freealise's picture
e9ec958 verified
history blame
63.9 kB
import gradio as gr
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from transformers import pipeline
import os
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision.transforms import Compose
import open3d as o3d
import tempfile
from functools import partial
import spaces
from zipfile import ZipFile
from vincenty import vincenty
import json
#import DracoPy
from depth_anything.dpt import DepthAnything
from depth_anything.util.transform import Resize, NormalizeImage, PrepareForNet
from moviepy.editor import *
edge = []
gradient = None
params = { "fnum":0, "l":16 }
dcolor = []
pcolors = []
frame_selected = 0
frames = []
depths = []
masks = []
locations = []
mesh = []
mesh_n = []
scene = None
def zip_files(files_in, files_out):
with ZipFile("", "w") as zipObj:
for idx, file in enumerate(files_in):
zipObj.write(file, file.split("/")[-1])
for idx, file in enumerate(files_out):
zipObj.write(file, file.split("/")[-1])
return ""
def create_video(frames, fps, type):
print("building video result")
clip = ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps=fps)
clip.write_videofile(type + "_result.mp4", fps=fps)
return type + "_result.mp4"
def predict_depth(model, image):
return model(image)["depth"]
def make_video(video_path, outdir='./vis_video_depth', encoder='vits'):
if encoder not in ["vitl","vitb","vits"]:
encoder = "vits"
mapper = {"vits":"small","vitb":"base","vitl":"large"}
# DEVICE = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
# model = DepthAnything.from_pretrained('LiheYoung/depth_anything_vitl14').to(DEVICE).eval()
# Define path for temporary processed frames
temp_frame_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
margin_width = 50
to_tensor_transform = transforms.ToTensor()
DEVICE = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
# depth_anything = DepthAnything.from_pretrained('LiheYoung/depth_anything_{}14'.format(encoder)).to(DEVICE).eval()
depth_anything = pipeline(task = "depth-estimation", model=f"nielsr/depth-anything-{mapper[encoder]}")
# total_params = sum(param.numel() for param in depth_anything.parameters())
# print('Total parameters: {:.2f}M'.format(total_params / 1e6))
transform = Compose([
NormalizeImage(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
if os.path.isfile(video_path):
if video_path.endswith('txt'):
with open(video_path, 'r') as f:
lines =
filenames = [video_path]
filenames = os.listdir(video_path)
filenames = [os.path.join(video_path, filename) for filename in filenames if not filename.startswith('.')]
# os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
for k, filename in enumerate(filenames):
file_size = os.path.getsize(filename)/1024/1024
if file_size > 128.0:
print(f'File size of {filename} larger than 128Mb, sorry!')
return filename
print('Progress {:}/{:},'.format(k+1, len(filenames)), 'Processing', filename)
raw_video = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)
frame_width, frame_height = int(raw_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(raw_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
frame_rate = int(raw_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))
if frame_rate < 1:
frame_rate = 1
cframes = int(raw_video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
print(f'frames: {cframes}, fps: {frame_rate}')
# output_width = frame_width * 2 + margin_width
#filename = os.path.basename(filename)
# output_path = os.path.join(outdir, filename[:filename.rfind('.')] + '_video_depth.mp4')
#with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.mp4') as tmpfile:
# output_path =
#out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"avc1"), frame_rate, (output_width, frame_height))
#fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
#out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, fourcc, frame_rate, (output_width, frame_height))
global masks
depth_frames = []
orig_frames = []
while raw_video.isOpened():
ret, raw_frame =
if not ret:
frame = cv2.cvtColor(raw_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) / 255.0
frame_pil = Image.fromarray((frame * 255).astype(np.uint8))
frame = transform({'image': frame})['image']
frame = torch.from_numpy(frame).unsqueeze(0).to(DEVICE)
depth = to_tensor_transform(predict_depth(depth_anything, frame_pil))
depth = F.interpolate(depth[None], (frame_height, frame_width), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)[0, 0]
depth = (depth - depth.min()) / (depth.max() - depth.min()) * 255.0
depth = depth.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
depth_color = cv2.applyColorMap(depth, cv2.COLORMAP_BONE)
depth_gray = cv2.cvtColor(depth_color, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY)
depth_color = cv2.cvtColor(depth_gray, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
# Remove white border around map:
# define lower and upper limits of white
white_lo = np.array([250,250,250])
white_hi = np.array([255,255,255])
# mask image to only select white
mask = cv2.inRange(depth_color, white_lo, white_hi)
# change image to black where we found white
depth_color[mask>0] = (0,0,0)
# split_region = np.ones((frame_height, margin_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255
# combined_frame = cv2.hconcat([raw_frame, split_region, depth_color])
# out.write(combined_frame)
# frame_path = os.path.join(temp_frame_dir, f"frame_{count:05d}.png")
# cv2.imwrite(frame_path, combined_frame)
raw_frame = cv2.cvtColor(raw_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGBA)
cv2.imwrite(f"f{count}.png", raw_frame)
cv2.imwrite(f"f{count}_dmap.png", depth_color)
count += 1
final_vid = create_video(depth_frames, frame_rate, "depth")
final_zip = zip_files(orig_frames, depth_frames)
# out.release()
global gradient
global frame_selected
global depths
global frames
frames = orig_frames
depths = depth_frames
if depth_color.shape[0] == 2048: #height
gradient = cv2.imread('./gradient_large.png').astype(np.uint8)
elif depth_color.shape[0] == 1024:
gradient = cv2.imread('./gradient.png').astype(np.uint8)
gradient = cv2.imread('./gradient_small.png').astype(np.uint8)
return final_vid, final_zip, frames, masks[frame_selected], depths #output_path
def depth_edges_mask(depth):
"""Returns a mask of edges in the depth map.
depth: 2D numpy array of shape (H, W) with dtype float32.
mask: 2D numpy array of shape (H, W) with dtype bool.
