import torch import torch.nn as nn from transformers import ElectraPreTrainedModel, ElectraModel class ElectraReader(ElectraPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config, learn_labels=False): super(ElectraReader, self).__init__(config) self.electra = ElectraModel(config) self.relevance = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 1) if learn_labels: self.linear = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 2) else: self.linear = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 1) self.init_weights() self.learn_labels = learn_labels def forward(self, encoding): outputs = self.electra(encoding.input_ids, attention_mask=encoding.attention_mask, token_type_ids=encoding.token_type_ids)[0] scores = self.linear(outputs) if self.learn_labels: scores = scores[:, 0].squeeze(1) else: scores = scores.squeeze(-1) candidates = (encoding.input_ids == 103) scores = self._mask_2d_index(scores, candidates) return scores def _mask_2d_index(self, scores, mask): bsize, maxlen = scores.size() bsize_, maxlen_ = mask.size() assert bsize == bsize_, (scores.size(), mask.size()) assert maxlen == maxlen_, (scores.size(), mask.size()) # Get flat scores corresponding to the True mask positions, with -inf at the end flat_scores = scores[mask] flat_scores =, torch.ones(1, device=self.device) * float('-inf'))) # Get 2D indexes rowidxs, nnzs = torch.unique(torch.nonzero(mask, as_tuple=False)[:, 0], return_counts=True) max_nnzs = nnzs.max().item() rows = [[-1] * max_nnzs for _ in range(bsize)] offset = 0 for rowidx, nnz in zip(rowidxs.tolist(), nnzs.tolist()): rows[rowidx] = [offset + i for i in range(nnz)] rows[rowidx] += [-1] * (max_nnzs - len(rows[rowidx])) offset += nnz indexes = torch.tensor(rows).to(self.device) # Index with the 2D indexes scores_2d = flat_scores[indexes] return scores_2d def _2d_index(self, embeddings, positions): bsize, maxlen, hdim = embeddings.size() bsize_, max_out = positions.size() assert bsize == bsize_ assert positions.max() < maxlen embeddings = embeddings.view(bsize * maxlen, hdim) positions = positions + torch.arange(bsize, device=positions.device).unsqueeze(-1) * maxlen return embeddings[positions]