# Seamless Streaming Server ## Setting up the AWS server - Clone working AMI with things set up: https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-west-2#ImageDetails:imageId=ami-013fc3fb27faa03e5 - This has the conda environment, repository, model etc set up so minimal install was required - Open port tunnelling via ssh so you can connect to the AWS server via localhost (gets around some security issues): e.g. `ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 -L 3000:localhost:3000 -L 5173:localhost:5173 -i ~/.ssh/mduppes_devserver.pem ec2-user@` ## Setting up the dev environment Clone the repo `cd seamless-experiences/seamless_vc/seamless_server` If running for the first time, create conda environment from the environment.yaml `conda env create -f environment.yml` (or if you are on Mac OS, replace `environment.yml` with `environment_mac.yml`) In each new terminal you use you will need to activate the conda environment: `conda activate smlss_server` Install dependencies with pip: `pip install -r requirements.txt` Install Meta-specific dependencies with the dedicated install script: `./scripts/update_meta_dependencies.sh` If needed, download and extract the latest model using the dedicated script: `./scripts/download_latest_models.sh` ## Setting up the docker environment Alternatively we can build a docker image (for ease of deployment). 1. Make sure github keys are loaded into ssh-agent. Copy over the keys into ~/.ssh/ then run `eval $(ssh-agent)`, then `ssh-add` to load the keys. 2. Run `docker-compose build` if you just want to build the image. If you want to also run the server: `docker compose up --build`. 3. Optionally to push the built docker image to ECR so it could be pulled into deployments: `./deploy.sh` NOTE: Add your models to the ./models directory. # Running the v2 ("pubsub") server The pubsub server can be loaded with docker above or run locally with uvicorn below. Run the server in dev mode: ``` uvicorn app_pubsub:app --reload ``` Run the server in prod mode: ``` uvicorn app_pubsub:app --host ``` To enable additional logging from uvicorn pass `--log-level debug` or `--log-level trace`. ## Running the frontend - For the v2 pubsub server, the frontend lives in the streaming-react-app root directory (not seamless_ui). ## Updating the conda environment after changes to environment.yml Run this command to install/remove packages to match the current environment.yml file: `conda env update --prefix ./env --file environment.yml --prune` See: https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html?highlight=sharing#updating-an-environment ## Debuging If you enable "Server Debug Flag" when starting streaming from the client, this enables extensive debug logging and it saves audio files in /debug folder. test_no_silence.wav contains data with silence chunks removed.