# Compute the x and y gradients of the depth map.
depth_dx, depth_dy = np.gradient(depth)
# Compute the gradient magnitude.
depth_grad = np.sqrt(depth_dx ** 2 + depth_dy ** 2)
# Compute the edge mask.
mask = depth_grad > 0.05
return mask
def pano_depth_to_world_points(depth):
360 depth to world points
given 2D depth is an equirectangular projection of a spherical image
Treat depth as radius
longitude : -pi to pi
latitude : -pi/2 to pi/2
depth[depth.shape[0]-1:depth.shape[0], 0:depth.shape[1]] = 255
mask = cv2.inRange(depth, 192, 255)
depth[mask>0] = 255
mask = cv2.inRange(depth[int(depth.shape[0]/8*6.5):depth.shape[0]-1, 0:depth.shape[1]], 160, 254)
depth[int(depth.shape[0]/8*6.5):depth.shape[0]-1, 0:depth.shape[1]][mask>0] = 160
# Convert depth to radius
radius = (255 - depth.flatten())
lon = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, depth.shape[1])
lat = np.linspace(0, np.pi, depth.shape[0])
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
lon = lon.flatten()
lat = lat.flatten()
pts3d = [[0,0,0]]
uv = [[0,0]]
nl = [[0,0,0]]
for i in range(0, 1): #(0,2)
for j in range(0, 1): #(0,2)
#rnd_lon = (np.random.rand(depth.shape[0]*depth.shape[1]) - 0.5) / 8
#rnd_lat = (np.random.rand(depth.shape[0]*depth.shape[1]) - 0.5) / 8
d_lon = lon + i/2 * np.pi*2 / depth.shape[1]
d_lat = lat + j/2 * np.pi / depth.shape[0]
nx = np.cos(d_lon) * np.sin(d_lat)
ny = np.cos(d_lat)
nz = np.sin(d_lon) * np.sin(d_lat)
# Convert to cartesian coordinates
x = radius * nx
y = radius * ny
z = radius * nz
pts = np.stack([x, y, z], axis=1)
uvs = np.stack([lon/np.pi/2, lat/np.pi], axis=1)
nls = np.stack([-nx, -ny, -nz], axis=1)
pts3d = np.concatenate((pts3d, pts), axis=0)
uv = np.concatenate((uv, uvs), axis=0)
nl = np.concatenate((nl, nls), axis=0)
#print(f'i: {i}, j: {j}')
j = j+1
i = i+1
return [pts3d, uv, nl]
def rgb2gray(rgb):
return[...,:3], [0.333, 0.333, 0.333])
def get_mesh(image, depth, blur_data, loadall):
global pcolors
global frame_selected
global mesh
global mesh_n
global scene
if loadall == False:
mesh = []
mesh_n = []
fnum = frame_selected
depthc = cv2.cvtColor(depth["background"], cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB)
blur_img = blur_image(image[fnum][0], depthc, blur_data)
gdepth = cv2.cvtColor(depthc, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) #rgb2gray(depthc)
print('depth to gray - ok')
points = pano_depth_to_world_points(gdepth)
pts3d = points[0]
uv = points[1]
nl = points[2]
print('radius from depth - ok')
# Create a trimesh mesh from the points
# Each pixel is connected to its 4 neighbors
# colors are the RGB values of the image
uvs = uv.reshape(-1, 2)
#verts = pts3d.reshape(-1, 3)
verts = [[0,0,0]]
normals = nl.reshape(-1, 3)
rgba = cv2.cvtColor(blur_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA)
colors = rgba.reshape(-1, 4)
clrs = [[128,128,128,0]]
#for i in range(0,1): #(0,4)
#clrs = np.concatenate((clrs, colors), axis=0)
#i = i+1
#verts, clrs
#pcd = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_tetrahedron()
#pcd.paint_uniform_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
if not str(fnum) in mesh_n:
print('mesh - ok')
# Save as glb
glb_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.glb', delete=False), pcd)
print('file - ok')
return "./TriangleWithoutIndices.gltf",, ",".join(mesh_n)
def blur_image(image, depth, blur_data):
blur_a = blur_data.split()
print(f'blur data {blur_data}')
blur_frame = image.copy()
j = 0
while j < 256:
i = 255 - j
blur_lo = np.array([i,i,i])
blur_hi = np.array([i+1,i+1,i+1])
blur_mask = cv2.inRange(depth, blur_lo, blur_hi)
print(f'kernel size {int(blur_a[j])}')
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (int(blur_a[j]), int(blur_a[j])), 0)
blur_frame[blur_mask>0] = blur[blur_mask>0]
j = j + 1
return blur_frame
def loadfile(f):
return f
def show_json(txt):
data = json.loads(txt)
while i < len(data[2]):
data[2][i] = data[2][i]["image"]["path"]
data[4][i] = data[4][i]["path"]
return data[0]["video"]["path"], data[1]["path"], data[2], data[3]["background"]["path"], data[4], data[5]
def select_frame(v, evt: gr.SelectData):
global dcolor
global frame_selected
global masks
global edge
if evt.index != frame_selected:
masks[frame_selected] = v
frame_selected = evt.index
edge = []
if len(dcolor) == 0:
bg = [127, 127, 127, 255]
bg = "[" + str(dcolor[frame_selected])[1:-1] + ", 255]"
return masks[frame_selected], frame_selected, bg
def switch_rows(v):
global frames
global depths
if v == True:
return depths
