'MeanTemp', 'DewPoint', 'Percipitation', 'WindSpeed', 'Gust', 'SnowDepth', ] min_cols = [ 'MinTemp' ] max_cols = [ 'MaxTemp', 'MaxSustainedWind' ] round_cols = [ 'Rain', 'SnowIce' ] # Perform Aggregation mean_df = wd_localized.groupby("Datetime")[mean_cols].mean() min_df = wd_localized.groupby("Datetime")[min_cols].min() max_df = wd_localized.groupby("Datetime")[max_cols].max() round_df = wd_localized.groupby("Datetime")[round_cols].mean().round().astype(np.int8) wd_full = pd.concat([mean_df, min_df, max_df, round_df], axis=1) # Add seasonal features wd_full = build_temporal_features(wd_full, "Datetime") wd_full["Season"] = wd_full["Season"].astype("category") wd_full = wd_full.set_index("Datetime") # We will calculate the imputation for the next 7 days after 12/31/2018 # Along with the 49 missing days # This will act as our "Weather Forecast" time_steps = 49 + 7 # Impute Cols impute_cols = [ 'MeanTemp', 'MinTemp', 'MaxTemp', 'DewPoint', 'Percipitation', 'WindSpeed', 'MaxSustainedWind', 'Gust', 'Rain', 'SnowDepth', 'SnowIce', ] # Mean Vars mean_vars = ["WindSpeed", "MaxSustainedWind", "Gust", "SnowDepth"] min_vars = ["SnowIce", "MeanTemp", "MinTemp", "MaxTemp", "DewPoint", "Percipitation"] max_vars = ["Rain"] # Use the imported function to create the imputed data preds_mean = impute_missing_weather(wd_full, strategy="mean", time_steps=time_steps, impute_cols=mean_vars) preds_min = impute_missing_weather(wd_full, strategy="min", time_steps=time_steps, impute_cols=min_vars) preds_max = impute_missing_weather(wd_full, strategy="max", time_steps=time_steps, impute_cols=max_vars) all_preds = pd.concat([preds_mean, preds_min, preds_max], axis=1) all_preds = build_temporal_features(all_preds.loc[:, impute_cols], "Datetime") all_preds = all_preds.set_index("Datetime") wd_curr = wd_full.loc[wd_full["Year"] >= 2016] wd_df = pd.concat([wd_full, all_preds], axis=0, join="outer") time_vars = ["Year", "Month", "Day", "DayOfWeek", "DayOfYear", "is_weekend", "is_holiday", "Season"] wd_df.drop(columns=time_vars) return wd_df class MyNaiveImputer(): def __init__(self, data, time_steps=49, freq="D"): = data.reset_index().copy() start_date =["Datetime"].max() + pd.Timedelta(days=1) end_date = start_date + pd.Timedelta(days=time_steps-1) missing_range = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq="D") self.missing_df = pd.DataFrame(missing_range, columns=["Datetime"]) self.missing_df = build_temporal_features(self.missing_df, "Datetime") def impute(self, col, by="DayOfYear", strategy="mean"): def naive_impute_by(val, impute_X, data, by=by, strategy=strategy): if strategy.lower() == "mean": func = pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.mean elif strategy.lower() == "median": func = pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.median elif strategy.lower() == "max": func = pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.max elif strategy.lower() == "min": func = pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.min grouped = func(data.groupby(by)[impute_X]) return grouped[val] return self.missing_df["DayOfYear"].apply(naive_impute_by, args=(col,, by, strategy)) def impute_all(self, cols, by="DayOfYear", strategy="mean"): output_df = self.missing_df.copy() for col in cols: output_df[col] = self.impute(col, by, strategy) return output_df def impute_missing_weather(data, strategy="mean", time_steps=7, impute_cols=impute_cols): final_imputer = MyNaiveImputer(data, time_steps=time_steps) preds = final_imputer.impute_all(impute_cols, strategy=strategy).set_index("Datetime") return preds def get_feature_importance(data, target, split_date="01-01-2016", print_score=False): import torch device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" train = data.loc[data.index <= pd.to_datetime(split_date)] test = data.loc[data.index > pd.to_datetime(split_date)] if type(target) == str: X_train, X_test = train.drop(columns=target), test.drop(columns=target) y_train, y_test = train[target], test[target] else: X_train, X_test = train, test y_train, y_test = target.loc[train.index], target.loc[test.index] target = str( if 'int' in # Use binary Classifier metric = "logloss" model = xgb.XGBClassifier( base_score=0.25, n_estimators=500, early_stopping_rounds=50, objective='binary:logistic', device=device, max_depth=3, learning_rate=0.01, enable_categorical=True, eval_metric="logloss", importance_type="gain", random_state=22, ) else: metric = "MAPE" model = xgb.XGBRegressor( n_estimators=500, early_stopping_rounds=50, objective='reg:squarederror', device=device, max_depth=3, learning_rate=0.01, enable_categorical=True, eval_metric="mape", importance_type="gain", random_state=22, ) _ = X_train, y_train, eval_set=[(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test)], verbose=False ) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = plot_importance(model, title=f"Feature Importance for {target}", ax=ax) if print_score: best_score = str(round(100*model.best_score,2))+"%" print(f"Best {metric}: {best_score}") return fig, model def corr_with_lag(data, target_col, covar, lags=[1], method="pearson"): data_lagged = pd.DataFrame() data_lagged["Target"] = data[target_col] for lag in lags: new_col = f"lag_{lag}D" data_lagged[new_col] = data[covar].shift(lag) return data_lagged.dropna().corr(method=method) def plot_correlations(data, target, covar, lags=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,14,18,21], method="pearson"): df_corr = corr_with_lag(data, target, covar, lags, method) mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(df_corr, dtype=bool)) z_dim, x_dim = len(df_corr.to_numpy()), len(df_corr.columns) y_dim = x_dim fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap( z=df_corr.mask(mask).to_numpy(), x=df_corr.columns.tolist(), y=df_corr.columns.tolist(), colorscale=px.colors.diverging.RdBu, zmin=-1, zmax=1, ygap=2, xgap=2, name="", customdata=np.full((x_dim, y_dim, z_dim), covar), hovertemplate='%{customdata[0]}
%{x} to %{y}
Correlation: %{z:.4f}', showscale=True ) fig.update_layout( title_text=f"Correlation Heatmap of Lagged {covar}", title_x=0.5, height=600, xaxis_showgrid=False, yaxis_showgrid=False, xaxis_zeroline=False, yaxis_zeroline=False, yaxis_autorange='reversed', template='plotly_white' ) # fig.update_annotations(font=dict(color="black")) for i in range(len(fig.layout.annotations)): if fig.layout.annotations[i].text == 'nan': fig.layout.annotations[i].text = "" else: corr_i = round(float(fig.layout.annotations[i].text), 3) fig.layout.annotations[i].text = corr_i if (corr_i > 0.2 and corr_i < 0.5) or (corr_i < -0.2 and corr_i > -0.5): fig.layout.annotations[i].font.color = "white" return fig def plot_all_correlations(data, data_name="weather", method="pearson", width=1392, height=600): if data_name == "weather": covars = ["MeanTemp", "MinTemp", "MaxTemp", 'DewPoint', 'Percipitation', 'WindSpeed', 'Gust', 'MaxSustainedWind', "SnowDepth", "SnowIce", "Rain", "Target"] elif data_name == "service": covars = [ "num_closed_tickets", # Agency Group Counts 'AG_Buildings', 'AG_Environment & Sanitation', 'AG_Health', 'AG_Parks', 'AG_Security', 'AG_Transportation', 'AG_Other', # Borough Counts 'Borough_BRONX', 'Borough_BROOKLYN', 'Borough_MANHATTAN', 'Borough_QUEENS', 'Borough_STATEN ISLAND', 'Borough_OTHER', # Descriptor Group Counts 'DG_damaged_sign_sidewalk_missing', 'DG_english_emergency_spanish_chinese', 'DG_exemption_commercial_tax_business', 