#import module | |
import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import re | |
import nltk | |'punkt') | |
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize | |
from mlxtend.preprocessing import TransactionEncoder | |
te = TransactionEncoder() | |
from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import fpgrowth | |
from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import association_rules | |
from streamlit_agraph import agraph, Node, Edge, Config | |
import nltk | |'wordnet') | |
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer | |'stopwords') | |
from nltk.corpus import stopwords | |
from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer | |
import sys | |
import time | |
#===config=== | |
st.set_page_config( | |
page_title="Coconut", | |
page_icon="π₯₯", | |
layout="wide" | |
) | |
st.header("Bidirected Keywords Network") | |
hide_streamlit_style = """ | |
<style> | |
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;} | |
footer {visibility: hidden;} | |
</style> | |
""" | |
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.subheader('Put your file here...') | |
#===clear cache=== | |
def reset_all(): | |
st.cache_data.clear() | |
#===check type=== | |
def get_ext(extype): | |
extype = | |
return extype | |
def upload(extype): | |
papers = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) | |
return papers | |
def conv_txt(extype): | |
col_dict = {'TI': 'Title', | |
'SO': 'Source title', | |
'DT': 'Document Type', | |
'DE': 'Author Keywords', | |
'ID': 'Keywords Plus'} | |
papers = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file, sep='\t', lineterminator='\r') | |
papers.rename(columns=col_dict, inplace=True) | |
return papers | |
#===Read data=== | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type=['csv', 'txt'], on_change=reset_all) | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
extype = get_ext(uploaded_file) | |
if extype.endswith('.csv'): | |
papers = upload(extype) | |
elif extype.endswith('.txt'): | |
papers = conv_txt(extype) | |
def get_data_arul(extype): | |
list_of_column_key = list(papers.columns) | |
list_of_column_key = [k for k in list_of_column_key if 'Keyword' in k] | |
return papers, list_of_column_key | |
papers, list_of_column_key = get_data_arul(extype) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
method = st.selectbox( | |
'Choose method', | |
('Lemmatization', 'Stemming'), on_change=reset_all) | |
with col2: | |
keyword = st.selectbox( | |
'Choose column', | |
(list_of_column_key), on_change=reset_all) | |
#===body=== | |
def clean_arul(extype): | |
global keyword, papers | |
try: | |
arul = papers.dropna(subset=[keyword]) | |
except KeyError: | |
st.error('Error: Please check your Author/Index Keywords column.') | |
sys.exit(1) | |
arul[keyword] = arul[keyword].map(lambda x: re.sub('-ββ', ' ', x)) | |
arul[keyword] = arul[keyword].map(lambda x: re.sub('; ', ' ; ', x)) | |
arul[keyword] = arul[keyword].map(lambda x: x.lower()) | |
arul[keyword] = arul[keyword].dropna() | |
return arul | |
arul = clean_arul(extype) | |
#===stem/lem=== | |
def lemma_arul(extype): | |
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() | |
def lemmatize_words(text): | |
words = text.split() | |
words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words] | |
return ' '.join(words) | |
arul[keyword] = arul[keyword].apply(lemmatize_words) | |
return arul | |
def stem_arul(extype): | |
stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english") | |
def stem_words(text): | |
words = text.split() | |
words = [stemmer.stem(word) for word in words] | |
return ' '.join(words) | |
arul[keyword] = arul[keyword].apply(stem_words) | |
return arul | |
if method is 'Lemmatization': | |
arul = lemma_arul(extype) | |
else: | |
arul = stem_arul(extype) | |
def arm(extype): | |
arule = arul[keyword].str.split(' ; ') | |
arule_list = arule.values.tolist() | |
te_ary = | |
df = pd.DataFrame(te_ary, columns=te.columns_) | |
return df | |
df = arm(extype) | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) | |
with col1: | |
supp = st.slider( | |
'Select value of Support', | |
0.001, 1.000, (0.010), on_change=reset_all) | |
with col2: | |
conf = st.slider( | |
'Select value of Confidence', | |