return frames
def optimize(v, d):
global pcolors
global dcolor
global frame_selected
global frames
global depths
if v == True:
ddepth = cv2.CV_16S
kernel_size = 3
l = 16
dcolor = []
for k, f in enumerate(frames):
frame = cv2.imread(frames[k]).astype(np.uint8)
# convert to np.float32
f = np.float32(frame.reshape((-1,3)))
# define criteria, number of clusters(K) and apply kmeans()
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 4, 1.0)
# Now convert back into uint8, and make original image
center = np.uint8(center)
res = center[label.flatten()]
frame = res.reshape((frame.shape))
depth = cv2.imread(depths[k]).astype(np.uint8)
mask = cv2.cvtColor(depth, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
clrs = Image.fromarray(frame.astype(np.uint8)).convert('RGB').getcolors()
while i<len(clrs):
clrs[i] = list(clrs[i][1])
pcolors = clrs
#mask = cv2.convertScaleAbs(cv2.Laplacian(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), ddepth, ksize=kernel_size))
#mask[mask>0] = 255
#frame[mask==0] = (0, 0, 0)
cv2.imwrite(frames[k], frame)
#depth[mask==0] = (255,255,255)
mask = cv2.inRange(frame, np.array([dcolor[k][0]-8, dcolor[k][1]-8, dcolor[k][2]-8]), np.array([dcolor[k][0]+8, dcolor[k][1]+8, dcolor[k][2]+8]))
depth[mask>0] = (255,255,255)
depth[depth.shape[0]-1:depth.shape[0], 0:depth.shape[1]] = (160, 160, 160)
depth[0:1, 0:depth.shape[1]] = (0, 0, 0)
cv2.imwrite(depths[k], depth)
if d == False:
return frames, "[" + str(dcolor[frame_selected])[1:-1] + ", 255]"
return depths, "[" + str(dcolor[frame_selected])[1:-1] + ", 255]"
def bincount(a):
a2D = a.reshape(-1,a.shape[-1])
col_range = (256, 256, 256) # generically : a2D.max(0)+1
a1D = np.ravel_multi_index(a2D.T, col_range)
return list(reversed(np.unravel_index(np.bincount(a1D).argmax(), col_range)))
def reset_mask():
global frame_selected
global masks
global depths
global edge
edge = []
masks[frame_selected] = cv2.imread(depths[frame_selected]).astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imwrite(f"f{frame_selected}_dmap.png", masks[frame_selected])
return masks[frame_selected], f"f{frame_selected}_dmap.png"
def apply_mask(d, b):
global frames
global frame_selected
global masks
global depths
global edge
edge = []
mask = cv2.cvtColor(d["layers"][0], cv2.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY)
dilation = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (2 * b + 1, 2 * b + 1), (b, b))
mask = cv2.dilate(mask, dilation)
b = b*2+1
dilation = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (2 * b + 1, 2 * b + 1), (b, b))
dmask = cv2.dilate(mask, dilation)
d["background"][mask==255] = (0,0,0,0)
mask = cv2.inRange(d["background"], np.array([0,0,0,0]), np.array([0,0,0,0]))
for k, mk in enumerate(masks):
if k != frame_selected and k < len(depths):
masks[k] = cv2.imread(depths[k]).astype(np.uint8)
masks[k][dmask<255] = (0,0,0)
ksize = int(np.sqrt(np.sum(mask) / 255))
if ksize/2 - int(ksize/2) == 0:
ksize = ksize + 1
frame = cv2.imread(frames[frame_selected]).astype(np.uint8)
dmask = cv2.GaussianBlur(dmask, (ksize,ksize), 0)
frame[3] = 255 - dmask
cv2.imwrite(frames[frame_selected], frame)
masks[frame_selected] = d["background"]
cv2.imwrite(f"f{frame_selected}_dmap.png", masks[frame_selected])
return masks[frame_selected], f"f{frame_selected}_dmap.png", frames
def draw_mask(l, t, v, d, evt: gr.EventData):
global params
global frame_selected
global masks
global gradient
global edge
points = json.loads(v)
pts = np.array(points, np.int32)
pts = pts.reshape((-1,1,2))
scale = 1
delta = 0
ddepth = cv2.CV_16S
if len(edge) == 0 or params["fnum"] != frame_selected or params["l"] != l:
if len(edge) > 0:
d["background"] = cv2.imread(masks[frame_selected]).astype(np.uint8)
bg = cv2.cvtColor(d["background"], cv2.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY)
diff = (bg-cv2.cvtColor(gradient, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY)).astype(np.uint8)
mask = cv2.inRange(diff, -t, t)
#kernel = np.ones((c,c),np.float32)/(c*c)
#mask = cv2.filter2D(mask,-1,kernel)
grad = cv2.convertScaleAbs(cv2.Sobel(mask, ddepth, 1, 1, ksize=15-(t*2), scale=scale, delta=delta, borderType=cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT))
mask = mask + cv2.inRange(grad, 1, 255)
indices = np.arange(0,256) # List of all colors
divider = np.linspace(0,255,l+1)[1] # we get a divider
quantiz = np.intp(np.linspace(0,255,l)) # we get quantization colors
color_levels = np.clip(np.intp(indices/divider),0,l-1) # color levels 0,1,2..
