import sys sys.path.append("flash3d") from omegaconf import OmegaConf import gradio as gr import spaces import torch import torchvision.transforms as TT import torchvision.transforms.functional as TTF from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from networks.gaussian_predictor import GaussianPredictor from util.vis3d import save_ply def main(): if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda:0" else: device = "cpu" model_cfg_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="einsafutdinov/flash3d", filename="config_re10k_v1.yaml") model_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="einsafutdinov/flash3d", filename="model_re10k_v1.pth") cfg = OmegaConf.load(model_cfg_path) model = GaussianPredictor(cfg) device = torch.device("cuda:0") model.load_model(model_path) pad_border_fn = TT.Pad((cfg.dataset.pad_border_aug, cfg.dataset.pad_border_aug)) to_tensor = TT.ToTensor() def check_input_image(input_image): if input_image is None: raise gr.Error("No image uploaded!") def preprocess(image): image = TTF.resize( image, (cfg.dataset.height, cfg.dataset.width), interpolation=TT.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC ) image = pad_border_fn(image) return image @spaces.GPU() def reconstruct_and_export(image): """ Passes image through model, outputs reconstruction in form of a dict of tensors. """ image = to_tensor(image).to(device).unsqueeze(0) inputs = { ("color_aug", 0, 0): image, } outputs = model(inputs) # export reconstruction to ply save_ply(outputs, ply_out_path, num_gauss=2) return ply_out_path ply_out_path = f'./mesh.ply' css = """ h1 { text-align: center; display:block; } """ with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: gr.Markdown( """ # Flash3D """ ) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Row(): input_image = gr.Image( label="Input Image", image_mode="RGBA", sources="upload", type="pil", elem_id="content_image", ) with gr.Row(): submit = gr.Button("Generate", elem_id="generate", variant="primary") with gr.Row(variant="panel"): gr.Examples( examples=[ './demo_examples/bedroom_01.png', './demo_examples/kitti_02.png', './demo_examples/kitti_03.png', './demo_examples/re10k_04.jpg', './demo_examples/re10k_05.jpg', './demo_examples/re10k_06.jpg', ], inputs=[input_image], cache_examples=False, label="Examples", examples_per_page=20, ) with gr.Row(): processed_image = gr.Image(label="Processed Image", interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=2): with gr.Row(): with gr.Tab("Reconstruction"): output_model = gr.Model3D( height=512, label="Output Model", interactive=False ) # gr.Markdown( # """ # ## Comments: # 1. If you run the demo online, the first example you upload should take about 4.5 seconds (with preprocessing, saving and overhead), the following take about 1.5s. # 2. The 3D viewer shows a .ply mesh extracted from a mix of 3D Gaussians. This is only an approximations and artefacts might show. # 3. Known limitations include: # - a black dot appearing on the model from some viewpoints # - see-through parts of objects, especially on the back: this is due to the model performing less well on more complicated shapes # - back of objects are blurry: this is a model limiation due to it being deterministic # 4. Our model is of comparable quality to state-of-the-art methods, and is **much** cheaper to train and run. # ## How does it work? # Splatter Image formulates 3D reconstruction as an image-to-image translation task. It maps the input image to another image, # in which every pixel represents one 3D Gaussian and the channels of the output represent parameters of these Gaussians, including their shapes, colours and locations. # The resulting image thus represents a set of Gaussians (almost like a point cloud) which reconstruct the shape and colour of the object. # The method is very cheap: the reconstruction amounts to a single forward pass of a neural network with only 2D operators (2D convolutions and attention). # The rendering is also very fast, due to using Gaussian Splatting. # Combined, this results in very cheap training and high-quality results. # For more results see the [project page]( and the [CVPR article]( # """ # ), inputs=[input_image]).success( fn=preprocess, inputs=[input_image], outputs=[processed_image], ).success( fn=reconstruct_and_export, inputs=[processed_image], outputs=[output_model], ) demo.queue(max_size=1) demo.launch(share=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()