StyleNeRF / torch_utils /ops /
Jiatao Gu
add code from the original repo
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// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.All Rights Reserved
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <torch/extension.h>
#include "utils.h"
template <typename T>
__host__ __device__ T div_round_up(T val, T divisor) {
return (val + divisor - 1) / divisor;
template <uint32_t S>
__global__ void kernel_topp_masking(
const int * __restrict__ sorted_indices,
const float * __restrict__ sorted_weights,
bool *output_mask,
const float p, const uint32_t B,
const uint32_t N, const uint32_t D) {
const uint32_t b = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (b >= N) return;
const uint32_t batch_id = blockIdx.y;
// locate
sorted_weights += (b + batch_id * N) * D;
sorted_indices += (b + batch_id * N) * D;
output_mask += (b + batch_id * N) * D;
float w_sum = 0;
#pragma unroll
for (uint32_t d = 0; d < S; d++){
if (d >= D) break;
w_sum += sorted_weights[d];
output_mask[sorted_indices[d]] = true;
if (w_sum >= p) break;
void topp_masking_cuda(
const int *sorted_indices,
const float *sorted_weights, bool *output_mask,
const float p, const uint32_t B, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t D) {
static constexpr uint32_t N_THREAD = 512;
const dim3 blocks = {div_round_up(N, N_THREAD), B, 1};
if (D < 8) kernel_topp_masking<8><<< blocks, N_THREAD>>>(sorted_indices, sorted_weights, output_mask, p, B, N, D);
else if (D < 16) kernel_topp_masking<16><<< blocks, N_THREAD>>>(sorted_indices, sorted_weights, output_mask, p, B, N, D);
else if (D < 32) kernel_topp_masking<32><<< blocks, N_THREAD>>>(sorted_indices, sorted_weights, output_mask, p, B, N, D);
else if (D < 64) kernel_topp_masking<64><<< blocks, N_THREAD>>>(sorted_indices, sorted_weights, output_mask, p, B, N, D);
else if (D < 128) kernel_topp_masking<128><<<blocks, N_THREAD>>>(sorted_indices, sorted_weights, output_mask, p, B, N, D);
else if (D < 256) kernel_topp_masking<256><<<blocks, N_THREAD>>>(sorted_indices, sorted_weights, output_mask, p, B, N, D);
else throw std::runtime_error{"# of sampled points should not exceed 256"};
void topp_masking(
at::Tensor sorted_indices, at::Tensor sorted_weights, at::Tensor output_mask,
const float p, const uint32_t B, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t D) {
topp_masking_cuda(sorted_indices.data_ptr<int>(), sorted_weights.data_ptr<float>(), output_mask.data_ptr<bool>(), p, B, N, D);
m.def("topp_masking", &topp_masking, "topp masking");