palette = quantiz[color_levels]
#for i in range(l):
# bg[(bg >= i*255/l) & (bg < (i+1)*255/l)] = i*255/(l-1)
bg = cv2.convertScaleAbs(palette[bg]).astype(np.uint8) # Converting image back to uint
bg[mask>0] = 0
params["fnum"] = frame_selected
params["l"] = l
d["layers"][0] = cv2.cvtColor(bg, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGBA)
edge = bg.copy()
bg = edge.copy()
x = points[len(points)-1][0]
y = points[len(points)-1][1]
mask = cv2.floodFill(bg, None, (x, y), 1, 0, int(t*256/l), (4 | cv2.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE))[2] #(4 | cv2.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE | cv2.FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY | 255 << 8)
# 255 << 8 tells to fill with the value 255)
mask = mask[1:mask.shape[0]-1, 1:mask.shape[1]-1]
d["layers"][0][mask>0] = (255,255,255,255)
#d["background"][mask>0] = (255,255,255,255)
return gr.ImageEditor(value=d)
async(c, o, b, p, d, n, m)=>{
var intv = setInterval(function(){
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if (typeof BABYLON !== "undefined" && BABYLON.Engine && BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.onAfterRenderObservable.add(function() { //onDataLoadedObservable
var then = new Date().getTime();
var now, delta;
const interval = 1000 / 25;
const tolerance = 0.1;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getEngine().runRenderLoop(function () {
now = new Date().getTime();
delta = now - then;
then = now - (delta % interval);
if (delta >= interval - tolerance) {
var bg = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("bgcolor").getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].value);
for (var i=0; i<bg.length; i++) {
bg[i] /= 255;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color4(bg[0], bg[1], bg[2], bg[3]);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.ambientColor = new BABYLON.Color4(255,255,255,255);
//BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.autoClear = false;
//BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.autoClearDepthAndStencil = false;
for (var i=0; i<BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes().length; i++) {
if (BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[i].material) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[i].material.pointSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(Math.PI/document.getElementById("zoom").value));
//BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.inertia = 0.0;
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata = {
pipeline: new BABYLON.DefaultRenderingPipeline("default", true, BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene, [BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera])
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.samples = 4;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.contrast = 1.0;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.exposure = 1.0;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.fov = document.getElementById("zoom").value;
document.getElementById("model3D").getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0].style.filter = "blur(" + Math.ceil(Math.log2(Math.PI/document.getElementById("zoom").value))/2.0*Math.sqrt(2.0) + "px)";
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if (o.indexOf(""+n) < 0) {
if (o != "") { o += ","; }
o += n;
var o_ = o.split(",");
var q = BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes;
for(i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
let mesh = q[i];
mesh.dispose(false, true);
var dome = [];
for (var j=0; j<o_.length; j++) {
o_[j] = parseInt(o_[j]);
dome[j] = new BABYLON.PhotoDome("dome"+j, p[o_[j]].image.url,
resolution: 16,
size: 512
}, BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene);
var q = BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes[BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes.length-2]._children;
for(i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
let mesh = q[i];
mesh.dispose(false, true);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes[BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes.length-1].scaling.z = -1;
if (o_[j] == n) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes[BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes.length-1].applyDisplacementMap(d.background.url, 0, 255, function(m){try{alert(BABYLON.Engine.Version);}catch(e){alert(e);}}, null, null, true, function(e){alert(e);});
} else {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes[BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.meshes.length-1].applyDisplacementMap(m[o_[j]].url, 0, 255, function(m){try{alert(BABYLON.Engine.Version);}catch(e){alert(e);}}, null, null, true, function(e){alert(e);});
} catch(e) {alert(e);}
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document.getElementById("iframe3D").onload = function() {
if (o.indexOf(""+n) < 0) {
if (o != "") { o += ","; }
o += n;
var o_ = o.split(",");
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("coords").value = c;
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("order").value = o;
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("bgcolor").value = b;
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("bgimage").value = "";
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("bgdepth").value = "";
for (var j=0; j<o_.length; j++) {
o_[j] = parseInt(o_[j]);
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("bgimage").value += p[o_[j]].image.url + ",";
if (o_[j] == n) {
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("bgdepth").value += d.background.url + ",";
} else {
document.getElementById("iframe3D").contentDocument.getElementById("bgdepth").value += m[o_[j]].url + ",";
} catch(e) {alert(e)}
}, 40);
js = """
css = """
#img-display-container {
max-height: 100vh;
#img-display-input {
max-height: 80vh;
#img-display-output {
max-height: 80vh;
title = "# Depth Anything Video Demo"
description = """Depth Anything on full video files.