0.001, 1.000, (0.050), on_change=reset_all) | |
with col3: | |
maxlen = st.slider( | |
'Maximum length of the itemsets generated', | |
2, 8, (2), on_change=reset_all) | |
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["π Result & Generate visualization", "π Reference", "π Recommended Reading"]) | |
with tab1: | |
#===Association rules=== | |
def freqitem(extype): | |
freq_item = fpgrowth(df, min_support=supp, use_colnames=True, max_len=maxlen) | |
return freq_item | |
freq_item = freqitem(extype) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
st.write('π¨ The more data you have, the longer you will have to wait.') | |
with col2: | |
showall = st.checkbox('Show all nodes', value=True, on_change=reset_all) | |
def arm_table(extype): | |
restab = association_rules(freq_item, metric='confidence', min_threshold=conf) | |
restab = restab[['antecedents', 'consequents', 'antecedent support', 'consequent support', 'support', 'confidence', 'lift', 'conviction']] | |
restab['antecedents'] = restab['antecedents'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(list(x))).astype('unicode') | |
restab['consequents'] = restab['consequents'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(list(x))).astype('unicode') | |
if showall: | |
restab['Show'] = True | |
else: | |
restab['Show'] = False | |
return restab | |
if freq_item.empty: | |
st.error('Please lower your value.', icon="π¨") | |
else: | |
restab = arm_table(extype) | |
restab = st.data_editor(restab, use_container_width=True) | |
res = restab[restab['Show'] == True] | |
#===visualize=== | |
if st.button('π Generate network visualization', on_click=reset_all): | |
with st.spinner('Visualizing, please wait ....'): | |
def map_node(extype): | |
res['to'] = res['antecedents'] + ' β ' + res['consequents'] + '\n Support = ' + res['support'].astype(str) + '\n Confidence = ' + res['confidence'].astype(str) + '\n Conviction = ' + res['conviction'].astype(str) | |
res_ant = res[['antecedents','antecedent support']].rename(columns={'antecedents': 'node', 'antecedent support': 'size'}) | |
res_con = res[['consequents','consequent support']].rename(columns={'consequents': 'node', 'consequent support': 'size'}) | |
res_node = pd.concat([res_ant, res_con]).drop_duplicates(keep='first') | |
return res_node, res | |
res_node, res = map_node(extype) | |
def arul_network(extype): | |
nodes = [] | |
edges = [] | |
for w,x in zip(res_node['size'], res_node['node']): | |
nodes.append( Node(id=x, | |
label=x, | |
size=50*w+10, | |
shape="dot", | |
labelHighlightBold=True, | |
group=x, | |
opacity=10, | |
mass=1) | |
) | |
for y,z,a,b in zip(res['antecedents'],res['consequents'],res['confidence'],res['to']): | |
edges.append( Edge(source=y, | |
target=z, | |
title=b, | |
width=a*2, | |
physics=True, | |
smooth=True | |
) | |
) | |
return nodes, edges | |
nodes, edges = arul_network(extype) | |
config = Config(width=1200, | |
height=800, | |
directed=True, | |
physics=True, | |
hierarchical=False, | |
maxVelocity=5 | |
) | |
return_value = agraph(nodes=nodes, | |
edges=edges, | |
config=config) | |
time.sleep(1) | |
st.toast('Process completed', icon='π') | |
with tab2: | |
st.markdown('**Santosa, F. A. (2023). Adding Perspective to the Bibliometric Mapping Using Bidirected Graph. Open Information Science, 7(1), 20220152.**') | |
with tab3: | |
st.markdown('**Agrawal, R., ImieliΕski, T., & Swami, A. (1993). Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases. In ACM SIGMOD Record (Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 207β216). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).**') | |
st.markdown('**Brin, S., Motwani, R., Ullman, J. D., & Tsur, S. (1997). Dynamic itemset counting and implication rules for market basket data. ACM SIGMOD Record, 26(2), 255β264.**') | |
st.markdown('**Edmonds, J., & Johnson, E. L. (2003). Matching: A Well-Solved Class of Integer Linear Programs. Combinatorial Optimization β Eureka, You Shrink!, 27β30.**') | |
st.markdown('**Li, M. (2016, August 23). An exploration to visualise the emerging trends of technology foresight based on an improved technique of co-word analysis and relevant literature data of WOS. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29(6), 655β671.**') |