import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from import AsyncIterator from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi_cache import FastAPICache from fastapi_cache.backends.redis import RedisBackend from fastapi_cache.coder import PickleCoder from fastapi_cache.decorator import cache from redis import asyncio as aioredis from pydantic import BaseModel from typing import Tuple, Dict, Union from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline as imbPipeline from sklearn.preprocessing._label import LabelEncoder import joblib import pandas as pd from urllib.request import urlopen from src.api.config import ONE_DAY_SEC, ONE_WEEK_SEC, XGBOOST_URL, RANDOM_FOREST_URL, ENCODER_URL, ENV_PATH load_dotenv(ENV_PATH) @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(_: FastAPI) -> AsyncIterator[None]: url = os.getenv("REDIS_URL") username = os.getenv("REDIS_USERNAME") password = os.getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD") redis = aioredis.from_url(url=url, username=username, password=password, encoding="utf8", decode_responses=True) FastAPICache.init(RedisBackend(redis), prefix="fastapi-cache") yield # FastAPI Object app = FastAPI( title='Sepsis classification', version='0.0.1', description='Identify ICU patients at risk of developing sepsis', lifespan=lifespan, ) # API input features class SepsisFeatures(BaseModel): PRG: float PL: float PR: float SK: float TS: float M11: float BD2: float Age: float Insurance: float class Url(BaseModel): pipeline_url: str encoder_url: str class ResultData(BaseModel): prediction: str probability: float class PredictionResponse(BaseModel): execution_msg: str execution_code: int result: ResultData class ErrorResponse(BaseModel): execution_msg: Union[str, None] execution_code: Union[int, None] result: Union[Dict[str, Union[str, int]], Union[Dict[str, None], None]] # Load the model pipelines and encoder # Cache for 1 day @cache(expire=ONE_DAY_SEC, namespace='pipeline_resource', coder=PickleCoder) async def load_pipeline(pipeline_url: Url, encoder_url: Url) -> Tuple[imbPipeline, LabelEncoder]: pipeline, encoder = None, None try: pipeline: imbPipeline = joblib.load(urlopen(pipeline_url)) encoder: LabelEncoder = joblib.load(urlopen(encoder_url)) except Exception: # Log exception pass finally: return pipeline, encoder # Endpoints # Status endpoint: check if api is online @app.get('/') @cache(expire=ONE_WEEK_SEC, namespace='status_check') # Cache for 1 week async def status_check(): return {"Status": "API is online..."} @cache(expire=ONE_DAY_SEC, namespace='pipeline_classifier') # Cache for 1 day async def pipeline_classifier(pipeline: imbPipeline, encoder: LabelEncoder, data: SepsisFeatures) -> ErrorResponse | PredictionResponse: output = ErrorResponse(**{'execution_msg': None, 'execution_code': None, 'result': None}) try: # Create dataframe df = pd.DataFrame([data.model_dump()]) # Make prediction prediction = pipeline.predict(df) pred_int = int(prediction[0]) prediction = encoder.inverse_transform([pred_int])[0] # Get the probability of the predicted class probability = round( float(pipeline.predict_proba(df)[0][pred_int] * 100), 2) msg = 'Execution was successful' code = 1 result = {"prediction": prediction, "probability": probability} output = PredictionResponse( **{'execution_msg': msg, 'execution_code': code, 'result': result} ) except Exception as e: msg = 'Execution failed' code = 0 result = {'error': f"Omg, pipeline classsifier failure{e}"} output = ErrorResponse(**{'execution_msg': msg, 'execution_code': code, 'result': result}) finally: return output # Xgboost endpoint: classify sepsis with xgboost'/xgboost_prediction') async def xgboost_classifier(data: SepsisFeatures) -> ErrorResponse | PredictionResponse: xgboost_pipeline, encoder = await load_pipeline(XGBOOST_URL, ENCODER_URL) output = await pipeline_classifier(xgboost_pipeline, encoder, data) return output # Random forest endpoint: classify sepsis with random forest'/random_forest_prediction') async def random_forest_classifier(data: SepsisFeatures) -> ErrorResponse | PredictionResponse: random_forest_pipeline, encoder = await load_pipeline(RANDOM_FOREST_URL, ENCODER_URL) output = await pipeline_classifier(random_forest_pipeline, encoder, data) return output