coconut / pages /1
faizhalas's picture
Rename pages/1 Keywords to pages/1
099854e verified
history blame
No virus
15 kB
import streamlit as st
import scattertext as stx
import pandas as pd
import re
import nltk'wordnet')
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import time
import sys
hide_streamlit_style = """
{visibility: hidden;}
footer {visibility: hidden;}
[data-testid="collapsedControl"] {display: none}
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)
with st.popover("🔗 Menu"):
st.page_link("", label="Home", icon="🏠")
st.page_link("pages/1", label="Scattertext", icon="1️⃣")
st.page_link("pages/2 Topic", label="Topic Modeling", icon="2️⃣")
st.page_link("pages/3 Bidirected", label="Bidirected Network", icon="3️⃣")
st.page_link("pages/4", label="Sunburst", icon="4️⃣")
st.page_link("pages/5 Burst", label="Burst Detection", icon="5️⃣")
st.page_link("pages/6 Keywords", label="Keywords Stem", icon="6️⃣")
st.header("Scattertext", anchor=False)
st.subheader('Put your file here...', anchor=False)
def reset_all():
def get_ext(extype):
extype =
return extype
#===upload file===
def upload(extype):
papers = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file)
if 'Publication Year' in papers.columns:
papers.rename(columns={'Publication Year': 'Year', 'Citing Works Count': 'Cited by',
'Publication Type': 'Document Type', 'Source Title': 'Source title'}, inplace=True)
return papers
def conv_txt(extype):
col_dict = {'TI': 'Title',
'SO': 'Source title',
'DT': 'Document Type',
'AB': 'Abstract',
'PY': 'Year'}
papers = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file, sep='\t', lineterminator='\r')
papers.rename(columns=col_dict, inplace=True)
return papers
def get_data(extype):
df_col = sorted(papers.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns.tolist())
list_title = [col for col in df_col if col.lower() == "title"]
abstract_pattern = re.compile(r'abstract', re.IGNORECASE)
list_abstract = [col for col in df_col if]
if all(col in df_col for col in list_title) and all(col in df_col for col in list_abstract):
selected_cols = list_abstract + list_title
elif all(col in df_col for col in list_title):
selected_cols = list_title
elif all(col in df_col for col in list_abstract):
selected_cols = list_abstract
selected_cols = df_col
if not selected_cols:
selected_cols = df_col
return df_col, selected_cols
def check_comparison(extype):
comparison = ['Word-to-word', 'Manual label']
if any('year' in col.lower() for col in papers.columns):
if any('source title' in col.lower() for col in papers.columns):
return comparison
#===clean csv===
@st.cache_data(ttl=3600, show_spinner=False)
def clean_csv(extype):
paper = papers.dropna(subset=[ColCho])
paper[ColCho].map(lambda x: x.lower())
if rem_punc:
paper[ColCho] = paper[ColCho].map(lambda x: re.sub('[,:;\.!-?•=]', ' ', x))
paper[ColCho] = paper[ColCho].str.replace('\u201c|\u201d', '', regex=True)
if rem_copyright:
paper[ColCho] = paper[ColCho].map(lambda x: re.sub('©.*', '', x))
#===stopword removal===
stop = stopwords.words('english')
paper[ColCho].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([word for word in x.split() if word not in (stop)]))
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
def lemmatize_words(text):
words = text.split()
words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words]
return ' '.join(words)
words_rmv = [word.strip() for word in words_to_remove.split(";")]
remove_set = set(words_rmv)
def remove_words(text):
words = text.split()
cleaned_words = [word for word in words if word not in remove_set]
return ' '.join(cleaned_words)
paper[ColCho] = paper[ColCho].apply(remove_words)
return paper
def get_minmax(extype):
MIN = int(papers['Year'].min())
