import streamlit as st from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional import asyncio from back import (ChatConfig, ChatLogger, ChatMemory, QuestionGenerator, GeminiRAG, ProductDatabase, UserManager, UserInfo) import os # UI Text in English UI_TEXT = { "welcome_message": """ Welcome to the Career Guidance Chatbot! 🎓 Hi! We are here to help you navigate your career journey. Ask any questions you have about internships, placements, skills development, career paths, or anything else related to your future career. Choose a question below or ask your own. """, "input_placeholder": "Enter your question here...", "input_label": "Ask Anything:", "clear_chat": "Clear Chat", "sidebar_title": "Tell Us About Yourself for Personalized Guidance", "form_name": "Your Name", "form_college": "College Name", "form_degree": "Degree", "form_year": "Year of Study", "form_goals": "Your Career Goals", "form_internship": "Have you done an internship?", "form_placement": "Have you secured a placement?", "form_submit": "Get Personalized Advice", "form_success": "✅ Personalized advice activated!", "form_error": "❌ Error saving information. Please try again.", "form_required": "Please fill in all required fields.", "initial_questions": [ "What are some good career options in my field?", "How do I get an internship in my desired field?", "What skills are most important for success in this career path?", "What are some tips for preparing for job interviews?" ] } def init_session_state(): """Initialize all session state variables""" defaults = { 'initialized': False, 'chat_memory': ChatMemory(), 'messages': [], 'message_counter': 0, 'processed_questions': set(), 'trigger_rerun': False, 'user_info': None, 'show_suggestions': False } for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[key] = value # Configure the page st.set_page_config( page_title="Career Guidance Chatbot", page_icon="🎓", layout="wide" ) # Custom CSS st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) def initialize_components(): """Initialize and cache application components""" try: config = ChatConfig() logger = ChatLogger(config.log_file) question_gen = QuestionGenerator(config.gemini_api_key) rag = GeminiRAG(config.gemini_api_key) user_manager = UserManager(config.user_data_file) return config, logger, question_gen, rag, user_manager except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error initializing components: {str(e)}") raise e def load_initial_database(): """Load the default database""" if not st.session_state.initialized: try: config, logger, question_gen, rag, user_manager = initialize_components() db = ProductDatabase(config) # Here, you would process your markdown files to create the database # Replace 'path/to/your/markdown/files' with the actual path for filename in os.listdir("blogs"): if filename.endswith(".md"): with open(os.path.join("blogs", filename), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: markdown_content = db.process_markdown(markdown_content) st.session_state.db = db st.session_state.config = config st.session_state.logger = logger st.session_state.question_gen = question_gen st.session_state.rag = rag st.session_state.user_manager = user_manager st.session_state.initialized = True except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading initial database: {str(e)}") return None async def process_question(question: str): """Process a question and update the chat state""" try: relevant_docs = context = st.session_state.rag.create_context(relevant_docs) answer = await st.session_state.rag.get_answer( question=question, context=context, user_info=st.session_state.user_info ) follow_up_questions = await st.session_state.question_gen.generate_questions( question, answer, st.session_state.user_info ) st.session_state.chat_memory.add_interaction(question, answer) st.session_state.logger.log_interaction( question, answer, st.session_state.user_info ) st.session_state.message_counter += 1 st.session_state.messages.append({ "role": "user", "content": question, "message_id": st.session_state.message_counter }) st.session_state.messages.append({ "role": "assistant", "content": answer, "questions": follow_up_questions, "message_id": st.session_state.message_counter }) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing question: {str(e)}") def render_user_form(): """Render the user information form in the sidebar""" st.sidebar.title(UI_TEXT["sidebar_title"]) with st.sidebar.form("user_info_form"): name = st.text_input(UI_TEXT["form_name"]) college = st.text_input(UI_TEXT["form_college"]) degree = st.text_input(UI_TEXT["form_degree"]) year = st.number_input(UI_TEXT["form_year"], min_value=1, max_value=5, step=1) career_goals = st.text_area(UI_TEXT["form_goals"]) has_internship = st.checkbox(UI_TEXT["form_internship"]) has_placement = st.checkbox(UI_TEXT["form_placement"]) submitted = st.form_submit_button(UI_TEXT["form_submit"]) if submitted: if name and college and degree and year and career_goals: user_info = UserInfo( name=name, college=college, degree=degree, year=year, career_goals=career_goals, has_internship=has_internship, has_placement=has_placement ) if st.session_state.user_manager.save_user_info(user_info): st.session_state.user_info = user_info st.sidebar.success(UI_TEXT["form_success"]) else: st.sidebar.error(UI_TEXT["form_error"]) else: st.sidebar.warning(UI_TEXT["form_required"]) def main(): # Initialize session state init_session_state() # Load initial database and components if not already initialized if not st.session_state.initialized: load_initial_database() # Render user form in sidebar render_user_form() # Display title st.title("Career Guidance Chatbot") # Welcome message if not st.session_state.messages: st.markdown(UI_TEXT["welcome_message"]) # Display initial questions as buttons cols = st.columns(2) for i, question in enumerate(UI_TEXT["initial_questions"]): if cols[i % 2].button(question, key=f"initial_{i}", use_container_width=True): # Display chat history for message in st.session_state.messages: if message["role"] == "user": st.markdown( f'
👤 {message["content"]}
', unsafe_allow_html=True ) else: st.markdown( f'
🎓 {message["content"]}
', unsafe_allow_html=True ) if message.get("questions"): cols = st.columns(2) for i, question in enumerate(message["questions"]): if cols[i % 2].button( question, key=f"followup_{message['message_id']}_{i}", use_container_width=True ): # Input area with st.container(): # Create a form for input with st.form(key='input_form'): question = st.text_input( UI_TEXT["input_label"], key="user_input", placeholder=UI_TEXT["input_placeholder"] ) submit = st.form_submit_button("Send") # Process input when submitted if submit and question: with st.spinner("🔄 Processing your message..."): if 'processed_questions' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.processed_questions = set() st.session_state.processed_questions.add(question) st.rerun() # Clear chat controls cols = st.columns([4, 1]) if cols[1].button(UI_TEXT["clear_chat"], use_container_width=True): st.session_state.messages = [] st.session_state.chat_memory.clear_history() st.session_state.message_counter = 0 if 'processed_questions' in st.session_state: st.session_state.processed_questions = set() st.rerun() if __name__ == "__main__": main()