pokemon_v2 / app.py
fahrnphi's picture
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import streamlit as st
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load the trained model
model_path = "pokemon_model_fahrnphi_transferlearning.keras"
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_path)
# Define the core prediction function
def predict_pokemon(image):
# Preprocess image
image = image.resize((150, 150)) # Resize the image to 150x150
image = image.convert('RGB') # Ensure image has 3 channels
image = np.array(image)
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # Add batch dimension
# Predict
prediction = model.predict(image)
# Apply softmax to get probabilities for each class
probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(prediction, axis=1)
# Map probabilities to Pokemon classes
class_names = ['Charizard', 'Lapras', 'Machamp']
probabilities_dict = {pokemon_class: round(float(probability), 2) for pokemon_class, probability in zip(class_names, probabilities.numpy()[0])}
return probabilities_dict
# Streamlit interface
st.title("Pokemon Classifier")
st.write("A simple MLP classification model for image classification using a pretrained model.")
# Upload image
uploaded_image = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=["jpg", "png"])
if uploaded_image is not None:
image = Image.open(uploaded_image)
st.image(image, caption='Uploaded Image.', use_column_width=True)
predictions = predict_pokemon(image)
# Display predictions as a DataFrame
st.write("### Prediction Probabilities")
df = pd.DataFrame(predictions.items(), columns=["Pokemon", "Probability"])