from magic_pdf.libs.commons import fitz from magic_pdf.para.commons import * if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: sys.stdout.reconfigure(encoding="utf-8") # type: ignore class DrawAnnos: """ This class draws annotations on the pdf file ---------------------------------------- Color Code ---------------------------------------- Red: (1, 0, 0) Green: (0, 1, 0) Blue: (0, 0, 1) Yellow: (1, 1, 0) - mix of red and green Cyan: (0, 1, 1) - mix of green and blue Magenta: (1, 0, 1) - mix of red and blue White: (1, 1, 1) - red, green and blue full intensity Black: (0, 0, 0) - no color component whatsoever Gray: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) - equal and medium intensity of red, green and blue color components Orange: (1, 0.65, 0) - maximum intensity of red, medium intensity of green, no blue component """ def __init__(self) -> None: pass def __is_nested_list(self, lst): """ This function returns True if the given list is a nested list of any degree. """ if isinstance(lst, list): return any(self.__is_nested_list(i) for i in lst) or any(isinstance(i, list) for i in lst) return False def __valid_rect(self, bbox): # Ensure that the rectangle is not empty or invalid if isinstance(bbox[0], list): return False # It's a nested list, hence it can't be valid rect else: return bbox[0] < bbox[2] and bbox[1] < bbox[3] def __draw_nested_boxes(self, page, nested_bbox, color=(0, 1, 1)): """ This function draws the nested boxes Parameters ---------- page : fitz.Page page nested_bbox : list nested bbox color : tuple color, by default (0, 1, 1) # draw with cyan color for combined paragraph """ if self.__is_nested_list(nested_bbox): # If it's a nested list for bbox in nested_bbox: self.__draw_nested_boxes(page, bbox, color) # Recursively call the function elif self.__valid_rect(nested_bbox): # If valid rectangle para_rect = fitz.Rect(nested_bbox) para_anno = page.add_rect_annot(para_rect) para_anno.set_colors(stroke=color) # draw with cyan color for combined paragraph para_anno.set_border(width=1) para_anno.update() def draw_annos(self, input_pdf_path, pdf_dic, output_pdf_path): pdf_doc = open_pdf(input_pdf_path) if pdf_dic is None: pdf_dic = {} if output_pdf_path is None: output_pdf_path = input_pdf_path.replace(".pdf", "_anno.pdf") for page_id, page in enumerate(pdf_doc): # type: ignore page_key = f"page_{page_id}" for ele_key, ele_data in pdf_dic[page_key].items(): if ele_key == "para_blocks": para_blocks = ele_data for para_block in para_blocks: if "paras" in para_block.keys(): paras = para_block["paras"] for para_key, para_content in paras.items(): para_bbox = para_content["para_bbox"] # print(f"para_bbox: {para_bbox}") # print(f"is a nested list: {self.__is_nested_list(para_bbox)}") if self.__is_nested_list(para_bbox) and len(para_bbox) > 1: color = (0, 1, 1) self.__draw_nested_boxes( page, para_bbox, color ) # draw with cyan color for combined paragraph else: if self.__valid_rect(para_bbox): para_rect = fitz.Rect(para_bbox) para_anno = page.add_rect_annot(para_rect) para_anno.set_colors(stroke=(0, 1, 0)) # draw with green color for normal paragraph para_anno.set_border(width=0.5) para_anno.update() is_para_title = para_content["is_para_title"] if is_para_title: if self.__is_nested_list(para_content["para_bbox"]) and len(para_content["para_bbox"]) > 1: color = (0, 0, 1) self.__draw_nested_boxes( page, para_content["para_bbox"], color ) # draw with cyan color for combined title else: if self.__valid_rect(para_content["para_bbox"]): para_rect = fitz.Rect(para_content["para_bbox"]) if self.__valid_rect(para_content["para_bbox"]): para_anno = page.add_rect_annot(para_rect) para_anno.set_colors(stroke=(0, 0, 1)) # draw with blue color for normal title para_anno.set_border(width=0.5) para_anno.update() pdf_doc.close()