MAX = int(papers['Year'].max())
MID = round((MIN + MAX) / 2)
return MIN, MAX, GAP, MID
def running_scattertext(cat_col, catname, noncatname):
corpus = stx.CorpusFromPandas(filtered_df,
category_col = cat_col,
text_col = ColCho,
nlp = stx.whitespace_nlp_with_sentences,
).build().get_unigram_corpus().remove_infrequent_words(minimum_term_count = min_term)
st.toast('Building corpus completed', icon='🎉')
html = stx.produce_scattertext_explorer(corpus,
category = catname,
category_name = catname,
not_category_name = noncatname,
width_in_pixels = 900,
minimum_term_frequency = 0,
metadata = filtered_df['Title'],
except KeyError:
html = stx.produce_scattertext_explorer(corpus,
category = catname,
category_name = catname,
not_category_name = noncatname,
width_in_pixels = 900,
minimum_term_frequency = 0,
st.toast('Process completed', icon='🎉')
st.toast('Visualizing', icon='⏳')
st.components.v1.html(html, height = 1200, scrolling = True)
except ValueError:
st.warning('Please decrease the Minimum term count in the advanced settings.', icon="⚠️")
def df_w2w(search_terms1, search_terms2):
selected_col = [ColCho]
dfs1 = pd.DataFrame()
for term in search_terms1:
dfs1 = pd.concat([dfs1, paper[paper[selected_col[0]].str.contains(r'\b' + term + r'\b', case=False, na=False)]], ignore_index=True)
dfs1['Topic'] = 'First Term'
dfs2 = pd.DataFrame()
for term in search_terms2:
dfs2 = pd.concat([dfs2, paper[paper[selected_col[0]].str.contains(r'\b' + term + r'\b', case=False, na=False)]], ignore_index=True)
dfs2['Topic'] = 'Second Term'
filtered_df = pd.concat([dfs1, dfs2], ignore_index=True)
return dfs1, dfs2, filtered_df
def df_sources(stitle1, stitle2):
dfs1 = paper[paper['Source title'].str.contains(stitle1, case=False, na=False)]
dfs1['Topic'] = stitle1
dfs2 = paper[paper['Source title'].str.contains(stitle2, case=False, na=False)]
dfs2['Topic'] = stitle2
filtered_df = pd.concat([dfs1, dfs2], ignore_index=True)
return filtered_df
def df_years(first_range, second_range):
first_range_filter_df = paper[(paper['Year'] >= first_range[0]) & (paper['Year'] <= first_range[1])].copy()
first_range_filter_df['Topic Range'] = 'First range'
second_range_filter_df = paper[(paper['Year'] >= second_range[0]) & (paper['Year'] <= second_range[1])].copy()
second_range_filter_df['Topic Range'] = 'Second range'
filtered_df = pd.concat([first_range_filter_df, second_range_filter_df], ignore_index=True)
return filtered_df
#===Read data===
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('', type=['csv', 'txt'], on_change=reset_all)
if uploaded_file is not None:
extype = get_ext(uploaded_file)
if extype.endswith('.csv'):
papers = upload(extype)
elif extype.endswith('.txt'):
papers = conv_txt(extype)
df_col, selected_cols = get_data(extype)
comparison = check_comparison(extype)
c1, c2, c3 = st.columns([4,0.1,4])
ColCho = c1.selectbox(
'Choose column to analyze',
(selected_cols), on_change=reset_all)
compare = c3.selectbox(
'Type of comparison',
(comparison), on_change=reset_all)
with st.expander("🧮 Show advance settings"):
y1, y2 = st.columns([8,2])
t1, t2 = st.columns([3,3])
words_to_remove = y1.text_input('Input your text', on_change=reset_all, placeholder='Remove specific words. Separate words by semicolons (;)')
min_term = y2.number_input("Minimum term count", min_value=0, max_value=10, value=3, step=1, on_change=reset_all)
rem_copyright = t1.toggle('Remove copyright statement', value=True, on_change=reset_all)
rem_punc = t2.toggle('Remove punctuation', value=False, on_change=reset_all)'Scattertext is an expensive process when dealing with a large volume of text with our existing resources. Please kindly wait until the visualization appears.', icon="ℹ️")
paper = clean_csv(extype)