Please refer to our [paper](, [project page](, or [github]( for more details."""
transform = Compose([
NormalizeImage(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
# @torch.no_grad()
# def predict_depth(model, image):
# return model(image)
with gr.Blocks(css=css, js=js) as demo:
gr.Markdown("### Video Depth Prediction demo")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_json = gr.Textbox(elem_id="json_in", value="{}", label="JSON")
input_url = gr.Textbox(elem_id="url_in", value="./examples/streetview.mp4", label="URL")
input_video = gr.Video(label="Input Video", format="mp4")
input_url.input(fn=loadfile, inputs=[input_url], outputs=[input_video])
submit = gr.Button("Submit")
output_frame = gr.Gallery(label="Frames", preview=True, columns=8192, type="numpy")
output_switch = gr.Checkbox(label="Show depths")
output_depth = gr.Files(label="Depths")
output_switch.input(fn=switch_rows, inputs=[output_switch], outputs=[output_frame])
optimize_switch = gr.Checkbox(label="Optimize")
bgcolor = gr.Textbox(elem_id="bgcolor", value="[127, 127, 127, 255]", label="Background color", interactive=False)
optimize_switch.input(fn=optimize, inputs=[optimize_switch, output_switch], outputs=[output_frame, bgcolor])
output_mask = gr.ImageEditor(layers=False, sources=('upload', 'clipboard'), show_download_button=True, type="numpy", interactive=True, transforms=(None,), eraser=gr.Eraser(), brush=gr.Brush(default_size=0, colors=['black', '#505050', '#a0a0a0', 'white']), elem_id="image_edit")
with gr.Row():
selector = gr.HTML(value="""
<a href='#' id='selector' onclick='if (!=\"bold\") {\"bold\";
document.getElementById(\"image_edit\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].oncontextmenu = function(e){e.preventDefault();}
document.getElementById(\"image_edit\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].ondrag = function(e){e.preventDefault();}
document.getElementById(\"image_edit\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].onclick = function(e) {
var x = parseInt((*;
var y = parseInt((*;
var p = document.getElementById(\"mouse\").getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[0].value.slice(1, -1);
if (p != \"\") { p += \", \"; }
p += \"[\" + x + \", \" + y + \"]\";
document.getElementById(\"mouse\").getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[0].value = \"[\" + p + \"]\";
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"input\", true, false);
document.getElementById(\"image_edit\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].onpointerdown = function(e) {
document.getElementById(\"mouse\").getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[0].style.borderColor = \"#a0a0a0\";
document.getElementById(\"image_edit\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].onpointerup = function(e) {
document.getElementById(\"mouse\").getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[0].style.borderColor = \"#ffffff\";
} else {\"normal\";
document.getElementById(\"image_edit\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].onclick = null;
}' title='Select point' style='text-decoration:none;color:white;'>⊹ Select point</a> <a href='#' id='clear_select' onclick='
document.getElementById(\"mouse\").getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[0].value = \"[]\";
' title='Clear selection' style='text-decoration:none;color:white;'>✕ Clear</a>""")
apply = gr.Button("Apply", size='sm')
reset = gr.Button("Reset", size='sm')
depth_file = gr.File(label="Edited depth")
with gr.Accordion(label="Edge", open=False):
levels = gr.Slider(label="Color levels", value=16, maximum=32, minimum=2, step=1)
tolerance = gr.Slider(label="Tolerance", value=1, maximum=7, minimum=0, step=1)
bsize = gr.Slider(label="Border size", value=15, maximum=256, minimum=1, step=2)
mouse = gr.Textbox(elem_id="mouse", value="""[]""", interactive=False)
mouse.input(fn=draw_mask, show_progress="minimal", inputs=[levels, tolerance, mouse, output_mask], outputs=[output_mask]), inputs=[output_mask, bsize], outputs=[output_mask, depth_file, output_frame]), inputs=None, outputs=[output_mask, depth_file])
with gr.Column():
model_type = gr.Dropdown([("small", "vits"), ("base", "vitb"), ("large", "vitl")], type="value", value="vits", label='Model Type')
processed_video = gr.Video(label="Output Video", format="mp4")
processed_zip = gr.File(label="Output Archive")
result = gr.Model3D(label="3D Mesh", clear_color=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0], camera_position=[0, 90, 0], zoom_speed=2.0, pan_speed=2.0, interactive=True, elem_id="model3D") #, display_mode="point_cloud"
svg_in = gr.HTML(value="""<svg id='svg_in' height='32' width='256' viewBox='0 0 256 32' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' style='touch-action:none;background-color:#808080;' onpointerdown='
if (document.getElementById(\"pl\").getAttribute(\"points\").slice(0,5) == \"-1,0 \") {
document.getElementById(\"pl\").setAttribute(\"points\", document.getElementById(\"pl\").getAttribute(\"points\").slice(5));
var xold = 0;
var yold = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
function lerp(y1, y2, mu) { return y1*(1-mu)+y2*mu; }
this.onpointermove = function(event) {
if (this.title != \"\") {
x = parseInt(event.clientX - this.getBoundingClientRect().x);
y = parseInt(event.clientY - this.getBoundingClientRect().y);
if (x < 0) { x = 0; } else if (x > 255) { x = 255; }
if (y < 0) { y = 0; } else if (y > 31) { y = 31; }
var pl_a = document.getElementById(\"pl\").getAttribute(\"points\").split(\" \");
