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from collections import Counter
from magic_pdf.libs.commons import fitz # pyMuPDF库
from magic_pdf.libs.coordinate_transform import get_scale_ratio
def parse_footnotes_by_model(page_ID: int, page: fitz.Page, json_from_DocXchain_obj: dict, md_bookname_save_path=None, debug_mode=False):
:param page_ID: int类型,当前page在当前pdf文档中是第page_D页。
:param page :fitz读取的当前页的内容
:param res_dir_path: str类型,是每一个pdf文档,在当前.py文件的目录下生成一个与pdf文档同名的文件夹,res_dir_path就是文件夹的dir
:param json_from_DocXchain_obj: dict类型,把pdf文档送入DocXChain模型中后,提取bbox,结果保存到pdf文档同名文件夹下的 page_ID.json文件中了。json_from_DocXchain_obj就是打开后的dict
#--------- 通过json_from_DocXchain来获取 footnote ---------#
footnote_bbox_from_DocXChain = []
xf_json = json_from_DocXchain_obj
horizontal_scale_ratio, vertical_scale_ratio = get_scale_ratio(xf_json, page)
# {0: 'title', # 标题
# 1: 'figure', # 图片
# 2: 'plain text', # 文本
# 3: 'header', # 页眉
# 4: 'page number', # 页码
# 5: 'footnote', # 脚注
# 6: 'footer', # 页脚
# 7: 'table', # 表格
# 8: 'table caption', # 表格描述
# 9: 'figure caption', # 图片描述
# 10: 'equation', # 公式
# 11: 'full column', # 单栏
# 12: 'sub column', # 多栏
# 13: 'embedding', # 嵌入公式
# 14: 'isolated'} # 单行公式
for xf in xf_json['layout_dets']:
L = xf['poly'][0] / horizontal_scale_ratio
U = xf['poly'][1] / vertical_scale_ratio
R = xf['poly'][2] / horizontal_scale_ratio
D = xf['poly'][5] / vertical_scale_ratio
# L += pageL # 有的页面,artBox偏移了。不在(0,0)
# R += pageL
# U += pageU
# D += pageU
L, R = min(L, R), max(L, R)
U, D = min(U, D), max(U, D)
# if xf['category_id'] == 5 and xf['score'] >= 0.3:
if xf['category_id'] == 5 and xf['score'] >= 0.43: # 新的footnote阈值
footnote_bbox_from_DocXChain.append((L, U, R, D))
footnote_final_names = []
footnote_final_bboxs = []
footnote_ID = 0
for L, U, R, D in footnote_bbox_from_DocXChain:
if debug_mode:
# cur_footnote = page.get_pixmap(clip=(L,U,R,D))
new_footnote_name = "footnote_{}_{}.png".format(page_ID, footnote_ID) # 脚注name
# + '/' + new_footnote_name) # 把脚注存储在新建的文件夹,并命名
footnote_final_names.append(new_footnote_name) # 把脚注的名字存在list中
footnote_final_bboxs.append((L, U, R, D))
footnote_ID += 1
footnote_final_bboxs.sort(key = lambda LURD: (LURD[1], LURD[0]))
curPage_all_footnote_bboxs = footnote_final_bboxs
return curPage_all_footnote_bboxs
def need_remove(block):
if 'lines' in block and len(block['lines']) > 0:
# block中只有一行,且该行文本全是大写字母,或字体为粗体bold关键词,SB关键词,把这个block捞回来
if len(block['lines']) == 1:
if 'spans' in block['lines'][0] and len(block['lines'][0]['spans']) == 1:
font_keywords = ['SB', 'bold', 'Bold']
if block['lines'][0]['spans'][0]['text'].isupper() or any(keyword in block['lines'][0]['spans'][0]['font'] for keyword in font_keywords):
return True
for line in block['lines']:
if 'spans' in line and len(line['spans']) > 0:
for span in line['spans']:
# 检测"keyword"是否在span中,忽略大小写
if "keyword" in span['text'].lower():
return True
return False
def parse_footnotes_by_rule(remain_text_blocks, page_height, page_id, main_text_font):
remain_text_blocks (list): 包含所有待处理的文本块的列表。
page_height (float): 页面的高度。
page_id (int): 页面的ID。
list: 符合规则的脚注文本块的边界框列表。
# if page_id > 20:
if page_id > 2: # 为保证精确度,先只筛选前3页
return []
# 存储每一行的文本块大小的列表
line_sizes = []
# 存储每个文本块的平均行大小
block_sizes = []
# 存储每一行的字体信息
# font_names = []
font_names = Counter()
if len(remain_text_blocks) > 0:
for block in remain_text_blocks:
block_line_sizes = []
# block_fonts = []
block_fonts = Counter()
for line in block['lines']:
# 提取每个span的size属性,并计算行大小
span_sizes = [span['size'] for span in line['spans'] if 'size' in span]
if span_sizes:
line_size = sum(span_sizes) / len(span_sizes)
span_font = [(span['font'], len(span['text'])) for span in line['spans'] if 'font' in span and len(span['text']) > 0]
if span_font:
# main_text_font应该用基于字数最多的字体而不是span级别的统计
# font_names.append(font_name for font_name in span_font)
# block_fonts.append(font_name for font_name in span_font)
for font, count in span_font:
# font_names.extend([font] * count)
# block_fonts.extend([font] * count)
font_names[font] += count
block_fonts[font] += count
if block_line_sizes:
# 计算文本块的平均行大小
block_size = sum(block_line_sizes) / len(block_line_sizes)
# block_font = collections.Counter(block_fonts).most_common(1)[0][0]
block_font = block_fonts.most_common(1)[0][0]
block_sizes.append((block, block_size, block_font))
# 计算main_text_size
main_text_size = Counter(line_sizes).most_common(1)[0][0]
# 计算main_text_font
# main_text_font = collections.Counter(font_names).most_common(1)[0][0]
# main_text_font = font_names.most_common(1)[0][0]
# 删除一些可能被误识别为脚注的文本块
block_sizes = [(block, block_size, block_font) for block, block_size, block_font in block_sizes if not need_remove(block)]
# 检测footnote_block 并返回 footnote_bboxes
# footnote_bboxes = [block['bbox'] for block, block_size, block_font in block_sizes if
# block['bbox'][1] > page_height * 0.6 and block_size < main_text_size
# and (len(block['lines']) < 5 or block_font != main_text_font)]
# and len(block['lines']) < 5]
footnote_bboxes = [block['bbox'] for block, block_size, block_font in block_sizes if
block['bbox'][1] > page_height * 0.6 and
# 较为严格的规则
block_size < main_text_size and
(len(block['lines']) < 5 or
block_font != main_text_font)]
# 较为宽松的规则
# sum([block_size < main_text_size,
# len(block['lines']) < 5,
# block_font != main_text_font])
# >= 2]
return footnote_bboxes
return []