# https://docs.streamlit.io/knowledge-base/tutorials/build-conversational-apps import os import openai import requests import streamlit as st from utils.util import * from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory SAVE_DIR = "uploaded_files" os.makedirs(SAVE_DIR, exist_ok=True) def init_session_state(): if "openai_api_key" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.openai_api_key = "" if "uploaded_files" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.uploaded_files = os.listdir(SAVE_DIR) init_session_state() st.set_page_config(page_title="RegBotBeta", page_icon="📜🤖") st.title("Welcome to RegBotBeta2.0") st.header("Powered by `LlamaIndex🦙`, `Langchain🦜🔗 ` and `OpenAI API`") # openai_api_key = st.text_input( # "OpenAI API Key", # type="password", # help="Get your API key from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys", # value=st.session_state.openai_api_key, # ) # isKeyValid = False # if openai_api_key: # resp = validate(openai_api_key) # if "error" in resp.json(): # st.info("Invalid Token! Try again.") # else: # st.info("Success") # st.session_state.openai_api_key = openai_api_key # isKeyValid = True uploaded_files = st.file_uploader( "Upload Files", accept_multiple_files=True, type=["pdf", "docx", "txt", "csv"], ) if uploaded_files: for file in uploaded_files: if file not in st.session_state.uploaded_files: # add the file to session state st.session_state.uploaded_files.append(file.name) # save the file to the sample_data directory with open(os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, file.name), "wb") as f: f.write(file.getbuffer()) st.success("File(s) uploaded successfully!") if st.session_state.uploaded_files: st.write("Uploaded Files:") for i, filename in enumerate(st.session_state.uploaded_files, start=1): st.write(f"{i}. {filename}")