# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, create a new key.yaml, define OPENAI_API_KEY. | |
# The configuration of key.yaml has a higher priority and will not enter git | |
#### if OpenAI | |
## The official OPENAI_API_BASE is https://api.openai.com/v1 | |
## If the official OPENAI_API_BASE is not available, we recommend using the [openai-forward](https://github.com/beidongjiedeguang/openai-forward). | |
## Or, you can configure OPENAI_PROXY to access official OPENAI_API_BASE. | |
OPENAI_API_BASE: "https://api.openai.com/v1" | |
OPENAI_API_MODEL: "gpt-4" | |
MAX_TOKENS: 1500 | |
RPM: 10 | |
#### if Anthropic | |
#Anthropic_API_KEY: "YOUR_API_KEY" | |
#### if AZURE, check https://github.com/openai/openai-cookbook/blob/main/examples/azure/chat.ipynb | |
#OPENAI_API_TYPE: "azure" | |
#### for Search | |
## Supported values: serpapi/google/serper/ddg | |
#SEARCH_ENGINE: serpapi | |
## Visit https://serpapi.com/ to get key. | |
## Visit https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials to get key. | |
## Visit https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/controlpanel/create to get id. | |
## Visit https://serper.dev/ to get key. | |
#### for web access | |
## Supported values: playwright/selenium | |
#WEB_BROWSER_ENGINE: playwright | |
## Supported values: chromium/firefox/webkit, visit https://playwright.dev/python/docs/api/class-browsertype | |
## Supported values: chrome/firefox/edge/ie, visit https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/browsers/ | |
#### for TTS | |
#AZURE_TTS_REGION: "eastus" | |
#### for Stable Diffusion | |
## Use SD service, based on https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui | |
SD_T2I_API: "/sdapi/v1/txt2img" | |
#### for Execution | |
#LONG_TERM_MEMORY: false | |
#### for Mermaid CLI | |
## If you installed mmdc (Mermaid CLI) only for metagpt then enable the following configuration. | |
#PUPPETEER_CONFIG: "./config/puppeteer-config.json" | |
#MMDC: "./node_modules/.bin/mmdc" | |
### for calc_usage | |
# CALC_USAGE: false | |
### for Research | |
MODEL_FOR_RESEARCHER_REPORT: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k | |
### Meta Models | |
### S3 config | |
S3: | |
access_key: "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY" | |
secret_key: "YOUR_S3_SECRET_KEY" | |
endpoint_url: "YOUR_S3_ENDPOINT_URL" | |