import os import sys sys.path.append( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ) import copy import torch import numpy as np from PIL import Image import logging from torch.hub import download_url_to_file from urllib.parse import urlparse import folder_paths import comfy.model_management from sam_hq.predictor import SamPredictorHQ from sam_hq.build_sam_hq import sam_model_registry from local_groundingdino.datasets import transforms as T from local_groundingdino.util.utils import clean_state_dict as local_groundingdino_clean_state_dict from local_groundingdino.util.slconfig import SLConfig as local_groundingdino_SLConfig from local_groundingdino.models import build_model as local_groundingdino_build_model import glob import folder_paths logger = logging.getLogger('comfyui_segment_anything') sam_model_dir_name = "sams" sam_model_list = { "sam_vit_h (2.56GB)": { "model_url": "" }, "sam_vit_l (1.25GB)": { "model_url": "" }, "sam_vit_b (375MB)": { "model_url": "" }, "sam_hq_vit_h (2.57GB)": { "model_url": "" }, "sam_hq_vit_l (1.25GB)": { "model_url": "" }, "sam_hq_vit_b (379MB)": { "model_url": "" }, "mobile_sam(39MB)": { "model_url": "" } } groundingdino_model_dir_name = "grounding-dino" groundingdino_model_list = { "GroundingDINO_SwinT_OGC (694MB)": { "config_url": "", "model_url": "", }, "GroundingDINO_SwinB (938MB)": { "config_url": "", "model_url": "" }, } def get_bert_base_uncased_model_path(): comfy_bert_model_base = os.path.join(folder_paths.models_dir, 'bert-base-uncased') if glob.glob(os.path.join(comfy_bert_model_base, '**/model.safetensors'), recursive=True): print('grounding-dino is using models/bert-base-uncased') return comfy_bert_model_base return 'bert-base-uncased' def list_files(dirpath, extensions=[]): return [f for f in os.listdir(dirpath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) and f.split('.')[-1] in extensions] def list_sam_model(): return list(sam_model_list.keys()) def load_sam_model(model_name): sam_checkpoint_path = get_local_filepath( sam_model_list[model_name]["model_url"], sam_model_dir_name) model_file_name = os.path.basename(sam_checkpoint_path) model_type = model_file_name.split('.')[0] if 'hq' not in model_type and 'mobile' not in model_type: model_type = '_'.join(model_type.split('_')[:-1]) sam = sam_model_registry[model_type](checkpoint=sam_checkpoint_path) sam_device = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device() sam.eval() sam.model_name = model_file_name return sam def get_local_filepath(url, dirname, local_file_name=None): if not local_file_name: parsed_url = urlparse(url) local_file_name = os.path.basename(parsed_url.path) destination = folder_paths.get_full_path(dirname, local_file_name) if destination: logger.warn(f'using extra model: {destination}') return destination folder = os.path.join(folder_paths.models_dir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) destination = os.path.join(folder, local_file_name) if not os.path.exists(destination): logger.warn(f'downloading {url} to {destination}') download_url_to_file(url, destination) return destination def load_groundingdino_model(model_name): dino_model_args = local_groundingdino_SLConfig.fromfile( get_local_filepath( groundingdino_model_list[model_name]["config_url"], groundingdino_model_dir_name ), ) if dino_model_args.text_encoder_type == 'bert-base-uncased': dino_model_args.text_encoder_type = get_bert_base_uncased_model_path() dino = local_groundingdino_build_model(dino_model_args) checkpoint = torch.load( get_local_filepath( groundingdino_model_list[model_name]["model_url"], groundingdino_model_dir_name, ), ) dino.load_state_dict(local_groundingdino_clean_state_dict( checkpoint['model']), strict=False) device = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device() dino.eval() return dino def list_groundingdino_model(): return list(groundingdino_model_list.keys()) def groundingdino_predict( dino_model, image, prompt, threshold ): def load_dino_image(image_pil): transform = T.Compose( [ T.RandomResize([800], max_size=1333), T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ] ) image, _ = transform(image_pil, None) # 3, h, w return image def get_grounding_output(model, image, caption, box_threshold): caption = caption.lower() caption = caption.strip() if not caption.endswith("."): caption = caption + "." device = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device() image = with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(image[None], captions=[caption]) logits = outputs["pred_logits"].sigmoid()[0] # (nq, 256) boxes = outputs["pred_boxes"][0] # (nq, 4) # filter output logits_filt = logits.clone() boxes_filt = boxes.clone() filt_mask = logits_filt.max(dim=1)[0] > box_threshold logits_filt = logits_filt[filt_mask] # num_filt, 256 boxes_filt = boxes_filt[filt_mask] # num_filt, 