SAMPLE_POEMS = { "fr_1": [ "Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,", "Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.", "J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par la montagne.", "Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.", "", "Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées,", "Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,", "Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,", "Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.", "", "Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,", "Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,", "Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe", "Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur."], "fr_2": [ "Cheminement de tous les clochers", "sur le ciel", "guet-apens très doux", "des aéroplanes", "sur ton cœur", "comme les hirondelles", "que tu apprivoises", "avec ton ombre", "", "Tu peux t'éloigner", "dans la magie", "des fleurs nocturnes", "tu peux prendre la tempête", "pour amie", "je serai ce lac de brume", "à ton arrivée", "ce lac de brume", "et tu diras que tu aimes", "toutes les lumières", "de la ville."], "es_1": [ "A través del follaje perenne", "Que oír deja rumores extraños,", "Y entre un mar de ondulante verdura,", "Amorosa mansión de los pájaros,", "Desde mis ventanas veo", "El templo que quise tanto.", "", "El templo que tanto quise...", "Pues no sé decir ya si le quiero,", "Que en el rudo vaivén que sin tregua", "Se agitan mis pensamientos,", "Dudo si el rencor adusto", "Vive unido al amor en mi pecho."], "es_2": [ "Es hielo abrasador, es fuego helado,", "es herida que duele y no se siente,", "es un soñado bien, un mal presente,", "es un breve descanso muy cansado.", "", "Es un descuido que nos da cuidado,", "un cobarde con nombre de valiente,", "un andar solitario entre la gente,", "un amar solamente ser amado.", "", "Es una libertad encarcelada,", "que dura hasta el postrero paroxismo;", "enfermedad que crece si es curada.", "Éste es el niño Amor, éste es su abismo.", "¿Mirad cuál amistad tendrá con nada", "el que en todo es contrario de sí mismo!"], "en_1": [ "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,", "And sorry I could not travel both", "And be one traveler, long I stood", "And looked down one as far as I could", "To where it bent in the undergrowth;", "", "Then took the other, as just as fair,", "And having perhaps the better claim,", "Because it was grassy and wanted wear;", "Though as for that the passing there", "Had worn them really about the same,", "", "And both that morning equally lay", "In leaves no step had trodden black.", "Oh, I kept the first for another day!", "Yet knowing how way leads on to way,", "I doubted if I should ever come back.", "", "I shall be telling this with a sigh", "Somewhere ages and ages hence:", "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—", "I took the one less traveled by,", "And that has made all the difference."], "en_2": [ "April is the cruellest month, breeding", "Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing", "Memory and desire, stirring", "Dull roots with spring rain.", "Winter kept us warm, covering", "Earth in forgetful snow, feeding", "A little life with dried tubers.", "Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee", "With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade,", "And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten,", "And drank coffee, and talked for an hour.", "Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch.", "And when we were children, staying at the arch-duke's,", "My cousin's, he took me out on a sled,", "And I was frightened. He said, Marie,", "Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.", "In the mountains, there you feel free.", "I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter."], "de_1": [ "Der du von dem Himmel bist,", "Alles Leid und Schmerzen stillest,", "Den, der doppelt elend ist,", "Doppelt mit Erquickung füllest;", "Ach, ich bin des Treibens müde!", "Was soll all der Schmerz und Lust?", "Süßer Friede,", "Komm, ach komm in meine Brust!"], "de_2": [ "Wieder duftet der Wald. ", "Es heben die schwebenden Lerchen", "mit sich den Himmel empor, der unseren Schultern schwer war; ", "zwar sah man noch durch die Äste den Tag, wie er leer war,- ", "aber nach langen, regnenden Nachmittagen ", "kommen die goldübersonnten ", "neueren Stunden, ", "vor denen flüchtend an fernen Häuserfronten ", "alle die wunden Fenster furchtsam mit Flügeln schlagen. ", "Dann wird es still. Sogar der Regen geht leiser", "über der Steine ruhig dunkelnden Glanz.", "Alle Geräusche ducken sich ganz", "in die glänzenden Knospen der Reiser."], "zh_1": [ "春眠不觉晓,", "处处闻啼鸟。", "", "夜来风雨声,", "花落知多少"], "zh_2": [ "关关雎鸠,在河之洲。", "窈窕淑女,君子好逑。", "", "参差荇菜,左右流之。", "窈窕淑女,寤寐求之。", "", "求之不得,寤寐思服。", "悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。", "", "参差荇菜,左右采之。", "窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。", "", "参差荇菜,左右毛之。", "窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之。"], "ar_1": [ "داب نعشق لأليمه نجيمه", "من يحبك ويموت فيك", "إن قتلت عاد يكون بيك", "لو قدر قلبي يخليك", "لم يدبّر ذا النُّغيمة", "يا مطرنَنِ شِلِباطُ (يا مذهول)", "تُن حزين تنِ بناطُ (إنك مكروب)", "ترى اليوم وَشْطاطُ (ضائعاً)", "لم تذقي فيه غير لقيمة"], "ar_2": [ "حَيّوا تُماضِرَ وَاِربَعوا صَحبي\t\tوَقِفوا فَإِنَّ وُقوفَكُم حَسبي", "أَخُناسُ قَد هامَ الفُؤادُ بِكُم\t\tوَأَصابَهُ تَبَلٌ مِنَ الحُبِّ", "ما إِن رَأَيتُ وَلا سَمِعتُ بِهِ\t\tكَاليَومِ طالي أَينُقٍ جُربِ", "مُتَبَذِّلاً تَبدو مَحاسِنُهُ\t\tضَعُ الهِناءَ مَواضِعَ النُقبِ", "مُتَحَسِّراً نَضَحَ الهِناءَ بِهِ\t\tضحَ العَبيرِ بِرَيطَةِ العَصبِ", "فَسَليهُمُ عَنّي خُناسُ إِذا\t\tعَضَّ الجَميعَ الخَطبُ ما خَطبي"] }