import { ObjectType, v } from "convex/values"; import { GameId, parseGameId, playerId } from "./ids"; import { Player } from "./player"; import { Game } from "./game"; import { HfInference } from "@huggingface/inference"; import { PlayerDescription } from "./playerDescription"; export const VotesSchema = { voter: playerId, playerIds: v.array(playerId), } export type SerializedVotes = ObjectType; export class Votes { voter: GameId<'players'>; playerIds: GameId<'players'>[]; constructor(serialized: SerializedVotes) { const { voter, playerIds } = serialized; this.voter = parseGameId('players', voter); this.playerIds = => parseGameId('players', playerId)); } serialize(): SerializedVotes { const { voter, playerIds } = this; return { voter, playerIds, }; } } export const llmVote = (game: Game, voter: GameId<'players'>, playerIds: GameId<'players'>[]) => { // If the voter has already voted, remove their vote let new_votes = => vote.voter !== voter); new_votes.push(new Votes({ voter, playerIds, })); = new_votes } export const gameVote = (game: Game, voter: GameId<'players'>, playerIds: GameId<'players'>[]) => { // If the voter has already voted, remove their vote let new_votes = => vote.voter !== voter); new_votes.push(new Votes({ voter, playerIds, })); = new_votes } export const processVotes = (votes: Votes[], players: Player[], k: number = 1) => { // Select the players with the most votes const voteCounts: Record, number> = {}; players.forEach(player => { voteCounts[] = 0; }); // Tally the votes votes.forEach(vote => { vote.playerIds.forEach(playerId => { voteCounts[playerId] = (voteCounts[playerId] || 0) + 1; }); }); // This can mean that warevolves can each other but whatever const sortedVoteCounts = Object.entries(voteCounts).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); const topKPlayers = sortedVoteCounts.slice(0, k).map((val) => { return { playerId: val[0] as GameId<'players'>, voteCount: val[1], }; }); return topKPlayers; } export function parseLLMVotingResult(voter: Player, log: any | null, game: Game) { let votedPlayerId = '' if (log?.arguments?.playerId) { console.log('Successfully voted to eliminate villager: ', log.arguments.playerId); votedPlayerId = log.arguments.playerId as string } else { const players = game.playerDescriptions.values(); const playerIds = [...players].map(player => player.playerId); votedPlayerId = playerIds[Math.floor(Math.random() * playerIds.length)]; console.log('Voted to eliminate villager: ', votedPlayerId); } gameVote(game,, [votedPlayerId as GameId<'players'>]); } export async function LLmvotingCallWerewolf(werewolf: Player, villagers: PlayerDescription[]) { // TODO: Use messages // TODO: till fixed return null const inference = new HfInference(); const params = { model: "tgi", messages: [ { role: "system", content: "You are a werewolf and shall eliminate someone based on a conversation. You shall eliminate villagers. Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions. You MUST call a tool", }, { role: "user", content: `Who do you want to eliminate between the following player ? \n players : ${villagers} \n ` }, ], max_tokens: 500, tool_choice: "auto", tools: [ { type: "function", function: { name: "vote_player", description: "A function to chose on who to kick out", parameters: { type: "object", properties: { playerId: { type: "string", description: "The character playerId of the player to eliminate. ( eg : p:1, p:2, p:3 etc ...)" }, }, required: ["playerId"], }, }, }, ], }; // Streaming chat completion API const llama3 = inference.endpoint( "" ); const response = await llama3.chatCompletion(params); return response?.choices[0]?.message?.tool_calls?.[0]?.function || null; } export async function LLmvotingCallAll(villagers: PlayerDescription[]) { // TODO: till fixed return null const inference = new HfInference(); const params = { model: "tgi", messages: [ { role: "system", content: "You are a villager and shall try to eliminate someone based on a conversation. You shall eliminate werewolves. Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions. You MUST call a tool", }, { role: "user", content: `Who do you want to eliminate between the following player ? \n players : ${villagers} \n ` }, ], max_tokens: 500, tool_choice: "auto", tools: [ { type: "function", function: { name: "vote_player", description: "A function to chose on who to kick out", parameters: { type: "object", properties: { playerId: { type: "string", description: "The character playerId of the player to eliminate. ( eg : p:1, p:2, p:3 etc ...)" }, }, required: ["playerId"], }, }, }, ], }; // Streaming chat completion API const llama3 = inference.endpoint( "" ); const response = await llama3.chatCompletion(params); return response?.choices[0]?.message?.tool_calls?.[0]?.function || null; }