import os from io import StringIO from tempfile import mkdtemp, mkstemp import pandas as pd import tree_sitter from IPython.display import HTML from metakernel import MetaKernel import subprocess from .codeql import QueryClient __version__ = "0.0.1" class CodeQLKernel(MetaKernel): implementation = "CodeQL Kernel" implementation_version = "1.0" language = "ql" language_version = "0.1" banner = "CodeQL Kernel - Experimental" language_info = { "mimetype": "text/x-codeql", "name": "codeql", "file_extension": ".ql", "help_links": MetaKernel.help_links, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): # get absolute path of running script here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.QL_LANGUAGE = tree_sitter.Language( os.path.join(here, ""), "ql" ) self._select_query = self.QL_LANGUAGE.query( "(moduleMember (select)) @select_statement" ) self._predicate_query = self.QL_LANGUAGE.query( """(moduleMember (annotation name: (annotName) @aname (#eq? @aname "query")). (classlessPredicate name: (predicateName) @pname) ) @annotated_query """ ) self._parser = tree_sitter.Parser() self._parser.set_language(self.QL_LANGUAGE) self._context = "" def on_progress(obj): self.Display(obj["message"], clear_output=True) def on_result(obj): self.Display( f"Query completed in {obj['evaluationTime']}!", clear_output=True ) self._query_client: QueryClient = QueryClient( on_progress=on_progress, on_result=on_result ) MetaKernel.__init__(self, **kwargs) print(kwargs) def get_usage(self): return "This is the CodeQL kernel." def parse_cell(self, cell): """ parse the cell code using tree-sitter """ tree = self._parser.parse(bytes(cell, "utf8")) select_statements = [] query_predicates = [] captures = self._select_query.captures(tree.root_node) for capture in captures: # capture[0] is the node, capture[1] is the capture name if capture[1] == "select_statement": start_point = capture[0].start_point end_point = capture[0].end_point select_statements.append((start_point, end_point)) captures = self._predicate_query.captures(tree.root_node) for capture in captures: # capture[0] is the node # capture[1] is the capture name if capture[1] == "annotated_query": start_point = capture[0].start_point end_point = capture[0].end_point # extract the annotation name # check if its a query predicate for i, line in enumerate(cell.split("\n")): if i == start_point[0]: if (line[start_point[1]: start_point[1] + len("query")] == "query"): query_predicates.append((start_point, end_point)) return (select_statements, query_predicates) def evaluate(self, code, quick_eval=None): """ Evaluate the given code and return the result. """ try: if not self._query_client._db_metadata: self.Error_display("No database registered! Use %set_database to register a database.") return # create a temporary directory to hold the query pack and the query qlpack = "\n".join( [ "---", "library: false", "name: jupyter-kernel/temporary-qlpack", "version: 0.0.1", "dependencies:", " codeql/{}-all: '*'", "", ] ).format(self._query_client._db_metadata["languages"][0]) tmp_dir = mkdtemp(dir="/tmp", prefix="codeql_kernel") with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "qlpack.yml"), "w") as f: f.write(qlpack)"codeql pack install", cwd=tmp_dir, shell=True) fd, query_path = mkstemp(suffix=".ql", dir=tmp_dir, text=True) os.write(fd, bytearray(code, "utf-8")) os.close(fd) self.Display("Running query ...", clear_output=True) (err, resp) = self._query_client.run_query( query_path, quick_eval=quick_eval ) if err: self.clear_output(wait=True) self.Error_display( "Error running query: {}".format(err) ) else: csv = StringIO(resp) chunks = (chunk for chunk in pd.read_csv(csv, chunksize=5000)) df = pd.concat(chunks) self.Display(HTML(df.to_html()), clear_output=True) except Exception as e: self.Error_display("Error running query: {}".format(e)) def do_execute_direct(self, code): """ Execute the given code directly. """ (select_statements, query_predicates) = self.parse_cell(code) if len(query_predicates) == 1 and len(select_statements) == 0: # we have exactly one query predicate: # add cell to the context and evaluate the query predicate offset = len(self._context.split("\n")) self._context += code + "\n" predicate = query_predicates[0][0] pred_line = predicate[0] pred_col = predicate[1] cell_lines = code.split("\n") words = cell_lines[pred_line].strip().split(" ") position = { "startLine": offset + pred_line, "endLine": offset + pred_line, "startColumn": pred_col + len(words[0]) + len(words[1]) + 3, "endColumn": pred_col + len(words[0]) + len(words[1]) + 3, } self.Display("Evaluating predicate '" + words[2].split("(")[0] + "'", clear_output=True) self.evaluate(self._context, quick_eval=position) elif len(select_statements) == 1: # we have exactly one select statement: # add cell to the context and evaluate the whole context self._context += code + "\n" self.Display("Evaluating select statement ...", clear_output=True) self.evaluate(self._context) else: self._context += code + "\n" def repr(self, data): return repr(data) def do_shutdown(self, restart): if self._query_client: self._query_client.stop() if restart: self.Print("Restarting kernel...") self.reload_magics() self.restart_kernel() self.Print("Done!") super(CodeQLKernel, self).do_shutdown(restart) if __name__ == "__main__": CodeQLKernel.run_as_main()