4 return boxes_filt.cpu() dino_image = load_dino_image(image.convert("RGB")) boxes_filt = get_grounding_output( dino_model, dino_image, prompt, threshold ) H, W = image.size[1], image.size[0] for i in range(boxes_filt.size(0)): boxes_filt[i] = boxes_filt[i] * torch.Tensor([W, H, W, H]) boxes_filt[i][:2] -= boxes_filt[i][2:] / 2 boxes_filt[i][2:] += boxes_filt[i][:2] return boxes_filt def create_pil_output(image_np, masks, boxes_filt): output_masks, output_images = [], [] boxes_filt = boxes_filt.numpy().astype(int) if boxes_filt is not None else None for mask in masks: output_masks.append(Image.fromarray(np.any(mask, axis=0))) image_np_copy = copy.deepcopy(image_np) image_np_copy[~np.any(mask, axis=0)] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) output_images.append(Image.fromarray(image_np_copy)) return output_images, output_masks def create_tensor_output(image_np, masks, boxes_filt): output_masks, output_images = [], [] boxes_filt = boxes_filt.numpy().astype(int) if boxes_filt is not None else None for mask in masks: image_np_copy = copy.deepcopy(image_np) image_np_copy[~np.any(mask, axis=0)] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) output_image, output_mask = split_image_mask( Image.fromarray(image_np_copy)) output_masks.append(output_mask) output_images.append(output_image) return (output_images, output_masks) def split_image_mask(image): image_rgb = image.convert("RGB") image_rgb = np.array(image_rgb).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 image_rgb = torch.from_numpy(image_rgb)[None,] if 'A' in image.getbands(): mask = np.array(image.getchannel('A')).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 mask = torch.from_numpy(mask)[None,] else: mask = torch.zeros((64, 64), dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") return (image_rgb, mask) def sam_segment( sam_model, image, boxes ): if boxes.shape[0] == 0: return None sam_is_hq = False # TODO: more elegant if hasattr(sam_model, 'model_name') and 'hq' in sam_model.model_name: sam_is_hq = True predictor = SamPredictorHQ(sam_model, sam_is_hq) image_np = np.array(image) image_np_rgb = image_np[..., :3] predictor.set_image(image_np_rgb) transformed_boxes = predictor.transform.apply_boxes_torch( boxes, image_np.shape[:2]) sam_device = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device() masks, _, _ = predictor.predict_torch( point_coords=None, point_labels=None,, multimask_output=False) masks = masks.permute(1, 0, 2, 3).cpu().numpy() return create_tensor_output(image_np, masks, boxes) class SAMModelLoader: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "model_name": (list_sam_model(), ), } } CATEGORY = "segment_anything" FUNCTION = "main" RETURN_TYPES = ("SAM_MODEL", ) def main(self, model_name): sam_model = load_sam_model(model_name) return (sam_model, ) class GroundingDinoModelLoader: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "model_name": (list_groundingdino_model(), ), } } CATEGORY = "segment_anything" FUNCTION = "main" RETURN_TYPES = ("GROUNDING_DINO_MODEL", ) def main(self, model_name): dino_model = load_groundingdino_model(model_name) return (dino_model, ) class GroundingDinoSAMSegment: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "sam_model": ('SAM_MODEL', {}), "grounding_dino_model": ('GROUNDING_DINO_MODEL', {}), "image": ('IMAGE', {}), "prompt": ("STRING", {}), "threshold": ("FLOAT", { "default": 0.3, "min": 0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01 }), } } CATEGORY = "segment_anything" FUNCTION = "main" RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE", "MASK") def main(self, grounding_dino_model, sam_model, image, prompt, threshold): res_images = [] res_masks = [] for item in image: item = Image.fromarray( np.clip(255. * item.cpu().numpy(), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)).convert('RGBA') boxes = groundingdino_predict( grounding_dino_model, item, prompt, threshold ) if boxes.shape[0] == 0: break (images, masks) = sam_segment( sam_model, item, boxes ) res_images.extend(images) res_masks.extend(masks) if len(res_images) == 0: _, height, width, _ = image.size() empty_mask = torch.zeros((1, height, width), dtype=torch.uint8, device="cpu") return (empty_mask, empty_mask) return (, dim=0),, dim=0)) class InvertMask: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "mask": ("MASK",), } } CATEGORY = "segment_anything" FUNCTION = "main" RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) def main(self, mask): out = 1.0 - mask return (out,) class IsMaskEmptyNode: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "mask": ("MASK",), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ["NUMBER"] RETURN_NAMES = ["boolean_number"] FUNCTION = "main" CATEGORY = "segment_anything" def main(self, mask): return (torch.all(mask == 0).int().item(), )