for (var i=Math.min(xold, x)+1; i<Math.max(xold, x); i++) {
pl_a[i] = x+\",\"+parseInt(lerp( yold, y, (i-xold)/(x-xold) ));
pl_a[x] = x+\",\"+y;
xold = x;
yold = y;
document.getElementById(\"pl\").setAttribute(\"points\", pl_a.join(\" \"));
this.onpointerup = function(event) {
var pl_a = document.getElementById(\"pl\").getAttribute(\"points\").replace(/\d+,/g, \"\").split(\" \");
for (var i=0; i<pl_a.length; i++) {
pl_a[i] = parseInt(pl_a[i]) * 2 + 1;
document.getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[2].value = pl_a.join(\" \");
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"input\", true, false);
this.title = \"\";
this.onpointerleave = function(event) {
this.title = \"\";
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xold = parseInt(event.clientX - this.getBoundingClientRect().x);
yold = parseInt(event.clientY - this.getBoundingClientRect().y);
this.title = xold+\",\"+yold;
<linearGradient id='lg' x1='0%' x2='100%' y1='0%' y2='0%'>
<stop offset='0%' stop-color='white'/>
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average = gr.HTML(value="""<label for='average'>Average</label><input id='average' type='range' style='width:256px;height:1em;' value='1' min='1' max='15' step='2' onclick='
var pts_a = document.getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[1].value.split(\" \");
for (var i=0; i<256; i++) {
var avg = 0;
var div = this.value;
for (var j = i-parseInt(this.value/2); j <= i+parseInt(this.value/2); j++) {
if (pts_a[j]) {
avg += parseInt(pts_a[j]);
} else {
pts_a[i] = parseInt((avg / div - 1) / 2) * 2 + 1;
document.getElementsByTagName(\"textarea\")[1].value = pts_a.join(\" \");
for (var i=0; i<pts_a.length; i++) {
pts_a[i] = i+\",\"+parseInt((pts_a[i] - 1) / 2);
document.getElementById(\"pl\").setAttribute(\"points\", pts_a.join(\" \"));
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"input\", true, false);
' oninput='
this.parentNode.childNodes[2].innerText = this.value;
with gr.Accordion(label="Blur levels", open=False):
blur_in = gr.Textbox(label="Kernel size", show_label=False, value="1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1")
with gr.Accordion(label="Locations", open=False):
offset = gr.HTML(value="""<input type='text' id='kbrd' onpointerdown=' = \"white\";' onpointerup=' = \"auto\";' onpointermove='
try {
if (!=\"auto\" && BABYLON) {
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"click\", true, false);
if (BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotationQuaternion) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotationQuaternion = null;
const dir = BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.getForwardRay().direction;
dir.y = 0; dir.normalize();
const angle = BABYLON.Vector3.GetAngleBetweenVectors(dir, BABYLON.Vector3.Forward(), BABYLON.Vector3.Up());
const x = event.clientX-this.getBoundingClientRect().x-128;
const y = event.clientY-this.getBoundingClientRect().y-64;
const angle_ = Math.atan2(y, x);
const r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(y,2) + Math.pow(x,2));
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.z = r * Math.sin(-angle_-angle);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.x = r * Math.cos(-angle_-angle);
} catch(e) {alert(e)}
' onkeydown='
if (BABYLON) {
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"click\", true, false);
if (BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotationQuaternion) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotationQuaternion = null;
try {
const dir = BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.getForwardRay().direction;
dir.y = 0; dir.normalize();
const angle = BABYLON.Vector3.GetAngleBetweenVectors(dir, BABYLON.Vector3.Forward(), BABYLON.Vector3.Up());
switch(event.key) {
case \"w\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.y += 1;
this.value = \"w ⬆ x\";
case \"x\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.y -= 1;
this.value = \"w ⬇ x\";
case \"a\":
const x = -1; const y = 0;
const angle_ = Math.atan2(y, x);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.z += Math.sin(-angle_-angle);
this.value = \"a ⬅ d\";
case \"d\":
const x = 1; const y = 0;
const angle_ = Math.atan2(y, x);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.z += Math.sin(-angle_-angle);
this.value = \"a ➡ d\";
case \"e\":
const x = 0; const y = -1;
const angle_ = Math.atan2(y, x);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.x += Math.cos(-angle_-angle);
this.value = \"z ↗ e\";
case \"z\":
const x = 0; const y = 1;
const angle_ = Math.atan2(y, x);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.x += Math.cos(-angle_-angle);
this.value = \"z ↙ e\";
case \"s\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.x = 0;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.y = 0;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].position.z = 0;
this.value = \"\";
case \"t\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.z += Math.PI/256;
this.value = \"t 🔃 b\";
case \"b\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.z -= Math.PI/256;
this.value = \"t 🔃 b\";
case \"f\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.y -= Math.PI/256;
this.value = \"f 🔁 h\";
case \"h\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.y += Math.PI/256;
this.value = \"f 🔁 h\";
case \"y\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.x -= Math.PI/256;
this.value = \"v 🔄 y\";
case \"v\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.x += Math.PI/256;
this.value = \"v 🔄 y\";