'DG_license_complaint_illegal_violation', 'DG_noise_animal_truck_dead', 'DG_odor_food_air_smoke', 'DG_order_property_inspection_condition', 'DG_water_basin_litter_missed', "Target" ] df_corr = data.loc[:, covars].corr(method=method) mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(df_corr, dtype=bool)) fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap( z=df_corr.mask(mask).to_numpy(), x=df_corr.columns.tolist(), y=df_corr.columns.tolist(), colorscale=px.colors.diverging.RdBu, zmin=-1, zmax=1, ygap=2, xgap=2, name="", hovertemplate='%{x}-%{y}
Correlation: %{z:.4f}', showscale=True ) fig.update_layout( title_text=f"Correlation Heatmap of Weather Variables & Target", title_x=0.5, height=600, width=width, xaxis_showgrid=False, yaxis_showgrid=False, xaxis_zeroline=False, yaxis_zeroline=False, yaxis_autorange='reversed', template='plotly_white' ) fig.update_annotations(font=dict(color="black")) for i in range(len(fig.layout.annotations)): if fig.layout.annotations[i].text == 'nan': fig.layout.annotations[i].text = "" else: corr_i = round(float(fig.layout.annotations[i].text), 3) fig.layout.annotations[i].text = corr_i if corr_i > 0.5 or corr_i < -0.5: fig.layout.annotations[i].font.color = "white" return fig def plot_gust_interpolation(data): fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,12)) data["Gust_lin"].plot(ax=ax[0][0], color=color_pal[0], title="linear") data["Gust_spline3"].plot(ax=ax[0][1], color=color_pal[1], title="spline3") data["Gust_spline5"].plot(ax=ax[1][0], color=color_pal[2], title="spline5") data["Gust_quad"].plot(ax=ax[1][1], color=color_pal[3], title="quadratic") curr_fig = plt.gcf() plt.close() return curr_fig def plot_train_split(train, val): fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5)) ax = train["Target"].plot(label="Training Set") val["Target"].plot(label="Validation Set", ax=ax) ax.axvline('2018-04-01', color='black', ls='--') ax.legend() ax.set_title("Train Test Split (2018-04-01)") curr_fig = plt.gcf() plt.close() return curr_fig def plot_predictions(train, val, preds): fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 5)) ax = train["Target"].plot(label="Training Set") val["Target"].plot(label="Validation Set", ax=ax) val["Prediction"] = preds val["Prediction"].plot(label="Prediction", ax=ax) ax.axvline('2018-04-01', color='black', ls='--') ax.legend() ax.set_title("Model Prediction for 311 Call Volume") curr_fig = plt.gcf() plt.close() return curr_fig def plot_final_feature_importance(model): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6)) ax = plot_importance(model, max_num_features=20, title=f"Feature Importance for 311 Service Calls", ax=ax) curr_fig = plt.gcf() plt.close() return curr_fig def predict_recurse(dataset, test, model, features_to_impute=['Target_L1D', 'Target_Diff7D', 'Target_Diff14D'], last_feature='Target_L6D'): n_steps = len(test) merged_data = pd.concat([dataset[-14:], test], axis=0) all_index = merged_data.index X_test = test.drop(columns="Target") sd = -6 # Starting point for filling next value # For each step, get the predictions for i in range(n_steps-1): pred = model.predict(X_test)[i] # For the three features needed, compute the new value X_test.loc[all_index[sd+i], features_to_impute[0]] = pred X_test.loc[all_index[sd+i], features_to_impute[1]] = pred - merged_data.loc[all_index[sd+i-7], features_to_impute[1]] X_test.loc[all_index[sd+i], features_to_impute[2]] = pred - merged_data.loc[all_index[sd+i-14], features_to_impute[2]] # In the last iteration compute the Lag6D value if i == 5: X_test.loc[all_index[sd+i], last_feature] = pred - merged_data.loc[all_index[sd+i-6], last_feature] final_preds = model.predict(X_test) return final_preds