import os import re import torch import torchaudio from einops import rearrange from ema_pytorch import EMA from vocos import Vocos from model import CFM, UNetT, DiT, MMDiT from model.utils import ( get_tokenizer, convert_char_to_pinyin, save_spectrogram, ) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # --------------------- Dataset Settings -------------------- # target_sample_rate = 24000 n_mel_channels = 100 hop_length = 256 target_rms = 0.1 tokenizer = "pinyin" dataset_name = "Emilia_ZH_EN" # ---------------------- infer setting ---------------------- # seed = None # int | None exp_name = "F5TTS_Base" # F5TTS_Base | E2TTS_Base ckpt_step = 1200000 nfe_step = 32 # 16, 32 cfg_strength = 2. ode_method = 'euler' # euler | midpoint sway_sampling_coef = -1. speed = 1. fix_duration = 27 # None (will linear estimate. if code-switched, consider fix) | float (total in seconds, include ref audio) if exp_name == "F5TTS_Base": model_cls = DiT model_cfg = dict(dim = 1024, depth = 22, heads = 16, ff_mult = 2, text_dim = 512, conv_layers = 4) elif exp_name == "E2TTS_Base": model_cls = UNetT model_cfg = dict(dim = 1024, depth = 24, heads = 16, ff_mult = 4) checkpoint = torch.load(f"ckpts/{exp_name}/model_{ckpt_step}.pt", map_location=device) output_dir = "tests" ref_audio = "tests/ref_audio/test_en_1_ref_short.wav" ref_text = "Some call me nature, others call me mother nature." gen_text = "I don't really care what you call me. I've been a silent spectator, watching species evolve, empires rise and fall. But always remember, I am mighty and enduring. Respect me and I'll nurture you; ignore me and you shall face the consequences." # ref_audio = "tests/ref_audio/test_zh_1_ref_short.wav" # ref_text = "对,这就是我,万人敬仰的太乙真人。" # gen_text = "突然,身边一阵笑声。我看着他们,意气风发地挺直了胸膛,甩了甩那稍显肉感的双臂,轻笑道:\"我身上的肉,是为了掩饰我爆棚的魅力,否则,岂不吓坏了你们呢?\"" # -------------------------------------------------# use_ema = True if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Vocoder model local = False if local: vocos_local_path = "../checkpoints/charactr/vocos-mel-24khz" vocos = Vocos.from_hparams(f"{vocos_local_path}/config.yaml") state_dict = torch.load(f"{vocos_local_path}/pytorch_model.bin", map_location=device) vocos.load_state_dict(state_dict) vocos.eval() else: vocos = Vocos.from_pretrained("charactr/vocos-mel-24khz") # Tokenizer vocab_char_map, vocab_size = get_tokenizer(dataset_name, tokenizer) # Model model = CFM( transformer = model_cls( **model_cfg, text_num_embeds = vocab_size, mel_dim = n_mel_channels ), mel_spec_kwargs = dict( target_sample_rate = target_sample_rate, n_mel_channels = n_mel_channels, hop_length = hop_length, ), odeint_kwargs = dict( method = ode_method, ), vocab_char_map = vocab_char_map, ).to(device) if use_ema == True: ema_model = EMA(model, include_online_model = False).to(device) ema_model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['ema_model_state_dict']) ema_model.copy_params_from_ema_to_model() else: model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) # Audio audio, sr = torchaudio.load(ref_audio) rms = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(torch.square(audio))) if rms < target_rms: audio = audio * target_rms / rms if sr != target_sample_rate: resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(sr, target_sample_rate) audio = resampler(audio) audio = # Text text_list = [ref_text + gen_text] if tokenizer == "pinyin": final_text_list = convert_char_to_pinyin(text_list) else: final_text_list = [text_list] print(f"text : {text_list}") print(f"pinyin: {final_text_list}") # Duration ref_audio_len = audio.shape[-1] // hop_length if fix_duration is not None: duration = int(fix_duration * target_sample_rate / hop_length) else: # simple linear scale calcul zh_pause_punc = r"。,、;:?!" ref_text_len = len(ref_text) + len(re.findall(zh_pause_punc, ref_text)) gen_text_len = len(gen_text) + len(re.findall(zh_pause_punc, gen_text)) duration = ref_audio_len + int(ref_audio_len / ref_text_len * gen_text_len / speed) # Inference with torch.inference_mode(): generated, trajectory = model.sample( cond = audio, text = final_text_list, duration = duration, steps = nfe_step, cfg_strength = cfg_strength, sway_sampling_coef = sway_sampling_coef, seed = seed, ) print(f"Generated mel: {generated.shape}") # Final result generated = generated[:, ref_audio_len:, :] generated_mel_spec = rearrange(generated, '1 n d -> 1 d n') generated_wave = vocos.decode(generated_mel_spec.cpu()) if rms < target_rms: generated_wave = generated_wave * rms / target_rms save_spectrogram(generated_mel_spec[0].cpu().numpy(), f"{output_dir}/test_single.png")"{output_dir}/test_single.wav", generated_wave, target_sample_rate) print(f"Generated wav: {generated_wave.shape}")