case \"g\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.x = 0;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.y = 0;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].rotation.z = 0;
this.value = \"\";
case \"i\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.y *= 256/255;
this.value = \"i ↕ ,\";
case \",\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.y /= 256/255;
this.value = \"i ↕ ,\";
case \"j\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.z /= 256/255;
this.value = \"j ↔ l\";
case \"l\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.z *= 256/255;
this.value = \"j ↔ l\";
case \"o\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.x /= 256/255;
this.value = \"m ⤢ o\";
case \"m\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.x *= 256/255;
this.value = \"m ⤢ o\";
case \"k\":
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.x = 1;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.y = 1;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].scaling.z = 1;
this.value = \"\";
this.value = \"\";
} catch(e) {alert(e)}
' style='height:128px;width:256px;user-select:none;touch-action:none;color:auto;background-color:transparent;border:1px solid gray;'/>
<pre id='keymap'>
` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
W E T Y I O { }
A-`S´-D F-`G´-H J-`K´-L ; '
Z´ X̀ V´ B̀ M´ `, . /
<a id='move' href='#'>move</a> <a id='rotate' href='#'>rotate</a> <a id='scale' href='#'>scale</a>
selected = gr.Number(elem_id="fnum", value=0, minimum=0, maximum=256, interactive=False), inputs=[output_mask], outputs=[output_mask, selected, bgcolor])
example_coords = """[
{"lat": 50.07379596793083, "lng": 14.437146122950555, "heading": 152.70303, "pitch": 2.607833999999997},
{"lat": 50.073799567020004, "lng": 14.437146774240507, "heading": 151.12973, "pitch": 2.8672300000000064},
{"lat": 50.07377647505558, "lng": 14.437161000659017, "heading": 151.41025, "pitch": 3.4802200000000028},
{"lat": 50.07379496839027, "lng": 14.437148958238538, "heading": 151.93391, "pitch": 2.843050000000005},
{"lat": 50.073823157821664, "lng": 14.437124189538856, "heading": 152.95769, "pitch": 4.233024999999998}
coords = gr.Textbox(elem_id="coords", value=example_coords, label="Coordinates", interactive=False)
mesh_order = gr.Textbox(elem_id="order", value="", label="Order", interactive=False)
result_file = gr.File(elem_id="file3D", label="3D file")
html = gr.HTML(value="""<label for='zoom'>Zoom</label><input id='zoom' type='range' style='width:256px;height:1em;' value='0.8' min='0.157' max='1.57' step='0.001' oninput='
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"click\", true, false);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].material.pointSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(Math.PI/this.value));
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.fov = this.value;
this.parentNode.childNodes[2].innerText = BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.fov;
document.getElementById(\"model3D\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].style.filter = \"blur(\" + BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].material.pointSize/2.0*Math.sqrt(2.0) + \"px)\";
camera = gr.HTML(value="""<a href='#' id='reset_cam' onclick='
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata = {
screenshot: true,
pipeline: new BABYLON.DefaultRenderingPipeline(\"default\", true, BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene, [BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera])
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.radius = 0;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[parseInt(document.getElementById(\"fnum\").getElementsByTagName(\"input\")[0].value)+1].material.pointSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(Math.PI/document.getElementById(\"zoom\").value));
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.samples = 4;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.fov = document.getElementById(\"zoom\").value;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.contrast = document.getElementById(\"contrast\").value;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.exposure = document.getElementById(\"exposure\").value;
document.getElementById(\"model3D\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].style.filter = \"blur(\" + Math.ceil(Math.log2(Math.PI/document.getElementById(\"zoom\").value))/2.0*Math.sqrt(2.0) + \"px)\";
document.getElementById(\"model3D\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].oncontextmenu = function(e){e.preventDefault();}
document.getElementById(\"model3D\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0].ondrag = function(e){e.preventDefault();}
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager = new BABYLON.GizmoManager(BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene, 16);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.positionGizmoEnabled = true;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.rotationGizmoEnabled = false;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.scaleGizmoEnabled = false;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.boundingBoxGizmoEnabled = false;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.usePointerToAttachGizmos = false;
document.getElementById(\"move\").onclick = function(event) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.positionGizmoEnabled = true;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.rotationGizmoEnabled = false;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.scaleGizmoEnabled = false;
