import inspect from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union import torch from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline def freeze_params(params): for param in params: param.requires_grad = False class RewardStableDiffusion(StableDiffusionPipeline): def __init__( self, vae, text_encoder, tokenizer, unet, scheduler, safety_checker, feature_extractor, image_encoder=None, requires_safety_checker: bool = True, memsave=False, ): super().__init__( vae, text_encoder, tokenizer, unet, scheduler, safety_checker, feature_extractor, image_encoder, ) # optionally enable memsave_torch if memsave: import memsave_torch.nn self.vae = memsave_torch.nn.convert_to_memory_saving(self.vae) self.unet = memsave_torch.nn.convert_to_memory_saving(self.unet) self.text_encoder = memsave_torch.nn.convert_to_memory_saving( self.text_encoder ) # enable checkpointing self.text_encoder.gradient_checkpointing_enable() self.unet.enable_gradient_checkpointing() self.vae.eval() self.text_encoder.eval() self.unet.eval() # freeze diffusion parameters freeze_params(self.vae.parameters()) freeze_params(self.unet.parameters()) freeze_params(self.text_encoder.parameters()) def decode_latents_tensors(self, latents): latents = 1 / 0.18215 * latents image = self.vae.decode(latents).sample image = (image / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0, 1) return image def apply( self, latents: torch.Tensor, prompt: Union[str, List[str]] = None, text_embeddings=None, image=None, height: Optional[int] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, timesteps: Optional[List[int]] = None, num_inference_steps: int = 1, guidance_scale: float = 1.0, negative_prompt: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, num_images_per_prompt: Optional[int] = 1, eta: float = 0.0, generator: Optional[Union[torch.Generator, List[torch.Generator]]] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int, torch.FloatTensor], None]] = None, callback_steps: Optional[int] = 1, ) -> torch.Tensor: # 0. Default height and width to unet height = height or self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor width = width or self.unet.config.sample_size * self.vae_scale_factor # to deal with lora scaling and other possible forward hooks prompt_embeds = None negative_prompt_embeds = None ip_adapter_image = None ip_adapter_image_embeds = None callback_on_step_end_tensor_inputs = None guidance_rescale = 0.0 clip_skip = None cross_attention_kwargs = None # 1. Check inputs. Raise error if not correct self.check_inputs( prompt, height, width, callback_steps, negative_prompt, prompt_embeds, negative_prompt_embeds, ip_adapter_image, ip_adapter_image_embeds, callback_on_step_end_tensor_inputs, ) self._guidance_scale = guidance_scale self._guidance_rescale = guidance_rescale self._clip_skip = clip_skip self._cross_attention_kwargs = cross_attention_kwargs self._interrupt = False # 2. Define call parameters if prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, str): batch_size = 1 elif prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, list): batch_size = len(prompt) else: batch_size = prompt_embeds.shape[0] device = self._execution_device # 3. Encode input prompt lora_scale = ( self.cross_attention_kwargs.get("scale", None) if self.cross_attention_kwargs is not None else None ) prompt_embeds, negative_prompt_embeds = self.encode_prompt( prompt, device, num_images_per_prompt, self.do_classifier_free_guidance, negative_prompt, prompt_embeds=prompt_embeds, negative_prompt_embeds=negative_prompt_embeds, lora_scale=lora_scale, clip_skip=self.clip_skip, ) # For classifier free guidance, we need to do two forward passes. # Here we concatenate the unconditional and text embeddings into a single batch # to avoid doing two forward passes if self.do_classifier_free_guidance: prompt_embeds =[negative_prompt_embeds, prompt_embeds]) if ip_adapter_image is not None or ip_adapter_image_embeds is not None: image_embeds = self.prepare_ip_adapter_image_embeds( ip_adapter_image, ip_adapter_image_embeds, device, batch_size * num_images_per_prompt, self.do_classifier_free_guidance, ) # 4. Prepare timesteps timesteps, num_inference_steps = retrieve_timesteps( self.scheduler, num_inference_steps, device, timesteps ) # 5. Prepare latent variables num_channels_latents = self.unet.config.in_channels latents = self.prepare_latents( batch_size * num_images_per_prompt, num_channels_latents, height, width, prompt_embeds.dtype, device, generator, latents, ) # 6. Prepare extra step kwargs. TODO: Logic should ideally just be moved out of the pipeline extra_step_kwargs = self.prepare_extra_step_kwargs(generator, eta) # 6.1 Add image embeds for IP-Adapter added_cond_kwargs = ( {"image_embeds": image_embeds} if (ip_adapter_image is not None or ip_adapter_image_embeds is not None) else None ) # 6.2 Optionally get Guidance Scale Embedding timestep_cond = None if self.unet.config.time_cond_proj_dim is not None: guidance_scale_tensor = torch.tensor(self.guidance_scale - 1).repeat( batch_size * num_images_per_prompt ) timestep_cond = self.get_guidance_scale_embedding( guidance_scale_tensor, embedding_dim=self.unet.config.time_cond_proj_dim ).to(device=device, dtype=latents.dtype) # 7. Denoising loop self._num_timesteps = len(timesteps) for i, t in enumerate(timesteps): # expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance latent_model_input = ([latents] * 2) if self.do_classifier_free_guidance else latents ) latent_model_input = self.scheduler.scale_model_input(latent_model_input, t) # predict the noise residual noise_pred = self.unet( latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds, timestep_cond=timestep_cond, added_cond_kwargs=added_cond_kwargs, return_dict=False, )[0] # perform guidance if self.do_classifier_free_guidance: noise_pred_uncond, noise_pred_text = noise_pred.chunk(2) noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * ( noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond ) # compute the previous noisy sample x_t -> x_t-1 latents = self.scheduler.step( noise_pred, t, latents, **extra_step_kwargs, return_dict=False )[0] image = self.decode_latents_tensors(latents) return image def retrieve_timesteps( scheduler, num_inference_steps: Optional[int] = None, device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, timesteps: Optional[List[int]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Calls the scheduler's `set_timesteps` method and retrieves timesteps from the scheduler after the call. Handles custom timesteps. Any kwargs will be supplied to `scheduler.set_timesteps`. Args: scheduler (`SchedulerMixin`): The scheduler to get timesteps from. num_inference_steps (`int`): The number of diffusion steps used when generating samples with a pre-trained model. If used, `timesteps` must be `None`. device (`str` or `torch.device`, *optional*): The device to which the timesteps should be moved to. If `None`, the timesteps are not moved. timesteps (`List[int]`, *optional*): Custom timesteps used to support arbitrary spacing between timesteps. If `None`, then the default timestep spacing strategy of the scheduler is used. If `timesteps` is passed, `num_inference_steps` must be `None`. Returns: `Tuple[torch.Tensor, int]`: A tuple where the first element is the timestep schedule from the scheduler and the second element is the number of inference steps. """ if timesteps is not None: accepts_timesteps = "timesteps" in set( inspect.signature(scheduler.set_timesteps).parameters.keys() ) if not accepts_timesteps: raise ValueError( f"The current scheduler class {scheduler.__class__}'s `set_timesteps` does not support custom" f" timestep schedules. Please check whether you are using the correct scheduler." ) scheduler.set_timesteps(timesteps=timesteps, device=device, **kwargs) timesteps = scheduler.timesteps num_inference_steps = len(timesteps) else: scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps, device=device, **kwargs) timesteps = scheduler.timesteps return timesteps, num_inference_steps