Runtime error
Runtime error
import gradio as gr | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
import json | |
import requests | |
import os | |
from PIL import Image | |
import hopsworks | |
import joblib | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
API_KEY = os.environ['API_KEY_TOMTOM'] | |
print("API KEY", API_KEY) | |
# Log into hopsworks | |
project = hopsworks.login() | |
fs = project.get_feature_store() | |
mr = project.get_model_registry() | |
model = mr.get_model("sthlm_incidents_model", version=4) | |
model_dir = | |
model = joblib.load(model_dir + "/sthlm_model.pkl") | |
print("Model downloaded") | |
api_params_incidents = { | |
'base_url': '', | |
'min_lon': 18.00, | |
'max_lon': 18.16, | |
'min_lat': 59.25, | |
'max_lat': 59.40, | |
'version_number': 5, | |
'category_filter': '0%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7%2C8%2C9%2C10%2C11%2C14', | |
'time_validity_filter': 'present', | |
'language': 'en-GB', | |
'fields': '%7Bincidents%7Btype%2Cgeometry%7Bcoordinates%7D%2Cproperties%7Bid%2CmagnitudeOfDelay%2Cevents%7Bdescription%2Ccode%2CiconCategory%7D%2CstartTime%2CendTime%7D%7D%7D' | |
} | |
def get_incident_details(params): | |
url = f"https://{params['base_url']}/traffic/services/{params['version_number']}/incidentDetails?bbox={params['min_lon']}%2C{params['min_lat']}%2C{params['max_lon']}%2C{params['max_lat']}&fields={params['fields']}&language={params['language']}&categoryFilter={params['category_filter']}&timeValidityFilter={params['time_validity_filter']}&key={params['API_KEY']}" | |
return json.loads(requests.get(url).text) | |
# Function that handles an incident | |
def handle_incident(incident): | |
hour_value = incident['properties']['startTime'][11:13] | |
# Create a dictionary with the incident details | |
dict_incident = { | |
'id': incident['properties']['id'], | |
'magnitudeOfDelay': incident['properties']['magnitudeOfDelay'], | |
'startTime': incident['properties']['startTime'], | |
'endTime': incident['properties']['endTime'], | |
'type': incident['type'], | |
'code': incident['properties']['events'][0]['code'], | |
'iconCategory': incident['properties']['events'][0]['iconCategory'], | |
'description': incident['properties']['events'][0]['description'], | |
'month': incident['properties']['startTime'][5:7], | |
'hour': hour_value, | |
} | |
# Get the coordinates of the incident, if statement is for if the incident only has one coordinate | |
if any(isinstance(j, list) for j in incident['geometry']['coordinates']): | |
dict_incident['longitude'] = incident['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0] | |
dict_incident['latitude'] = incident['geometry']['coordinates'][0][1] | |
else: | |
dict_incident['longitude'] = incident['geometry']['coordinates'][0] | |
dict_incident['latitude'] = incident['geometry']['coordinates'][1] | |
return dict_incident | |
def filter_map(): | |
latitude_list = [] | |
longitude_list = [] | |
index_list = [] | |
# Get the data from the json | |
incidents = get_incident_details(api_params_incidents)['incidents'] | |
for (_, i) in enumerate(incidents): | |
# Add the coordinates to the list | |
if any(isinstance(j, list) for j in i['geometry']['coordinates']): | |
latitude_list.append(i['geometry']['coordinates'][0][1]) | |
longitude_list.append(i['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0]) | |
else: | |
latitude_list.append(i['geometry']['coordinates'][1]) | |
longitude_list.append(i['geometry']['coordinates'][0]) | |
if type(i['properties']['events']) == list: | |
description = i['properties']['events'][0]['description'] | |
else: | |
description = i['properties']['events']['description'] | |
starting_date = i['properties']['startTime'].split('T')[0] | |
starting_time = i['properties']['startTime'].split('T')[1].split('+')[0] | |
starting_string = f"started at {starting_time} on {starting_date}" | |
# Check if it has an end time | |
if i['properties']['endTime'] is not None: | |
ending_date = i['properties']['endTime'].split('T')[0] | |
ending_time = i['properties']['endTime'].split('T')[1].split('+')[0] | |
ending_string = f"will end at {ending_time} on {ending_date}<br><br>" | |
else: | |
# Use the model | |
row = handle_incident(i) | |
# Create a df from the row | |
df_row = pd.DataFrame(row, index=[row['id']]) | |
df_row = df_row.drop(["startTime", "endTime", "type", "id", "description"], axis=1) | |
# change the order to code hour iconCategory latitude longitude magnitudeOfDelay month duration | |
df_row = df_row[['code', 'hour', 'iconCategory', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'magnitudeOfDelay', 'month']] | |
# make the features lower case | |
df_row.columns = df_row.columns.str.lower() | |
df_row.columns = df_row.columns.str.replace(' ', '_') | |
# Get the prediction | |
prediction = model.predict(df_row) | |
prediction = prediction[0] | |
print(prediction) | |
# add the prediction to the starting time | |
ending_time = pd.to_datetime(starting_time) + pd.Timedelta(seconds=int(min(prediction, 100000))) | |
ending_date = str(ending_time).split(' ')[0] | |
ending_time = str(ending_time).split(' ')[1].split('+')[0] | |
ending_string = f"<b>Predicted ending time</b>: {ending_time} on {ending_date}<br><br>" | |
index_list.append((starting_string, ending_string, description)) | |
fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox( | |
customdata=index_list, | |
lat=latitude_list, | |
lon=longitude_list, | |
mode='markers', | |
marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( | |
size=6 | |
), | |
hoverinfo="text", | |
hovertemplate=""" | |
<b>Incident in Stockholm started at %{customdata[0]}<br> | |
%{customdata[1]} | |
<b>Additional Information</b>: %{customdata[2]}<br> | |
""" | |
)) | |
fig.update_layout( | |
mapbox_style="open-street-map", | |
hoverlabel=dict( | |
bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)", | |
font_size=16, | |
font_family="Arial" | |
), | |
hovermode='closest', | |
mapbox=dict( | |
bearing=0, | |
center=go.layout.mapbox.Center( | |
lat=59.32, | |
lon=18.08 | |
), | |
pitch=0, | |
zoom=9 | |
), | |
) | |
return fig | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
with gr.Column(): | |
btn = gr.Button(value="Update Filter") | |
map = gr.Plot() | |
demo.load(filter_map, outputs=map) | |, outputs=map) | |
demo.launch() |