import { ServerGame } from "@/hooks/serverGame"; import { GameId } from "../../convex/aiTown/ids"; import Button from "./buttons/Button"; import { Id } from '../../convex/_generated/dataModel'; import { characters } from "../../data/characters"; import { Stage } from "@pixi/react"; import { Character } from "./Character"; import { Player } from "../../convex/aiTown/player"; export type Vote = (id: GameId<'players'>[]) => void; export const VoteModal = ({ engineId, game, playerId, maxVotes=1, players, votes, onVote, compact }: { engineId: Id<'engines'>, game: ServerGame, playerId: GameId<'players'>, maxVotes: number, players: Player[], votes: GameId<'players'>[], onVote: (votes: GameId<'players'>[]) => void, compact: boolean }) => { const vote = (playerId: GameId<'players'>) => { let newVotes = votes; if (votes.includes(playerId)) { newVotes = newVotes.filter((vote) => vote !== playerId); } else { newVotes = [...votes, playerId]; } if (newVotes.length > maxVotes) { // Removed the first vote and add the new vote newVotes = newVotes.slice(1); } console.log(`votes: ${ => game.playerDescriptions.get(vote)?.name).join(", ")}`) onVote(newVotes); } return (