import os import time import torch import random import torch.multiprocessing as mp import numpy as np try: mp.set_start_method('spawn', force=True) except RuntimeError: pass import colbert.utils.distributed as distributed from import Run from colbert.infra.config import BaseConfig, RunConfig, RunSettings from colbert.utils.utils import print_message class Launcher: def __init__(self, callee, run_config=None, return_all=False): self.callee = callee self.return_all = return_all self.run_config = RunConfig.from_existing(Run().config, run_config) self.nranks = self.run_config.nranks def launch(self, custom_config, *args): return_value_queue = mp.Queue() rng = random.Random(time.time()) port = str(12355 + rng.randint(0, 1000)) # randomize the port to avoid collision on launching several jobs. all_procs = [] for new_rank in range(0, self.nranks): assert isinstance(custom_config, BaseConfig) assert isinstance(custom_config, RunSettings) new_config = type(custom_config).from_existing(custom_config, self.run_config, RunConfig(rank=new_rank)) args_ = (self.callee, port, return_value_queue, new_config, *args) all_procs.append(mp.Process(target=setup_new_process, args=args_)) # Clear GPU space (e.g., after a `Searcher` on GPU-0 is deleted) # TODO: Generalize this from GPU-0 only! # TODO: Move this to a function. And call that function from __del__ in a class that's inherited by Searcher, Indexer, etc. # t = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0).total_memory # r = torch.cuda.memory_reserved(0) # a = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) # f = r-a # print_message(f"[Pre-Emptying] GPU memory check: r={r}, a={a}, f={f}") torch.cuda.empty_cache() # t = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0).total_memory # r = torch.cuda.memory_reserved(0) # a = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) # f = r-a # print_message(f"[Post-Emptying] GPU memory check: r={r}, a={a}, f={f}") print_memory_stats('MAIN') for proc in all_procs: print("#> Starting...") proc.start() print_memory_stats('MAIN') # TODO: If the processes crash upon join, raise an exception and don't block on .get() below! return_values = sorted([return_value_queue.get() for _ in all_procs]) return_values = [val for rank, val in return_values] if not self.return_all: return_values = return_values[0] for proc in all_procs: proc.join() print("#> Joined...") print_memory_stats('MAIN') return return_values def setup_new_process(callee, port, return_value_queue, config, *args): print_memory_stats() random.seed(12345) np.random.seed(12345) torch.manual_seed(12345) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(12345) rank, nranks = config.rank, config.nranks os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"] = "localhost" os.environ["MASTER_PORT"] = port os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"] = str(config.nranks) os.environ["RANK"] = str(config.rank) # TODO: Ideally the gpus "getter" handles this max-nranks thing! os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ','.join(map(str, config.gpus_[:nranks])) nranks_, distributed_ = distributed.init(rank) assert nranks_ == nranks # Run.init(args.rank, args.root, args.experiment, with Run().context(config, inherit_config=False): return_val = callee(config, *args) return_value_queue.put((rank, return_val)) def print_memory_stats(message=''): return # FIXME: Add this back before release. import psutil # Remove before releases? Or at least make optional with try/except. global_info = psutil.virtual_memory() total, available, used, free =, global_info.available, global_info.used, info = psutil.Process().memory_info() rss, vms, shared = info.rss, info.vms, info.shared uss = psutil.Process().memory_full_info().uss gib = 1024 ** 3 summary = f""" "[PID: {os.getpid()}] [{message}] Available: {available / gib:,.1f} / {total / gib:,.1f} Free: {free / gib:,.1f} / {total / gib:,.1f} Usage: {used / gib:,.1f} / {total / gib:,.1f} RSS: {rss / gib:,.1f} VMS: {vms / gib:,.1f} USS: {uss / gib:,.1f} SHARED: {shared / gib:,.1f} """.strip().replace('\n', '\t') print_message(summary, pad=True)