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["📈 Generate visualization", "📃 Reference", "📓 Recommended Reading"])
with tab1:
if compare == 'Word-to-word':
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([4,0.1,4])
text1 = col1.text_input('First Term', on_change=reset_all, placeholder='put comma if you have more than one')
search_terms1 = [term.strip() for term in text1.split(",") if term.strip()]
text2 = col3.text_input('Second Term', on_change=reset_all, placeholder='put comma if you have more than one')
search_terms2 = [term.strip() for term in text2.split(",") if term.strip()]
dfs1, dfs2, filtered_df = df_w2w(search_terms1, search_terms2)
if dfs1.empty and dfs2.empty:
st.warning('We cannot find anything in your document.', icon="⚠️")
elif dfs1.empty:
st.warning(f'We cannot find {text1} in your document.', icon="⚠️")
elif dfs2.empty:
st.warning(f'We cannot find {text2} in your document.', icon="⚠️")
with st.spinner('Processing. Please wait until the visualization comes up'):
running_scattertext('Topic', 'First Term', 'Second Term')
elif compare == 'Manual label':
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
df_col_sel = sorted([col for col in paper.columns.tolist()])
column_selected = col1.selectbox(
'Choose column',
(df_col_sel), on_change=reset_all)
list_words = paper[column_selected].values.tolist()
list_unique = sorted(list(set(list_words)))
if column_selected is not None:
label1 = col2.selectbox(
'Choose first label',
(list_unique), on_change=reset_all)
default_index = 0 if len(list_unique) == 1 else 1
label2 = col3.selectbox(
'Choose second label',
(list_unique), on_change=reset_all, index=default_index)
filtered_df = paper[paper[column_selected].isin([label1, label2])].reset_index(drop=True)
with st.spinner('Processing. Please wait until the visualization comes up'):
running_scattertext(column_selected, label1, label2)
elif compare == 'Sources':
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([4,0.1,4])
unique_stitle = set()
unique_stitle.update(paper['Source title'].dropna())
list_stitle = sorted(list(unique_stitle))
stitle1 = col1.selectbox(
'Choose first label',
(list_stitle), on_change=reset_all)
default_index = 0 if len(list_stitle) == 1 else 1
stitle2 = col3.selectbox(
'Choose second label',
(list_stitle), on_change=reset_all, index=default_index)
filtered_df = df_sources(stitle1, stitle2)
with st.spinner('Processing. Please wait until the visualization comes up'):
running_scattertext('Source title', stitle1, stitle2)
elif compare == 'Years':
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([4,0.1,4])
MIN, MAX, GAP, MID = get_minmax(extype)
if (GAP != 0):
first_range = col1.slider('First Range', min_value=MIN, max_value=MAX, value=(MIN, MID), on_change=reset_all)
second_range = col3.slider('Second Range', min_value=MIN, max_value=MAX, value=(MID, MAX), on_change=reset_all)
filtered_df = df_years(first_range, second_range)
with st.spinner('Processing. Please wait until the visualization comes up'):
running_scattertext('Topic Range', 'First range', 'Second range')
st.write('You only have data in ', (MAX))
with tab2:
st.markdown('**Kessler, J.S. (2017). Scattertext: a Browser-Based Tool for Visualizing how Corpora Differ.**')
with tab3:
st.markdown('**Marrone, M., & Linnenluecke, M.K. (2020). Interdisciplinary Research Maps: A new technique for visualizing research topics. PLoS ONE, 15.**')
st.markdown('**Moreno, A., & Iglesias, C.A. (2021). Understanding Customers’ Transport Services with Topic Clustering and Sentiment Analysis. Applied Sciences.**')
st.markdown('**Sánchez-Franco, M.J., & Rey-Tienda, S. (2023). The role of user-generated content in tourism decision-making: an exemplary study of Andalusia, Spain. Management Decision.**')