document.getElementById(\"rotate\").onclick = function(event) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.positionGizmoEnabled = false;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.rotationGizmoEnabled = true;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.scaleGizmoEnabled = false;
document.getElementById(\"scale\").onclick = function(event) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.positionGizmoEnabled = false;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.rotationGizmoEnabled = false;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.gizmoManager.scaleGizmoEnabled = true;
'>reset camera</a>""")
contrast = gr.HTML(value="""<label for='contrast'>Contrast</label><input id='contrast' type='range' style='width:256px;height:1em;' value='1.0' min='0' max='2' step='0.001' oninput='
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"click\", true, false);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.contrast = this.value;
this.parentNode.childNodes[2].innerText = BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.contrast;
exposure = gr.HTML(value="""<label for='exposure'>Exposure</label><input id='exposure' type='range' style='width:256px;height:1em;' value='1.0' min='0' max='2' step='0.001' oninput='
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"click\", true, false);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.exposure = this.value;
this.parentNode.childNodes[2].innerText = BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.pipeline.imageProcessing.exposure;
canvas = gr.HTML(value="""<a href='#' onclick='
if (!BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata) {
var evt = document.createEvent(\"Event\");
evt.initEvent(\"click\", true, false);
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.screenshot = true;
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getEngine().onEndFrameObservable.add(function() {
if (BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.screenshot === true) {
BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.metadata.screenshot = false;
try {
BABYLON.Tools.CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget(BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getEngine(), BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera,
{ precision: 1.0 }, (durl) => {
var cnvs = document.getElementById(\"model3D\").getElementsByTagName(\"canvas\")[0]; //.getContext(\"webgl2\");
var svgd = `<svg id=\"svg_out\" viewBox=\"0 0 ` + cnvs.width + ` ` + cnvs.height + `\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">
<filter id=\"blur\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" xmlns=\"\">
<feGaussianBlur in=\"SourceGraphic\" stdDeviation=\"` + BABYLON.Engine.LastCreatedScene.getNodes()[1].material.pointSize/2.0*Math.sqrt(2.0) + `\" />
<image filter=\"url(#blur)\" id=\"svg_img\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"` + cnvs.width + `\" height=\"` + cnvs.height + `\" xlink:href=\"` + durl + `\"/>
document.getElementById(\"cnv_out\").width = cnvs.width;
document.getElementById(\"cnv_out\").height = cnvs.height;
document.getElementById(\"img_out\").src = \"data:image/svg+xml;base64,\" + btoa(svgd);
} catch(e) { alert(e); }
'/>snapshot</a><br/><img src='' id='img_out' onload='
var ctxt = document.getElementById(\"cnv_out\").getContext(\"2d\");
ctxt.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
<canvas id='cnv_out'/>""")
load_all = gr.Checkbox(label="Load all")
render = gr.Button("Render")
input_json.input(show_json, inputs=[input_json], outputs=[processed_video, processed_zip, output_frame, output_mask, output_depth, coords])
def on_submit(uploaded_video,model_type,coordinates):
global locations
locations = []
avg = [0, 0]
if not coordinates:
locations = json.loads(example_coords)
for k, location in enumerate(locations):
avg[0] = avg[0] + locations[k]["lat"]
avg[1] = avg[1] + locations[k]["lng"]
locations = json.loads(coordinates)
for k, location in enumerate(locations):
heading = locations[k]["tiles"]["originHeading"]
pitch = locations[k]["tiles"]["originPitch"]
locations[k] = locations[k]["location"]["latLng"]
locations[k]["heading"] = heading
locations[k]["pitch"] = pitch
avg[0] = avg[0] + locations[k]["lat"]
avg[1] = avg[1] + locations[k]["lng"]
avg[0] = avg[0] / len(locations)
avg[1] = avg[1] / len(locations)
for k, location in enumerate(locations):
lat = vincenty((location["lat"], 0), (avg[0], 0)) * 1000
lng = vincenty((0, location["lng"]), (0, avg[1])) * 1000
locations[k]["lat"] = float(lat / 2.5 * 95 * np.sign(location["lat"]-avg[0]))
locations[k]["lng"] = float(lng / 2.5 * 95 * np.sign(location["lng"]-avg[1]))
# Process the video and get the path of the output video
output_video_path = make_video(uploaded_video,encoder=model_type)
return output_video_path + (json.dumps(locations),), inputs=[input_video, model_type, coords], outputs=[processed_video, processed_zip, output_frame, output_mask, output_depth, coords]), inputs=[coords, mesh_order, bgcolor, output_frame, output_mask, selected, output_depth], outputs=None, js=load_model), inputs=[output_frame, output_mask, blur_in, load_all], outputs=[result, result_file, mesh_order])
example_files = os.listdir('examples')
example_files = [os.path.join('examples', filename) for filename in example_files]
examples = gr.Examples(examples=example_files, inputs=[input_video], outputs=[processed_video, processed_zip, output_frame, output_mask, output_depth, coords], fn=on_submit, cache_examples=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':